Monday, July 6, 2015

Seven people including 7 year old boy shot dead in Chicago this weekend....Confederate Flag not seen at scene.

New York Post (July 6, 2015)
During the Fourth of July weekend, 48 people were wounded by gunfire in 34 separate incidents in Chicago. Seven homicides also were reported during the same three-day period last year, and this year’s total in the nation’s third-largest city nearly matched the combined numbers for New York (one), Los Angeles (three) and Houston (five) — the other cities that rank in the top four in population.

Journalist and pundits are at a loss to explain the violence since there has not been a Republican in office for fifty years in Cook County and no one has seen a Confederate flag nor has a Bush ever held office in Illinois. So some see causation as a question mark.

A special task force has been created by Mayor Rahm Emmanuel to determine what is the root cause of this unending violence against the community. His task force includes such distinguished Americans as Paul Begala, Lannie Davis, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Whoppie Goldberg, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Their preliminary suggestions are thought to include such actions as banning the use of the Confederate Flag in Video games, taking the Dukes of Hazzard off of TV Land, ending the stop and frisking of young black men, taking more police off of the street to avoid police brutality complaints and the banning of vanilla ice cream cones which are a sure indicator of "white privilege." If these changes are put in place it would seem to be just the thing that has to be done to end the violence.


Methadras said...

No hate crime here folks. Move along.

edutcher said...

And Tippytoes has done what?

Or his old pal from Hyde Park?

Why isn't Rev Al there?

What's Rev Wright say?

Don't black lives matter?

Titus said...

Troop is on fire.

I love the task force.


ricpic said...

The thing of it is (to use Brooklynese) is that this is the way the vibrant are, they are violent, very violent. And their violence has nothing to do with oppression or injustice or poverty or you name it -- it just is. Seething rage. Just below the surface. Until it surfaces. That's what I, who lived cheek by jowl with the vibrants for years, that's what I was aware of. How could you not be? Only a block of wood or a committed ideologue, a Schmendrik, could miss it. Anyway, I moved away. I saved myself by moving away. But I know, everyday I know that there are little old ladies and little old men who didn't, who couldn't move away. And my heart breaks, it BREAKS for them. For the vibrants? Nothing. NOTHING. You hear that, Schmendrik, you worthless tool?!

Third Coast said...

The count now up to ten, but at least none of the victims were shot by a white cop.
Rahmbo and G. McCarthy (ex of NYC) have refused to keep cop manpower at sufficient levels with predictable results (that's what happens when you run out of other peoples' money). Response times have gone downhill, and unless there's actually blood on the ground, don't expect to see a cop for several hours no matter the crime.

Michael Haz said...

As usual, you have to go to the UK media to get the complete story. The seven year old boy shot to death in Chicago was sitting next to his father, who police believe was the intended target. The father was a gang leader who had forty-five (that's FORTY FIVE) prior arrests, and yet was somehow not incarcerated.

Think the judges are bribed or threatened? Sounds plausible.

Here's the story.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's possible these are two separate problems, you know?

I figured it was time to brush up on the history of Reconstruction, and watched an incredible documentary last night called Aftershock. The disaster the South was sent into as a consequence of Lincoln's assassination and Andy Johnson's succession into one of the most bungled presidency ever simply cannot be underestimated. So many things that could not be resolved at the exact moment when they most needed to be, and so much atrocity left lingering in acceptance as a result. It helps piece together the bits of history for people who think the Civil War resolved everything it needed to right then and there, or that history never reverberates through the centuries. So many of all the wrong precedents were set then, and never really addressed again for another hundred years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oklahoma Broadcaster Killed By Coked-Up Illegal Alien In Car Crash

nothing to see here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So much animosity, guilt-tripping, and blame-gamesmanship. A gulf so wide only this man could bridge it.

ampersand said...

“It’s a big issue. It’s a long time coming. We’ve done a lot of things wrong in policing in this country. I’m willing to admit that,” said McCarthy. “But this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things developed from that, the African American experience in this country.”

In 2012 Police commissioner McCarthy blamed the Pilgrims for black crime.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think that was the longest diatribe ripcork ever chiseled out here. I didn't even notice his little plea to be heard. Like a voice screaming out in the desert. Vox clamantis in deserto. That's ripcork. An English version of the lonely nomad, ululating: Allah hu Akbar!!!

edutcher said...

