Monday, September 21, 2015


US soldiers are being court-martialed and drummed out of the service because they stopped homosexual rape of under aged boys.

Captain Dan Quinn beat the shit out of an Afghan pervert who had been raping a young boy that he had chained to his bed. To stop him from abusing this child which seems to be a "cultural norm" of this Muslim society. This special forces Captain was court-martialed and thrown out of the Army. His Sergeant who was involved is now being targeted by the Army.

According to a report on Hot Air when asked about this matter: "When asked about American military policy, the spokesman for the American command in Afghanistan, Col. Brian Tribus, wrote in an email: “Generally, allegations of child sexual abuse by Afghan military or police personnel would be a matter of domestic Afghan criminal law.” He added that “there would be no express requirement that U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan report it.” 

Don't ask......don't tell?

Now President Obama has nominated a gay executive to be Secretary of the Army. Will he be asked about this situation? Does he approve ignoring the raping of teenage boys by our so called allies? Does he think the only people who should be punished are the ones who are trying to stop it?

Tolerance. It's a wonderful thing.


Methadras said...

Let's be specific. Tolerance is a wonderful thing by those that have the power to enforce it selectively. It is a tool to intimidate, label, and criminalize and has been used to great effect by the radical Marxist left in the A to Z communities and the Democrat Party. Conform to tolerance or be cast out. Tolerance at all costs. Tolerance or you will be labeled a hater. Tolerance. The word alone, just sitting there oozes suppressive and oppressive SJW power. That's how the left likes it.

bagoh20 said...

What does pedophilia have to do with being gay? Did you ever see "To Catch a Predator"? The guys showing up naked with a six pack aren't there for young boys.

I would have probably beat the pervert too, and I would have ignored this infraction in a man under my command, but the Military has rules - you get disciplined for not following them. Should we change that?

AllenS said...

It isn't the Army that I remember.

Trooper York said...

What it has to do with is the fact that it is excused because it was gay pedophilia. I venture to guess that if it was young girls being raped that the First Lady would start a hash tag campaign and it would be all over the news.

Cultural norms are only to be observed if it if for Gays, Muslims or other protected classes. Just imagine if it was a company clerk who refused to issue a gay marriage certificate. He would have been incarcerated.

Don't you think the Secretary should be asked if he endorses this policy?

Trooper York said...

The rules only go one way these days bags.

AllenS can speak to this much better than I could. What would have been done in the Army of his day? Where things settled off the books and command took no notice of it because it was the right thing to do.

Also do you really think that if it was young girls being victimized that the Army would sweep it under the rug? When they want to promote women into every single role in the armed forces regardless if they are qualified or not.

Trooper York said...

So in effect you want to turn a blind eye to this because it is gay pedophiles and punish and destroy the careers of those who tried too stop it?

Some orders should not be obeyed. See the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials if you need to refresh your memory.

Chip Ahoy said...

At least the boy thanks him, and that's what counts.

They watched too much Star Trek. Some cultures really ARE better than others.

For the longest time I held onto the principle that all cultures are equal under God. Then I was reading a difficult text somewhat sacred to some that talks about God like nothing else I've ever encountered. Nothing that would be acceptable In Jesuitlandia Regis College, no, they would not have it. Still, the most sympathetic thing I have yet to encounter and it said outright something along the lines of, I'm afraid I must paraphrase,


Or something near to that and I thought, my goodness, that's not sympathetic at all. They were talking about Amazon jungle guys, though.

edutcher said...

A military coup might be our best remedy right now and I don't doubt some are contemplating it.

AllenS said...

It isn't the Army that I remember.

In WWII, in Italy, when the Moroccans the French brought in as mountain fighters would abuse the locals (see the movie "Two Women") and Americans were around, said Americans would shoot said Moroccans on the spot.

Synova said...

I disagree that the policy wouldn't apply to the rape, abuse or mutilation of girls. But that's not to say that the policy is in any way sound. As a nation we have no soul if we turn a blind eye to local "customs" which we find criminally obscene. The notion, somehow, that we can't impose our will on a foreign culture *at least in our own personal presence* is actually racist, if one thinks about it. It is a policy that not only gives up the moral high ground but dismisses the ability of local "brown" people of understanding our objections well enough to figure out they ought not rub our noses in it.

