Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Live from Council Bluffs, it's Ted Cruz"

"[Ted Cruz's] Council Bluffs event was much more informal than the Des Moines event. Senator Cruz cracked jokes and one was his repeated use of the phrase”” I have read that one of the knocks on Senator Cruz is that to some he seems too artificial or practiced. While he is an exceptionally fluid speaker, he connected with the crowd. Out in the street I overheard two young men remark that seeing Cruz in person made him seem real and not “a regular politician.” It is worth noting that Professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard has said that Cruz was his smartest student ever and the Senator has argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court.

The format of his stump speech follows the agenda of his first day in office. In order: (1) Rescind Obama’s Executive Orders; (2) Instruct DOJ to follow the law and investigate Planned Parenthood; (3) Stop persecution of religious liberty; (4) Rip to shreds the Iran deal; (5) Move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; (6) Repeal Obamacare; (7) Common Core is ended; (8) Rebuild the military and allow troops to carry weapons so that there are no more shootings like at the recruiting center in Chattanooga; (9) Secure the borders, no sanctuary cities and pass Kate’s law; (10) Take on the administrative state starting with the EPA and CFPB; and (11) Enact a flat tax and abolish the IRS."

-Scott Johnson, Power Line


After Clinton's good performances at the Benghazi hearings and the first Democratic debate, it strikes me that it will take someone like Ted Cruz to keep up with her in the general election debates.

Carson v. Clinton would be a nicey-nice snoozefest, and she would demolish Trump. Cruz would really put her through her paces.


Dad Bones said...

I doubt that Cruz would fare any better than Trey Gowdy against Clinton, two high school principals trying to discipline a notorious bad girl. One Trump advantage is that for all his bragging he doesn't take himself too seriously, but some Democrats are starting to take him seriously and fear he could win the election. He's the wizard who can give the wicked witch of the left a run for the crown.

I dread the thought of him being president considerably less than I dread seeing Hillary win.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I think the left are welcoming Trump v Hillary. Trump refuses to study and do homework & is reliant on simple statements like "I'm going to be great" "I'm going to be fantastic". "We need high energy". All of that is great up to a point. He better find some substance if he really wants to win.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The format of his stump speech follows the agenda of his first day in office. In order: (1) Rescind Obama’s Executive Orders; (2) Instruct DOJ to follow the law and investigate Planned Parenthood; (3) Stop persecution of religious liberty; (4) Rip to shreds the Iran deal; (5) Move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; (6) Repeal Obamacare; (7) Common Core is ended; (8) Rebuild the military and allow troops to carry weapons so that there are no more shootings like at the recruiting center in Chattanooga; (9) Secure the borders, no sanctuary cities and pass Kate’s law; (10) Take on the administrative state starting with the EPA and CFPB; and (11) Enact a flat tax and abolish the IRS."

That sounds good to me.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

No matter who faces Clinton, she will just stand there and laugh.

How dare anyone stand in her way.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Drink coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

deborah said...

Maybe DB, but that doesn't mean Cruz might not be the best depends how witty and quick on his feet he is.

April, she's definitely 'on' now. Maybe there should be drug checks before these 'sporting events.' Politics are sports for some.