Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Emails show they knew the danger of using private networks



bagoh20 said...

They tried to phish fake traffic tickets on a woman who hasn't driven a car since the nineties. Dumb Ruskies. In Russia, "cankles" are the number 1 online porn category.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hillary did give them that reset button remember?

The rule of Lemnity said...

They knew the danger and they kept right on doing what they had been doing.

And btw... make me your president.

deborah said...

It feels like it will be a Hillary presidency. If not her, who? Maybe Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia is keeping his powder dry.

deborah said...

Correction: I mean a Hillary nomination. Who knows who could beat her? I predict Bush will be the Rep nominee...

bagoh20 said...

Carly needs to offer Trump the #2 spot before Hillary does.

deborah said...

If it's Bush v. Hillary, Trump might go third party, and have a blast doing it.

bagoh20 said...

I think I would enjoy that too. It might mean a Hillary victory or a whole new paradigm in American politics, or at least a short tryst. One would be a very interesting time to live through, and the other would be the opposite of that.

edutcher said...

Which shows stupidity is not the sole province of the Choom Gang.

deborah said...

It feels like it will be a Hillary presidency. If not her, who? Maybe Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia is keeping his powder dry.

It does?

The Left doesn't want her, the Demos really don't by now, and I think even the whigs are fed up.

As for Webb, he's turned his coat so many times (and, as such, is so universally disliked), he's as big an asterisk as Santorum.

So, since everybody says The Donald won't be the nominee, what if he is and what if he wins?

Aridog said...

Lem ... yeah Hillary and the word "reset" which she got wrong in translation and used the Russian word for "overcharge."

Christy said...

Yeah, 5 failed attempts. But how many total attempts?

deborah said...

Ed, I corrected my comment in my next comment. If the media want her, she'll probably get in. But it's not a shoo-in because she's not a charming black guy who looks cool in sun glasses. I can see Webb campaigning for her in exchange for Sec of Defense.

If Trump actually got in, I think he'd be stonewalled by both sides of the aisle. What got done would be what Congress wanted done.