Ritmo's feeling guilty because the Lemmings are showing more compassion than he is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Excellent post, Troop.

chickelit said...

How many more murdera will retribution demand?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

People get killed every day, edou. Not every murder has the same political opportunity in it for me that this one has for you, though.

And as for ripcups, who knows how many of his daughters, ex-wives, aunts, nieces, etc. ran off with some black guy. I'm sure it's more than a few. Something makes these opportunities for taking me hostage very personal, to him. I hadn't even showed up yet and already he was at it. Whatever caused him to hate blacks, it doesn't seem he's able to address it to them very effectively - lashing out at me instead.

I'm not saying it's not a tragedy when people are killed, or even when a beleaguered community seems to be killing itself off in shocking ways. I'm just saying I'm sorry for not seeing the political opportunity in this that some other people might see.

chickelit said...

"It's possible these are two separate problems, you know?"

It's possible that the SF murder had nothing to do with Republican policies too but not according to your little Lincoln.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Murder and political opportunities are a one way street, for the media and their political party. We know that. That's the point.

ricpic said...

I repeat my dare to you, Schmendrik, to walk across Harlem unaccompanied after midnight.

I look forward to spitting in your open coffin.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've done it. You've never been to Sylvia's?

What a pussy. And who cares.

You're not scared of blacks attacking you. You're afraid of more of them gettin' "down" wit the ricschmuck family womin' folk.

And what's with this word, "Schmendrik", anyway? Is it like the only Yiddish word you know, or something?

There is no commandment, "Thou shalt either hate or fear blacks." Who died and made you a god? David Duke?

You have some serious problems. How did I become your favorite target of anger, scorn and fear over your paranoia of black people?

Just crawl into a hole somewhere and declare it an "Africa Free Zone", or something.

You have huge issues. Even Shouting Thomas isn't as psychotic as you. "Spitting in your open coffin…" You are a seriously deranged sick fuck.

Get a life already. I've never seen someone take so personally the fact that they couldn't make their paranoia contagious.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Murders only matter if the left can exploit them. if not exploitable, then the murders are invisible.
Where's Al Sharpton?

ndspinelli said...
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ndspinelli said...
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edutcher said...

84 shootings in one weekend, 1/6 fatal.

Even in combat, the killed are about 1/10.

Chicago is worse than WWII.

But who cares?

People get killed every day, but, if it's in a Democrat town, we don't talk about it so Ritmo in his gated community can fire off a couple of racist rimshots about miscegenation and feel sanctimonious about his compassion toward his black brethren.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes. I live in a "gated community" in the middle of a major U.S. city. Idiocy like that takes effort! Gun murders blocks away, but that's how we pay for safety in our open (but somehow "gated") community.

Tell us where you live, edoucher. My guess is it's in a methamphetamine-riddled, dirt-farm part of the flyover where hicks with sticks beat each other senseless every now and then. But the lack of a racial angle on that one makes it less exciting! Anxiety is fun!

Nowhere once did I take issue with Trooper's posting this, mind you. Or the message. But witness how much piling there has to be for any perceived lack of sufficient racial animosity on the part of anyone chiming in.

And edoucher, you still haven't told me what you did today that was productive. Did you clean out the gutters? Or is your trailer too small for gutters? Maybe wipe down the microwave, perhaps? Unwrap tonight's tv dinner, at least?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gated community refers to your brain, Schmeddie. ;)

KCFleming said...

Chocolate cities always melt.

TTBurnett said...
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Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

People get killed every day, edou. Not every murder has the same political opportunity in it for me that this one has for you, though.

Rhythm and Balls said...

So much animosity, guilt-tripping, and blame-gamesmanship. A gulf so wide only this man could bridge it.

Never letting a crisis go to waste bro. Oh wait.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Elvis meeting with Nixon was a crisis?

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Tell us where you live, edoucher. My guess is it's in a methamphetamine-riddled, dirt-farm part of the flyover where hicks with sticks beat each other senseless every now and then. But the lack of a racial angle on that one makes it less exciting! Anxiety is fun!

Last time he called it a "Rust Belt hovel".

But it's nice he's willing to admit he's a limousine Liberal who's all talk, no action, and a lot of racism when it comes to his homies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But it's nice he's willing to admit he's a limousine Liberal who's all talk, no action, and a lot of racism when it comes to his homies.


Go right ahead and tell everyone your ingenious, secret plan to stop all black-on-black crime, O Great One.