Saturday, July 25, 2015

Rick Wilson: If this doesn't terrify you, nothing will

"Congress Alarmed by Iran Pact's Secret Understandings"
The controversy began on Wednesday when Secretary of State John Kerry told House lawmakers behind closed doors that he neither possessed nor had read a copy of two secret side deals between the IAEA and Iran, according to Representative Mike Pompeo, a Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee who was inside the session. Congress hasn't seen those side agreements either.

“Kerry told me directly that he has not read the secret side deals,” Pompeo told us in an interview. “He told us the State Department does not have possession of these documents.”

A statement distributed by the State Department on Wednesday disputed the characterization that the agreements between Iran and the IAEA were "secret." Instead, it described them as "technical arrangements" and said U.S. experts were "comfortable with the contents," which the State Department would brief to Congress if asked.

"It is standard practice for the IAEA and member states to treat bilateral documents as 'safeguards confidential,' " the State Department statement said. "This is a principal the United States has championed throughout the IAEA’s existence to protect both proprietary and proliferation sensitive information. We must be able to ensure that information given to the IAEA does not leak out and become a how to guide for producing nuclear materials that can be used in nuclear weapons, and that countries know their patented or proprietary information won’t be stolen because they are released in IAEA documents."

But while these agreements may be standard operating procedure in the case of other IAEA nuclear inspections, with Iran it's potentially more serious...
For the Obama administration, not having copies of the side agreements between Iran and the IAEA is convenient. The law requires it to give Congress all the documents it possesses and only those documents. If the side agreements are outside the reach of Kerry, they are outside the reach of Congress and the American people.


JRoberts said...

Side agreements of this type have probably existed between nations for a long time.

They did not concern us because we believed:

1) Our leaders were competent, and
2) Our government was looking out for the best interest of our nation.

This administration, not so much.

ampersand said...

This is the same party that gave the North Koreans the bomb and possibly Stalin.

I wouldn't be surprised if the horsefaced ass offered the Iranians a billion dollars, allow us to build them a bomb and to drop it on ourselves. The are beyond Neville Chamberlain stupid.

ricpic said...

Yeah, right, Iran is giving the IAEAXYZ the step by step procedure for how it's going to build a bomb. And if that's made available to the great unwashed congress critters LOOKOUT! The contempt of these State Department lies would be breathtaking except it's the Obama/Kerry State Department.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Maybe Harppary has these secret documents on her private server?

edutcher said...

Hey, Lurch, for once in your sleazy, egocentric, acquisitive life, do the manly thing and resign.

And take your pal, Junior, with you.

Methadras said...

So did carry walk into this closed door meeting backwards, with his pants down, holding his ankles, while shackled? Because that's how I see him walking into this deal and secret side deals.