The example of the British in India is the one to follow. The excuse "this is our custom" must be met with "you follow your customs and we will follow ours." In that case it was... you burn widows on their husband's pyre and then we string up all the guys that did it. Both sets of customs are therefore met.

It's not at all difficult to have as a formal policy that US troops will not tolerate murders or rapes that occur in front of them. Or in this case, the family (if I recall correctly) came to the Americans for help. If we do not help, what good are we? We are complicit in the rape or abuse or murder as much as if our fellows were participating. The locals will gloat at our weakness. This is a farking arab honor culture. If we show that sort of weakness we can not function and the asshat who approved the hands-off policy on the theory that we will lose ground by not bowing to the locals long-established customs of picking some local kid to rape until picking some other local kid to rape? The oppressed can only see our weakness. The oppressors can only see our weakness. Nothing but weakness from every point of view. The local thugs don't respect our "tolerance" of their wonderful culture. They despise us because they despise weakness.

I'm ashamed... more, I'm horrified that our policies are set by people who haven't figured out how an honor culture works after 10 farking years. OMG.

Synova said...

15 years.

bagoh20 said...

"It's not at all difficult to have as a formal policy that US troops will not tolerate murders or rapes that occur in front of them."

I would support that. And I agree with Synova that it's not about who was raped. Rather it's about assaulting a civilian outside of the rules. If he beat up a guy raping girls, I would expect the same reaction from those involved.

This seems like a stretch for a gay tie in, which, no, is not a form of recreation out here in Hollywood.

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

What does pedophilia have to do with being gay? Did you ever see "To Catch a Predator"? The guys showing up naked with a six pack aren't there for young boys.

I would have probably beat the pervert too, and I would have ignored this infraction in a man under my command, but the Military has rules - you get disciplined for not following them. Should we change that?

Are those orders considered unlawful in the face of the abuse under the supervision of armed forces? Command might tell them to look the other way, but is that lawful? Of course there is the UCMJ, but the UCMJ also allows for things like this too. Guess we'll see how this goes further.

Trooper York said...

A stretch? Seriously?

Heres the thing. It is about cultural norms. How this government will enforce the cultural norm of rape but incarcerate Christians who follow their culture.

I wager if he beat up a guy who was raping young girls they would give him a medal. And start a hash tag campaign.

The government is in the business of criminalizing cultural Christians and celebrating and normalizing deviance. This is just a particularly glaring example.

ricpic said...

Are these orders from on high or from down low?

Methadras said...

Also, I've made the case that there are some cultures that are totally unworthy of existence. I would have advocated a scorched earth policy and wiped them out completely.

Trooper York said...

I believe President Obama resides both up high and down low.

The fish rots from the head.

Trooper York said...

Plus as the Donald will attest he is a Muslim so it is a twofer.

Methadras said...

I believe the current talibanic and middle-eastern cultures are unworthy of existence. They have cause more woe and misery than can be calculated. Some would ask, where will it stop? Well, until it's decided that what is left is acceptable, until they aren't.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know the details, but it seems the mistake he made was the same as you could make here which was deciding to deal with it by assaulting the guy. Not that he didn't deserve it, but you gotta be willing to take the consequences if you can't come up with something better, here or there. Emotional decisions are like using a rusty firearm. Clean your weapon soldier.

Trooper York said...

It will be decided the same way as two scorpions in a bottle. The West is under attack. If we lie down and take it then it is all over.

The immigrant crises is a leading indicator. If we take in 80,000 Muslims what percentage do you think will feel that rape is part of their culture and should be tolerated. 3%

That's about 2,400 rapists that will be imported to make the politically correct feel good about themselves.

Trooper York said...

I think he did make a mistake.

He should have killed the guy and made sure that he wouldn't get caught. Caught by people who think it is more important to placate these animals than the fact that he is raping children.

I guess we think differently.

I would like to ask the new Army Secretary about this. Would he have busted these soldiers? Just the way they did the ones who wanted to help the Embassy at Benghazi. I would like to have him on record.

Trooper York said...

Of course maybe the Captain should have just deserted in the face of the Enemy. Then we would trade bunch of terrorists for him.

That would be A-OK!

bagoh20 said...

I think 3% is low, judging by the recruiting success of ISIS.

bagoh20 said...

