Saturday, June 6, 2015

July 6

The expectation of a Google doodle of some sort that recognizes the date is disappointed but the expectation of Google disappointing is not disappointed. They did do something by changing "I'm feeling lucky" to flip to some other feeling. You cannot feel lucky today on July 6, but you can spin off a feeling of wonderful, stellar, trendy, artistic, what have you, some direction to spin you any other direction than patriotic, nothing like eternal gratitude or loyalty or honorable or disciplined or even jingoistic, those feeling are not part of the vocabulary in which Google can spin you. Google is global and those feelings are not.

Twitter is also global but pretty much already self-selecting.

The gun slot in the LST looks like a tilde over the text making hoƱor. Incidentally, LST is a standard crossword answer considered a gimmie providing a key to open a corner. That's how I know it, not from history or from any military reading. And I think that is odd, something important as that known by something so trivial.

And a lot more too, much of it not so nice. Comparisons with today, comparisons between ages of young men doing this and things going on now. Comparisons with national leadership.


The rule of Lemnity said...

yea, to say that what Bruce is doing is courageous strains credulity a bit...

For instance, I thought I was so smart, I said... "If what #Feminist say is true... that women are oppressed, solely because of their gender... why are men becoming women? #Caitlyn_Jenner"

I got back...

"@Lemang01 interesting point. Guess that might be why some think it's a courageous move then. ;)"

She even used my favorite emoticon. How daring ;)

Trooper York said...

Yogi Berra was there crewing an LST.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Our expectations of the world seem very different.

So different in fact, I wonder if the world today would rally in the same way it did not so long ago.

A world where an un-open beverage can is deemed a weapon, you have to pause.

Chip Ahoy said...

Lem, the unopened can as weapon, I almost did a post but it is hateful and only hateful. I saw juxtaposed the muslim woman's accusation with another passenger sitting nearby.

The purported passenger said they read the flight mag all the time but signed up to tell the story once the lie became national news, of sitting nearby and witnessing an entirely different scene played out. Devastating if true, devastatingly clever counter psy-ops if a lie.

I tend not to believe muslim activist people. I'm prejudice that way. Straight up. Extremely so, at this point. There will be no recovering.

The rule of Lemnity said...

A tweet claimed nobody had come forward corroborating her story.

Rabel said...

Pardon my persnicketyness, but that's a Higgins boat or "landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP)," not an LCT. The "T" is for tank.