Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

"Well Samantha I would like you my finance. I brought her from the future. You see in 2018 the Supreme Court said we could be married.""
"Nice to meet you my dear....errr what's your name?"
"Sarah Jessica Parker."
"Yes I brought her back here to the 1960's from the future. I wan't her to meet my family. Our love can finally come out of the stable. Isn't she swell?"
"How nice. So where did you crazy kids meet."
"At the track of course."


The rule of Lemnity said...

It might have been the first television show I watched as a child.

My father took me along to visit the church's overseer, an American. There was a TV in his house and it was on. I don't remember what the episode was about but I do remember the nose wiggling followed by a laugh track.

My first impression of the USA.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nose wiggle and laugh track = USA < Nothing has changed. ;)