Sunday, June 7, 2015

"How One Man Realized His Dream of Visiting Every Country"

"Lessons learned from traveling to 196 countries include what old camel meat tastes like and why toilet paper is the best economic indicator."
I found the surest way to know where a country ranks economically and socially is to go to a public bathroom and check the toilet paper.

I have seven rankings, starting with the best, which is soft white. From soft white it goes down to hard white; hard brown; purple, green, and other colors; to torn-up newspaper; to no paper at all, just a little bucket of water.

The lowest ranking, which is a seven, is when there are no public toilets.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Only 804 more to go!



The rule of Lemnity said...

Some serious over counting there.

Palm Beach canvasing board Al Gore vote counters perhaps?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

from the link:
What’s your criterion for having “visited” a country?

I hate to say that you cheated, but I think, by my standards, you probably did. My standards are these:

1. It has to be a recognized country at the time you go there.

2. You must have a visa or enter legitimately.

3. You must get a passport stamp.

4. and 5. They can be a little flexible, but my feeling is you should at least go to the capital, stay at least 24 hours, and if possible cross the country in one direction.

He forgot one:

6. You must visit the "Occupy I love Hillary taco stand in each Country" --Diane Stephanpolois Denver Post

The rule of Lemnity said...


Trooper York said...

If he wanted to go around the world he should have just called matters girl.

rhhardin said...

I worked 100 confirmed countries as a kid and ham but never sent in for the certificate.

The leaders tended to have 250 countries or so but they were at it much longer.

The trouble is that the countries keep changing. Most of mine aren't there anymore.

On the other hand there a lots of great new call sign prefixes starting with 9, when the only one in my day was 9S4, Saarland. It isn't there anymore.

A guy from Ukraine wrote me a long letter asking for me to send him a Vibroplex bug (semi-automatic telegraph key, sends dots if pressed one way and a long dash if pressed the other) in exchange for Russian stamps. He got no nibbles.

Anyway countries come and go.