Monday, June 8, 2015

Comedy, comedians

You know what better than Democrats calling out left-wing bullshit? And better than conservatives calling out Republican and Fox News bullshit [Mike Rowe, Facebook]? Democrats with eyes that see and minds of their own that can actually process and sufficiently elastic who become Republicans, that's what.

Yesterday there were tweets about Evan Sayet having a show in Boston and tickets being available, but let's be honest with each other, is this how you would choose to spend your entertainment dollar?  That would make you a political nerd. I am not nearly so serious as that. I'd take a puppet show any day.

And that got me thinking, this guy is actually funny. There really is the type of dark humor behind and underneath everything, sometimes interjected as asides,  that tickles me so. You'll notice this following a transfusion, every bleak little thing becomes unspeakably hilarious and inappropriately so. You're giggling all the time and at all the wrong things.

Why not go? Not go because the humor behind it all is so faint and the achingly dissected reality laid on so thickly. My entertainment dollar does not go to aching reality reaffirmations laid on thickly. My constitution is not for that, besides I know it all anyway, there is no need for it again condensed. And it's still just more tribalism and that primate grooming thing that I reject. 

He used to be purely funny and only with veneer of reality for contrast, but now it's reversed and no longer entertainment. Same thing with Bill Maher, I used to find him so perceptive on picking out those little things that vex us all and finding the words to describe them so that we all think we thought the same thing, until his fateful decision to flip the ratio and strike a hard partisan pose. Perceptive funnyman gone sour. Court jester no longer going for the humor that darkness has overtaken. Even tepid somewhat perceptive Jerry Seinfeld in the post below no longer sees value in trying.


ricpic said...

It's true about 9/11 being the wake up call about liberals and their insurmountable hatred of America. Yes, when liberals said that 9/11 was terrible of course but "What did we do to make them hate us so?" that was the wake up call. That was the moment when if you were decent you said goodbye. And if you were Schmendrik you not only stayed, you doubled down.

chickelit said...

Name a modern intellectual who started out conservative and then turned liberal. Ask your self if you admire person.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Excellent video.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"Rational thought is a hate crime".

The rule of Lemnity said...

"Global warming is accepted more as an attack on America as evil polluters than it is because it's scientifically supported."

Chip Ahoy said...

I have a new plan.

The caladium bulbs are here, their eyes gouged out, 30+ bulbs X ∼8 eyes = a pile of ∼240 caladium eyes. Many were proper buds, incipient leaves, but gouged they got.

That's too many bulbs. 10+ each is too many.

I have pots that now too small for my purposes but they're still attractive pots. Red clay as usual pots but without the usual lip and with an unusual embossed pattern either of frogs hopping around or butterflies. Both patterns are cute. Apparently unusual because now I don't see them in google images, but kind of like this except more cute. Women would like them. And glazed saucers that don't leak or sweat.

I can replace the dirt with fresh adjusted potting soil, plant all three kinds of caladium with their eyes gouged out for expanded foliage expression, get them started then pass them around to ladies I coerce into agreeing to want one. But make sure they're well started.

That's the plan. It has two advantages for me. I get rid of the embossed pots that are too small to keep but too perfect and too attractive to toss, and I get rid of extra caladium bulbs without wasting them. Plus three or four ladies get a really cool pot of no-fail caladiums that show how to combine things daringly without actually knowing what you are doing.

Disclosure: 3 of 4 previous plant-related plans failed. I have what some call in themselves a black thumb but what I call in myself crash learning. Expensive, maybe, sometimes, eh, but far less so than university.

Chip Ahoy said...

I just now searched pinterest for pop-up cards and got a page of results with no apparent end. I don't know if you have to be signed on or what. The thing is, none of them are mine and none of them interest me one single bit. They're all the kind I don't like. Mostly.

That's because none of mine are pinned there with that search tag.

Imagine if I did. I have thousands of related photos. I could pin every damn one of them so they ALL come up in search results as others have done to drive traffic to their commercial sites that assist with crap pop-up.

I meant to say craft pop-ups just now but that other word came out of me instead.

I could do that. Put up ads on my site and drive traffic to it. And ew, why I outta, one'a these days.

Leland said...

I clicked the link to Mike Rowe and read the letter to him. Telling that the complaint is not everyone is privileged as Mike Rowe (who had his parents), so the next thought from the complainer is that Mike Rowe should stop trying to help others because... Discrimination or something. Kudos to Mike for stating the obvious, we don't want to work. Wanting to work is not the work ethic. Willing to work and do the other things not because they are easy but because they pay you for hard work, and that pay makes things easier; that's the start of a work ethic. Then there are the soft skills Mike mentions. When you give up because someone else is ahead of you, then you will not develop the ethic and will always see things as harder for you and not hard for them.