Monday, July 6, 2015

"Sanchez was on the streets thanks to San Francisco 'sanctuary city' policy"

"The family of a California woman who was allegedly shot dead by an illegal Mexican immigrant have criticized officials who didn't hand him over after he was jailed just months before the attack."
Kathryn Steinle
Grieving relatives of Kathryn Steinle, 32, who was shot dead on San Francisco's Pier 14 Thursday night, made the comments in light of revelations that alleged killer Francisco Sanchez, 45, had already been sent back over the border five times.

But when he was arrested over marijuana four months ago in San Francisco he was let go, in accordance with city policy designed to give 'sanctuary' to undocumented migrants.

Speaking to NBC Bay Area, Steinle's mother, Liz Sullivan, said: 'It would have been so much better if he were gone. Absolutely.'


The rule of Lemnity said...

Nobody asks what does "sanctuary" means to the people they are giving it to.

Amartel said...

Just the latest case of a murderer released to the streets to kill again thanks to "sanctuary." See also, for example, the triple murders of the Bologna family, gunned down in their car on the way home from a picnic by an MS13 gang member and illegal alien who had previously been convicted of violent crimes but placed on probation in the custody of relatives rather tan returned to his native country.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not watching any TV this AM - but this should be a big story. I suspect because it doesn't fit the narrative, it's not.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, well... bitch gotta take one for the team.

What's a human life compared to the pleasures of liberal halo preening?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The murderer was just a dreamer. right?

The democrat party will sell us down the river to win elections. How can we get people like this illegal murderer to register as a democrat? That is what is key. We don't want to point out that illegally entering this nation is, you know - illegal. We need to celebrate! anyone who crosses our border illegally, to prove we are not racists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Really - a beautiful girl snuffed out by someone named Gavin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You don't have documents? Well then, feel free to do what you want!

We really are nuts.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm getting the sense it's big news in California.

Methadras said...

Well, it's not like people haven't been told that sanctuary cities are really nothing more than illegal alien criminal havens and that this sort of thing happens all the time.

ndspinelli said...

This not deporting criminal illegals is a problem on many levels. This is a multiple felon and any reasonable person can see the travesty. But, I have worked many cases of illegals getting in DUI accidents, seriously injuring and killing people, NO INSURANCE, and not getting deported. Of course, they continue drinking and driving. This murder gets headlines, but the scenario I described often never even makes the paper, and it occurs daily throughout the US.

ricpic said...

"Sanctuary cities keep all citizens safe."

--Hillary Clinton

Amartel said...

ndspinelli - Word. I have so many cases of illegal alien drunk drivers with no insurance. Who pays? YOU do. Uninsured motorist coverage and rates in general go up to cover the cost.

edutcher said...

Past time the Feds went after the whole "sanctuary city" scam.

Toss a few mayors in prison, city councils, even a few Lefty priests.

We also ought to toss Jeh (what kind of parents...) in there, too. He allows this

And make sure people know it's because they protect these cutthroats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All of a sudden this site is tiny teeny on my screen? comments are regular/normal size. All sites are same size. What did I do?

Methadras said...

I want to hear now how Trump or anyone who has said something similar is wrong? Tell me, I want to hear it.

Leland said...

They don't have to be drunk. Any illegal will be uninsured (and not because they couldn't get insurance). They have an accident and no documentation for you to know who they are. If you are lucky to get an officer to the scene, before they just drive off, then there is little the officer can do but detain them for awhile.

Progressives will claim, but if we treat them like citizens, they can get IDs and insurance. The assumption is based on the premise that these illegal people want those things. This killer didn't want those things. The ones driving dangerously without responsibility or accountability don't want either. They are perfectly content with anonymity.

chickelit said...

The reason that pols like Gavin Newsom And Hillary are silent on these matters is because they can't say what they are thinking. The want to say "fuck you, we are importing a new electorate--shut the hell up."