I'd like him dead too, but I would expect life or worse if I got caught, so I would get someone else to do it.

Why couldn't he get one of those crazy fuckers over there to do it? Can't you get a pervert into big trouble for shit like that in Islam, and wouldn't the punishment be pretty severe?

Trooper York said...

That's the point. They won't get in trouble for raping boys. Didn't you hear them say it is important part of Islamic culture. A cultural preference that slides right into the preferences and sensibility of the politically correct gaystapo subculture that dominates the Democratic Party.

It's no big deal just like killing babies to cut them up for parts. We need to call the Democrats on this and get them on the record as supporting this.

We need to ask the Secretary of the Army if he would support cashiering soldiers who try to stop the rape of children.

bagoh20 said...


Scott Walker drops out after getting lost under the Trump fog.

I wanted him at least as much as any other candidate. He has accomplished the most concrete conservative goals of anyone running.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

He should have killed the mo-fo after beating him up. But then again, I don't make the rules. Islamic creeps should be happy about that.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, speaking of undeserving cultures: we have P.P., the Kardashians, Al Sharpton, and The View. I'd kiss a carpet 5 times a day to get rid of them.

Trooper York said...

If we let stuff like this go we will have a situation like they have in England where thousands of children are victimized.

Maybe that is the next frontier of the politically correct elite. Maybe they are getting ready to sanction pedophile marriage. It is not that big a step. You can see it coming a mile away.

I mean look at all the teachers that molest students. It is almost as common as paying union dues.

Trooper York said...

I think the generals who cashiered this captain should be separated from the service. Reinstate him and drop the prosecution against the Sergeant who helped him. That's the right thing to do.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Scott Walker would make a fantastic Prez. What a bummer.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I just heard some great clips of Bill Mahr (on hannity radio) reminding all the moral degenerates on MSNBC that Islamic radicals kill other Muslims in horrific ways.

All while the usual left winger on-air talent wring there hands over clock boy.

The GOP candidates should let Bill Mahr answer all Islamic questions. On that subject, the dude is 100% correct.

bagoh20 said...

Mahr justs hates all religious people, so he's not really breaking form.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bill Maher.

bagoh20 said...

April, I trusted you. You led me down a spelling trail of embarrassment and ridicule.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

That's true, Bags. However, Maher is brutally honest in his reminders to the spineless on-air talent at MSNBC how there is only ONE religion running around chopping off heads and burning people alive in cages.

Titus said...

The article states there were rapes of girls too.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ack - I posted that before I saw your post. Another heartless betrayal on my part. As long as you know I adore you no matter what... Just keep that in your heart!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Korect spelingz iz for loozers.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

... of course raping children, burning people alive in cages, and head-severing is nothing, circa now, compared to the Crusades.

Our president told me.

bagoh20 said...

I'm willing to say that not all rape is bad.

If THIS rapist tied me to a bed, and you came in and saved me, I would kick your ass.

ricpic said...

"...people who think it's more important to placate these animals than the fact that he is raping children."

Placate is an interesting word. But I think it's worse than that. The Left, creatures like Obama and his minions, have one goal in mind at all times -- to humiliate traditionalists, those Obama calls bitter clingers. And you do that by always sticking your finger in the traditionalist eye. Placating the Muslims in their horrible widespread practice of raping boys is an excuse, the point is to humiliate the Christian culture, those who adhere to Christian morality. The final goal is demoralization of the enemy, the White Christian West.

And by the way you don't have to be an Alinskyite to understand how to break another's spirit. It's very old knowledge. Constant unrelenting humiliation, the constant finger in the eye. That has been Obama's quite deliberate practice since day one.

Trooper York said...

The want to define deviancy down. Not just in sexuality or morality.

The biggest controversy extant this past year was an attempt to embolden criminals to resist the police when they are committing crimes. The case of a drug addled thug who tried to attack a cop and steal his gun has become a cause celebre supported by politicians, news media people and the President of the United States.

Defining deviancy down. Nothing is too low for them.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

but if you are accused of Rape on any American college campus - Jared Polis(D) assumes you are guilty until proven innoce... nah - You're guilty.


rcocean said...

Sorry, why are we over there again? This Afgan war has gone on longer then the Soviet occupation.

Maybe if weren't over there all the time, these problems wouldn't affect us over here.

