Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Charles Murray: "The American project, in it's original incarnation, is dead"

"The Law sufficiently advanced is often indistinguishable from lawlessness."

Link to video


The rule of Lemnity said...

Sorry about that. There was a glitch in the video at my end, I don't know if you guys had it. The video was not starting where it was supposed to. It should be fine now. Please let me know if it's not?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"It's not dying, it's dead."


We live in a nanny state. Sure, some of it is needed. With this many people, we need some regulations and protections. Sadly, when you cannot even start a small business because the local bureaucracy is too crippling and punitive, that is proof positive we've created a monster, and that we have killed the very idea individual freedom and limited government.

(raises hand** I've experienced that local big government monster)

edutcher said...

We are approaching a crash point. The Red Chinese have lost $3.2 trillion out of their stock market and their biggest customer, Europe, is in turmoil because one of the PIIIGS has defaulted, so now France has taken its place (PIIIFS, anyone?), so the global financial markets are a mess (we all know about the Fed).

Add to that Poot wants a war to shore up his failed state, the Red Chinese look like their getting ready to do something in the Pacific, the Islamic crazies are running wild everywhere, and it looks like this is coming to a city near you.

When it comes, that will be the time to fix things because it will look like Germany and Japan 1945 when the illusions all came crashing down.

PS I'm sure a lot of people felt the same as some do here during the Civil War and after (the Gilded Age)and, again, during the FDR dynasty.

It's only lost if you give up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

And Bernie and Hillary are tripping over themselves to out-socialist each other with promises of more and more Greek-Free stuff.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary: It's everyone's universal right to live off the tax payer. Except us. We royals never pay our fair share in taxes because the IRS looks the other way, and the Clinton global slush fund is also a tax avoidance scheme.

ricpic said...

A federal government that has become "them" instead of "us."

--Charles Murray

But he goes on to say that as far as Congress, the Regulatory Agencies (Executive Branch), The Judiciary, Big Labor and Big Business are concerned the present monster regulatory state "guidance" is hunky dory. So how is it going to be challenged in any meaningful way, never mind being overthrown?

Methadras said...

We have a Marxist Oligarchy and have had one for quite some time. There is only one way to end it and frankly no one wants to hear the words Revolution. It will be ugly, it will be violent and no one will know what it will look like in the end if it ever gets to that point. We are already in a luke warm war with rival interests, and you can see why government wants to disarm the public as much as they can because they know what the fuck the score is. This country will be either converted in total and those opposed will be removed. You can see it now.

This government in it's present state is a massive, giant, bloated, top heavy, obese pig that is falling and doesn't know it in slow motion on top of us all. Sorry folks, but the American Experiment is over. The Marxists won. For now. I wonder what will be the catalyst that awakens the sleeping giant unless big pharma has given it a shit ton of ambien.

edutcher said...

If it happens, and I think it's more when than if, it will be because that last straw has been dropped on the body politic (and we're getting close).

Keep an eye on Red China and one of the Euros. When that one hits more people will be surprised and shocked than after Pearl Harbor.

Frankly, though, it may well be something like the whole bakery thing that suspends the speech and religion protections of the 1st Amendment. Maybe another flag thing or a similar Stalinization thing.

The real red line.