We are not quite there yet and these are sensitive times. But the day and the hour are coming when such "leaders" will tell us to shut up.

Methadras said...

Chick, they already are telling us to shut up. I think we are long past the time when decorum and civility with respect to illegal aliens who are effectively invading this country is required. They need to be treated like the cockroaches they are, rounded up and dropped off at their borders. There needs to be at least a 5 year immigration moratorium from H1B's on down. We simply cannot absorb anymore. We need to let the population gel out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

control roller ball (doink)

Josh Ernest/obama saying this killing all the fault of the GOP.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama, Hillary and the dems have rolled out the welcome mat for illegals to cross our border.

The joke gang of 8 bill was a pant load. Border security & deportation were LAST and miniscule.
down the memory hole--- Obama's executive illegal amnesty.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Chick, they already are telling us to shut up. I think we are long past the time when decorum and civility with respect to illegal aliens who are effectively invading this country is required

The San Fiasco crowd is undoubtedly of the mind they are polishing their little Lefty halos on this issue and we'll see one of those "memorials" for her where everybody is "sorry".

The big problem is savages (and that's what they are - straight out of the jungle) like this are committing crimes like this across the country and getting kicked loose.

Maybe the fruits and nuts in CA can't get worked up about this, but eventually people are going to eliminate the middlemen and deal out some justice on their own.

Add this to everything else and, one way or another, almost everybody's ox is being gored and history tells us what happens next.

chickelit said...

One reason that it is not political grandstanding to tie Dem pols to this is because the tragedy is direct result of their policies. Sure, the murder was not commissioned by dems, but the sanctuary and seething cesspool is their fault.
The Meades and Ritmos will argue that State-sanctioned flags led to Charleston but sane people know otherwise.

Meade said...

"The Meades and Ritmos will argue that State-sanctioned flags led to Charleston..."

What a liar.

I'm Full of Soup said...

By my count, that is now three Americans killed in the last three weeks by an illegal immigrant: this girl, the sports broadcaster on his motorcycle in Oklahoma and the Texas wife by her illegl hubby.

Shouting Thomas said...

That is already precisely what Meade argued.

Hard to know whether Meade is more a liar or an idiot.

Probably both.

Toss in a dash of scam artist to fully fill out the picture.

Shouting Thomas said...

Question to Meade:

When did you make the transition from creepy old guy hanging around campus trying to pick up 20 somethings to disgusting scam artist preying on lonely old fag hags?

Amartel said...

The California DMV is registering them to vote. Issuing Drivers' licenses without reference to whether or not the licensee is American and encouraging new licensees to register to vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all by design

Do I get to vote in French elections? UK elections? The Greek elections?

Amartel said...

VDH Wisdom

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If only VDH wisdom could penetrate the thick skull of the collective left.

It's Ok to break free of Hillary's lies, La RAza's lies, leftists. Be free!

Open-borders advocates typecast every bit as much as does Trump, likewise adducing anecdote in lieu of hard data. If one listens to the exaggerations of Trump, he implies that the majority of arrivals from Mexico are criminally minded. But if one listens to La Raza Inc. or Rep. Gutierrez, illegal aliens seem to be all dreamers. The truth is that impoverished and most indigenous peoples from central Mexico and Central America are neither saints nor sinners, but as a rule arrive without legality, a high school diploma, money, or English, and by needs are quite willing to ignore immigration law both when arriving — and steadily thereafter. (The vast majority — over 80% — from last year’s border surge skipped their required subsequent immigration hearings.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Amartel, I think VDH and Kevin Williamson are my favorite wise men/ pundits. They use facts and tell it like it is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Those AJ, and, I'd add Charles CW Cooke and Jonah Goldberg (and his wife!) to the list.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

more from VDH - It's terrific - RTWT (thanks Amartel)

