Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Do Muslims in America really want Sharia?

Link to video


AllenS said...

Surprised? Not me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The religion of anger.

edutcher said...

The Lefties will scream, "Tolerance".

Eventually, they will be the ones screaming.

Or watching others scream.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Worthy of note, these interviews weren't using hidden cameras.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Maybe hidden cameras would reveal something different?

Aridog said...

Living on the largest Arab Muslim community in North America I can answer that question with a very simple "NO!"

Sure there are few are loose cannons, but the majority of those I see daily do NOT advocate any form of Sharia. Period.

That is not why they came here in the first place. People often confuse "Sharia" with ancient customs, vis a vis daily family customs, long predating Islam, as evidence. It is nothing of the kind. Sharon Angle, of Nevada, who guaranteed Harry Reid's re-election, hasn't a clue. Where these "stats" come from befuddles me, except to acknowledge that if some stranger asks such a question, "fear" may drive the response. Every day experience says otherwise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hi we love your American freedoms, but we would prefer to end those freedoms for you. Is ok?

AllenS said...

These people interviewed are from Somalia and Ethiopia. Mpls is full of them.

Methadras said...

Ari, maybe in your part of the world, which I also know very well since I have many relatives living there as well, but aren't muslims, they don't want sharia, but honestly, I don't believe them. At all. They may say it, but they don't believe it. They would turn on a dime if given the chance.

ricpic said...

Remember the song Frank Sinatra sang, What Is America To Me?

To the Somalians America is NOTHING.

Dad Bones said...

He's a good interviewer except that he never asked them what they were doing here if they preferred to be in Somalia.

William said...

I live a few blocks down from a mosque. Sometimes I see young women in skin tight jeans and a scarf on their way to mosque. Given world enough and time, I'm confident in America's ability to corrupt any religion. Hell, we even corrupted the Mafia. The Mafia lasted for centuries in Sicily. In America within two three generations Mafia kingpins were turning state witnesses.......Still, for the next few hundred years, we'll have the odd Muslim shooting up the neighborhood. But that's a small price to pay for the joys of diversity and Somali cuisine.

Aridog said...

Metharus ... you may have a point about "turning on dime" but I really doubt it for most of my neighbors. If it were true, it would be "fear" that drives it, not ideology. I can deal with fear. Ideology, not so much. If I don't "sense" it, I may be living in a fools paradise, but so far I don't feel that. I'd hope we'll never get to the "turning" point." If we do it will be very ugly.

Aridog said...

"Metharus" = "Methadras" ... one of these days I'll learn to proof read. :-(

Aridog said...

William said ...

I live a few blocks down from a mosque. Sometimes I see young women in skin tight jeans and a scarf on their way to mosque.

It's not corruption of "religion" it is evolution of it. Living among the largest population of Muslims in the USA I see what you describe every day. There are some very cute figures among them. :-) Not long ago all east European Catholic women wore the equivalent of a hajib around here. Now they don't. Correct me if wrong, but, according to most images, didn't the "Virgin Mary" also wear hajib? None-the-less, they remain staunch Catholic. I'd never assert those Muslim women who dress differently as less religious or corrupted. I'd rather think of it as free choice on their part, not promiscuity, which is what the old radicals think it is...mainly because they can't "buy" one anymore. Tough.