Friday, July 3, 2015

Donald Trump's speech writer

As I pondered the familiarity of it all, the abrupt uncompromising rejection of all that is considered politically correct, I heard a new voice, a tiny high-pitched squeaky voice speaking as if not with a tongue and vocal folds, rather, as faint breath blown over wax paper folded around a comb. That kind of rudimentary instrument, an organic comb kazoo.


The rule of Lemnity said...

I came up with a Donald Trump tweet, which was not easy, because like everything else these days feels like swimming upstream. Needless to say the tweet has not done as good as I had hoped.

#DonaldTrump sin not waiting for a PC nomenclature e.g. Underage Illegals = Unaccompanied Minors...Raped Illegals = ?

In regular English...

Donald Trump's sin was not to wait for a PC nomenclature e.g. Underage illegals are called "unaccompanied minors" Raped Illegals... ? they don't have one.

So Trump used the Pin-C nomenclature.

BTW.. Trump didn't make that up about women getting raped on their way here.

It's just not something widely reported, unlike the phantom rapes in college campuses.

edutcher said...

You may not like what he says, but The Donald minces no words.

bagoh20 said...

In that top photo he looks like Rosie O'Donnel. It's one of those impressions where the person's image isn't reproduced so much, but their presence is in a way that sells the impression.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It was coarse and not slathered in hack media approved PC, but he was talking about people pouring into our country illegally.



It's like saying our prisons are filled with criminals (OMG you can't say that!) and DNC-NBC-Macys has a cow.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

& no - not everyone who passes the border illegally is a criminal. Oh wait - they really are criminals because they are crossing the border illegally.

Unless our laws are meaningless.

William said...

There's an article in the Daily Beast about how the Mexican police in Juarez were complicit in the kidnappings of hundreds of young girls in that city. The girls were sold into prostitution. Dozens of them were murdered.......Trump is blunt and ham fisted. However, if you're more outraged at him than at the Juarez police, there is something very wrong with you.........During the twenties there were huge protests everywhere about he conviction and execution of Sacco and Vanzetti. There were no protests against the politically motivated famines--famines that killed millions-- directed against certain portions of the Soviet population. Indeed, there were only two published reports in the western press about these famines. Duranty, the reporter who denied their existence, won a Pulitzer.......It's a bank shot, but Trump's. Comments may serve to bring these crimes in Juarez to public attention. If so, good on Trump.