Boring I know.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're right to take offense but the thing is I'm almost certain it was a decision way up in the hierarchy (regardless of whether Obama or Bush knew) and one that was made on the sound basis of wanting to avoid sowing chaos among the population. But it was the wrong decision. India is better off because Britain imposed certain values on it, and I'm sure there are many other examples. We should have done the same here. The calculation was wrong unless you really think more violence and an impossible challenge to the mission would have resulted. But I think to have concluded that was just bunk and a weak, cowardly order was made as a result.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bill Maher is good on the scourges that flourish under an Islamic system. But so are Wafe Sultan, Mosab Hassan Youssef, and a few others that I'm sure everyone has heard of: Brigitte Gabriel, Ali Ayaan Hirsi, Irshad Manji. I think the first two are really important though because of how steeped they remain in Muslim/Arab culture and how entrancing their manifestoes have been. They are good authors and brave speakers and viable potential reformers who don't come across anywhere near as inherently Western as the others.

edutcher said...

OK, I have to say it.

Ritmo's comment (I think including Dubya was off) is a good one.

chickelit said...

Bags, I don't think Debbie was a rapist. She was a siren and a seductress.

Aridog said...

What Allen S said...not the Army I recall either.

However, one old unofficial "rule", *so I've heard*, was when you saw something like this, or worse, you just killed the perpetrator...and any witnesses you didn't know.

Lt Col Allen West (formerly R-FL) was effectively sacked for a lessor offense to presumed military order...he fired his pistol beside the head of a jihadi during interrogation. Didn't even beat the sucker with it...but his soldiers did beat the snot out of the guy before West acted. West was acting to gain information and protect his men. Why that is an issue in today's military is beyond me. Sticking someone in a cage and burning or drowning them is one thing...oh, wait, it's the other guys who do that.

Synova said...

That's sort of... following illegal orders doesn't excuse anyone when it comes time for trial.

This was bad policy in all ways... tolerating evil because it's part of the "culture" while saying that you're saving people from the evil Taliban... well, hey, that worked splendidly, right?

But our guys, if someone decided to blame them for allowing atrocities, would have no recourse called "we were following orders." They'd be convicted and housed next to Chelsea.

Normally stuff like this would go non-judicial... ie., show up and beat the shit out of the rapists and maybe brand the suckers, and then everyone, certainly all the *brass* gets a severe case of amnesia. Because you can't lead troops like this. You can't ask them to allow or condone that sort of thing and keep order.

Aridog said...

Snyova ... when you take the risk of challenging a unlawful order (such as to break the law per se...or even violate someone's civil rights) you must act very fast to cut off any charges by establishing your facts and cause for disobedience up front (never presume anything)...which discourages further official actions. Don't wait for them to gather facts, do it for them and shove it down their throats...and never expect justice will prevail if you just sit tight. It won't in federal government including DOD/DA. I've been there, done that. You learn to dance on the edge of a razor at times, so be sure you have it right and the law on your side. You'll make enemies of some of the bureaucrats...but that is the price of integrity if you're in government or the military, and in my case I was in both. I cleared, or at least gave advance notice, to my commander, usually a Colonel, every time so he/she didn't have to rely on external 3rd or 4th party representations of malfeasance. That simple gesture within my chain of command gave me credibility.

Aridog said...

Once when all units globally had a mandated requirement, from headquarters, to account for all equipment world wide within 30 days. That included dozens of "disappeared" items in several countries...e.g. stolen and black marketed, whihc had to be tracked down. My calculations was that it would take us, our unit 6 months+ to accomplish the task and advised my commander of that fact...I even offered to fib about it (since it didn't seem life threatening) and report all was in order by day 30...and that commander said don't you dare, his job was to take the flack, so tell the truth, which we got since some 90% or so of other units did report compliance in 30 days. Once their deceptions were discovered by inspection and audit...both my commander and I got hand written personal notes of thank you for telling the truth (and in effect revealing the other's lies) from the same commanding general who at first tore us up personally. We went form the worst dumbest least efficient incapable pair to the best in relatively short order. Always follow your gut instinct and be honest even when it seems likely to cause distress higher up. Now and then it will be recognized. That resolute commander earned my full respect when he ordered me to just be honest...he was one of the few Colonels among my recent commanders who I'd follow in to harms way if necessary.