As in the case of Paula Deen, Duck Dynasty, and the addled Donald Sterling, the nation unleashed its thought police to destroy Trump in the fashion that has worked so well with other intemperate or biased speakers (at least those who are not of the liberal bent of politically incorrect gaffers like a Sen. Harry Reid, Vice President Joe Biden, Al Sharpton, David Letterman — or Barack Obama, who believes “typical” white people (all 220 million?) stereotype blacks while there are apparently “gangbangers” crossing illegally into the U.S. on his watch). But so far, the politically selective yanked sponsorships and corporate ostracism seem to have little effect on the self-promoting and boisterous multibillionaire Trump. Why so? Perhaps the cause is again public exhaustion with hypocrisy. NBC, after all, still has on the air an inveterate prevaricator like Brian Williams and a homophobe, racist, and anti-Semite like Al Sharpton — after publication of their respective make-believe stories and various hate speech.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

And perhaps in some cases they are. Sanchez had already been deported to Mexico five times and arrested, convicted and incarcerated — and paroled — for seven prior felonies. He was out largely because he was released from custody by a San Francisco judge in accordance with the city’s “sanctuary” policy of not notifying immigration authorities when an illegal alien, ex-felon or not, is freed from jail.

Our president and his A-hole mouth-piece are blaming the GOP for the city of San Fran's ultra liberal policies.

Leftwing media to fall in line....

ampersand said...

Sanchez said he wanted to shoot at sea lions but his gun accidently discharged

If you want media attention and lefty concern you need to play up that angle.

Amartel said...

Gun blaming never gets old. And all the sea lions are down in Los Angeles (meeting up with the ladies) this month. Lies and more lies.

bagoh20 said...

A place where felons with no legal right to be is called a "sanctuary city". The government is proud of that and advertises it so that felons will prefer come there and feel comfortable being who they are. Where does that leave the citizens and taxpayers of that city?

A: As suckers and sometimes dead.

The problem for citizens of a liberal city government is that liberals never apologize for, never learn from, and never reverse stupid liberal policy. They are infinitely more likely to double down on it. Sanchez may get the key to the city and a parade before the year is out.

Amartel said...

The gun just discharged as I was shootin' at some non-existent sea mammals.
The illegal alien that we could have deported (five times) but did not just murdered somebody while we were governing with the best of intentions.
Clearly, the GOP is to blame.

Amartel said...

Nothing will "penetrate the thick skull of the collective left" as the collective left does not have a skull. It's just a smelly miasma of feelings and when you point out this objective fact the brainiacs all shout "he who smelt it dealt it." Because mature, sophisticated, nuanced, carefully researched, intellectual debate.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yep libruls rationalize even the dumbest ideas and never do they take a step back while Repubs cave for the slightest dopiest things all the time.

Michael Haz said...

That racist idiot Donald Trump said on national television:

"If we're going to go after folks who are here illegally, we should do it smartly and go after folks who are criminals, gang bangers, people who are hurting the community."

No wonder businesses don't want to do business with him any more.

What's that? I goofed? was actually Barack Obama who spoke those words. Well then, he should jut get a total pass. Because liberal.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC and Macys can eat sh*t.

Really -- I refuse to shop there anymore.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Its the open blatant hypocrisy that gets me so angry now. The left has no problem nullifying any law they don't like but laws/issues like gay marriage? Pot? Guns? ID for voting? Arizona and Alabama are racist and supposedly wrongly passing their own immigration laws yet the feds don't follow the law themselves.

Nullificiation is one of the major issues behind the civil war. I remember hearing so much during my childhood that "might doesn't make right" and yet what do we see today? It is all about might, who has the power and the will to use it.

Aridog said...

Macy's? Who is that? They're here, I know, but I've never been there...they are always in malls and I never go to malls.

"Nullification" on a case by case basis is one thing, BUT whole cities nullifying federal law, enacted by the representatives of their states no less, is Anarchy

We are well down the road to anarchy, so enjoy....until the miscreants hit your home and family. Then...Boo Hoo.