Sunday, June 7, 2015

"Two convicted murderers escape from New York max-security prison..."

"... leave 'have a nice day' note"

In a sensational “Shawshank Redemption”-style prison break, a pair of cunning convicted murderers used power tools and tunnels to escape an upstate maximum-security penitentiary near the Canadian border.

The inmates, stealing from the film “Ferris Bueller,” set up decoys in their cells, tricking the nighttime guards who run checks every two hours.

“We went back and pieced together what they did,” Cuomo said. “It was elaborate. It was sophisticated. It encompassed drilling through steel walls and pipes, so this was not easily accomplished.”

“We want to find out exactly how it happened,” Cuomo said. “How did they get the power tools? From who? How?”

“We will undertake a full investigation to make sure that this was the first and the last time anyone escapes from this facility,” the governor added.


bagoh20 said...

An example of how diligence, intelligence and a strong work ethic cannot alone make a person successful. Great work, guys, but you're still a couple of low life murdering losers - temporarily free like mice running around in a viper pit. You can't escape the hopelessness of your poor career choices.

bagoh20 said...

I say this because I assume they read this blog daily.

Leland said...

They had power tools and fooled guards with fake props? I'm not saying it is not a "max-security" prison for the State of New York, but let's just say other states have better minimum security prisons.

But hey, good thing New York doesn't have the death penalty for murders and puts them away for life. It is so much cheaper when the prisoners provide their own power tools and the guards look the other way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is there anything the Clinton Foundation mob-money can't do?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Quick - get these 2 hard working guys some voter rights.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Lol bags.