Saturday, June 6, 2015

“We’re still driving headlong into a world...”

“... where the people who went to med school are quacks and the lunatics on the fringe of society are experts.”
In the Vanity Fair article on Bruce Jenner we’re told his children see the idea of dad chopping his penis off as a “non-issue.” As Anthony Cumia discussed this week on his show, “Bruce is rushing this for a reality show.” Jenner said he had an anxiety attack when he saw the first dose of plastic surgery. Poor bastard. He’s like Barcelona agreeing to host the Olympics and then having to frantically pretend their infrastructure can handle 2 million extra people overnight. Over at Townhall, Ben Shapiro likens all this glorification of mental illness to sadism. “Nothing would have been crueler,” he writes of his very crazy grandfather, “than had society told him that his delusions were correct—that the radio was, in fact, talking to him.” Post-op trannies have a suicide rate 20 times higher than us. Johns Hopkins no longer does the operation because they determined it violates the Hippocratic oath. The liberal retort to this is usually to blame the stigma surrounding the gender-disabled, but that doesn’t make sense. Today’s trannies are hailed as rock stars. Criticizing them gets you fired, yet their suicide rate is still off the charts. I talked to Shapiro about this and he pointed out that “the suicide rates among all transgenders is around one percent. That’s what it was for Jews during Nazi occupation.” I’m guessing being a Jew in 1942 Germany was a lot worse than being on the cover of Time. Post-op sex-change regretter Walt Heyer’s claim that 62.7 percent of transgenders have untreated mental disorders is a much more likely root cause. He’s been all over the news this week warning the cheerleaders that the “hangover” is coming. (read the whole thing)


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's really nothing new under the sun. People like to watch freak shows. Freak shows are money makers. Jenner could do all of this outside of the spotlight. He/she is choosing the spot-light and all the microscopic criticism.

I can have compassion for Bruce and I do, but I think that we should just let him be. I'm more offended by their entire family - the whole vapid kardashian obsession is tired. It's a reflection of our "oh look - shiny things" decadent culture. Not interested.

I went to high school with a transgender, and we became friends. Long story, but I can tell you that he really was a she inside, and is a she to this very day. Make what you will of that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I suppose he is a smart guy/girl and he is sure about what he is doing.

Methadras said...

Why does anyone care what Bruce Jenner does with his body? I mean they shouldn't since this entire TV Freak Show Circus Family should be conducting their most private, intimate moments IN PRIVATE!!! but nope, the whole world has to know that he is going to transition from male to female, have people celebrate or deride it, turn it into a cause celeb for those that are on the fence because of the "If it helps one person it was worth it!" walking fallacy. All the while we are being spoon fed the idea that this is not mental illness, but an accepted form of identity reassignment which any criticism of would be classified as bigoted.