Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Lion sleeps tonight....but in Baltimore the beat goes on....because "Black Lives Matter."

There were 42 homicides so far in the month of July in Baltimore. That matches the figure for May which they can still beat if they put their minds to it. Baltimore police have reported 185 homicides in 2015 which is a 60% increase since last year.

Baltimore has fired it's police commissioner and is prosecuted several cops who as you know were involved in the Freddie Grey case. The mayor says that the police department is much more "nimble" which means that they are much better at jumping over the pile of bodies to be found on the streets after they were pulled back by the politicians.

There is no real coverage of the ongoing events in Baltimore. Other than the local paper. You don't see it on MSNBC or CNN or any of the other usual suspects. The police are not involved in any of these deaths other than for sanitation purposes. It is strictly youte vs youte so to speak. The States Attorney can not be reached for comment as she is busy preparing her case against the police officers she indicted last month. President Obama is playing golf. The new attorney general is worried about prosecuting the whistle blowers who taped the ghouls in Planned Parenthood.

Oh yeah somebody killed a lion.


Methadras said...

What's funny is that while #blacklivesmatter, not a single on of these activists are marching on the genocide factories that are killing their kind in amazing numbers over the decades in the very neighborhoods they live in.

Trooper York said...

Fens law.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Hey, it was a mistake!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

From your linke, Evi -

Clumps, Lies and Videotape

"...And, putting aside whether one is "pro-life" or "pro-choice", the nature of the abortions in those other countries is different: again, as I told Sean, in France abortion is legal up to 12 weeks; Italy, 13 weeks; Norway, 18 weeks, but it requires the approval of a government commission. Nowhere else in the western world takes 39-week-old "fetuses", delivers them sufficiently to preserve the commercially valuable parts and then crushes the non-sellable parts in order to preserve a technical denial of infanticide. That is a uniquely American evil, and Americans should be utterly ashamed of it. American liberals ought to understand that in far more left-wing societies (Scandinavia, the Netherlands, France) they do not do this - because it's not a left/right thing, it's a good/bad thing, and Planned Parenthood's abortion-industrial complex is on the wrong side of that divide. "

-Mark Steyn

Aridog said...

Evi ... your link & quotation points up a similarity most don't consider when talking about the dentist & his lion and Planned Parenthood. The mind set of a "trophy" hunter is quite similar to the late 2nd & 3rd term abortionists. They do it because they can, without regard to life itself, for a "trophy" to hang on a wall or an organ or two to sell acquired by less than legal means..e.g., changing the extraction procedures & "baiting" are similar in my mind. An aside is that both the contrived abortionists and the trophy hunter are usually quite proud of their work. YMMV...