At a town hall in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Clinton
responded to a question from the audience asking if she would sign a bill approving the pipeline by saying that she would not "second guess" President Obama's decision. Should the issue still be alive in January 2017, however, then Clinton will say what her position is."
What's this I hear about a pipeline? |
"If it's undecided when I become president, I will answer your question," Clinton said.
"As you know, I was the secretary of State who started that process. I was the one who put into place the investigation. I have now passed it off—as obviously, as I'm no longer there—to Secretary Kerry. This is President Obama's decision, and I am not going to second-guess him because I was in a position to set this in motion and I do not think that would be the right thing to do. So I want to wait and see what he and Secretary Kerry decide," Clinton said in response to the Keystone question.
How delicate and nice and considerate of others. This is true statecraft right here.
*barfs* OFFS! Don't tell me I have blood around the base of this thing here too. Gross. Now I have to scrub the whole thing with bleach.
I injured my foot yesterday and didn't even feel it. I felt hurt other places but not the source of the bleeding. I had footprints all over the newly washed carpet boink boink boink from back to kitchen and I didn't notice until the kitchen where it really stood out and I'm all, "what the f?" Just getting a bandaid made a mess all over on the floor and in the bathroom. Man, I bled like a stuck pig and it didn't even hurt. You'd think a gash like that taking so long to stop bleeding would hurt but it didn't. Didn't even feel it.
Hillary's campaign staff has such confidence in her intellectual and verbal acuity that one of them had to stuff a virtual sock in her yap before she blurted out an answer indicative of her senility.
"Here Hillary, it's 10 AM, time for your Manhattan".
If the only reason to elect her is her vagina, then let's at least make sure that's not a lie.
Trooper, I trust your expertise to perform this essential public service.
Related: I watched a Netfix movie the other night called "Teeth".
Right up there with Dole's, "If you want me to be Reagan, I'll be Reagan".
The executive version of passing the bill in order to know what's in it.
In other words, "Silence, prole."
For Clinton, "truth" is something that depends on the circumstances of the moment and "policy" is whatever will result in more power for Clinton.
Hillary Clinton will not deviate one iota from the Obama agenda, including Keystone and Planned Dismemberment.
Well, the bids are still coming in, and there's sure to be a much higher one when she's elected President. Her many years of public service have not been in vain.
This can work. I watched the same tactic work for a guy running for county commissioner here. During the campaign every question he was asked received the answer "I don't really know about that, but if I'm elected, I'll look into it." Every question. He received the most votes that year. Maybe cluelessness translates to not being a political insider to the simple-minded voters?
Profiles in courage
But that's how these frauds work, isn't it? They are the opposite of transparent and accountable. They don't want to be pinned down on anything. They do stuff (or they don't do stuff), and it's all probably completely illegal, like, stunning levels of illegality, venality, and just basic irresponsibility to say nothing of the lack of constitutionality, and they don't say and when someone asks about it they accuse them of racism/sexism/treason/whatever, then when a shocking fact or two dribbles out in spite of the lockdown they refuse to provide documentation and throw up all kinds of excuses and you spend years dragging information out by which time they've either retired or bribed/bamboozled so many people for so long that prosecuting can be portrayed as "disruptive" and "unbefitting" and "undignified."
Undisclosed side deals with Iran
Undisclosed legislation fundamentally transforming America (we're still finding out what's in Obamacare)
Undisclosed Secretary of State emails and private server (now at the bottom of the Mariana Trench)
Undisclosed IRS communications
Undisclosed [Executive Branch Agency of your choice) communications
Undisclosed mass illegal immigration (over the rulings of at least two judges]
To say nothing of undisclosed political candidate back story (medical records, grades, anything whatsoever about Obama's scholarship and early life)
And so many other things. Fast & Furious - what happened there all those years ago? Not to mention Benghazi.
Hillary will literally STAND on the Keystone Pipeline (which, of course, will not be operational during a Clinton Presidency) and call it a day and her supporters will be all, she's taken a stand you guyz are you happy now?
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