Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"Why Liberals Oppose Over-the-Counter Birth Control"

"Removing the pharmacy-counter barrier between women and their birth control would give them vastly more, not less, power over their own health-care choices, also reducing health-care costs and improving access."
Right now, the federal government requires a prescription for birth control, even though other over-the-counter drugs (acetaminophen, for example) bear higher health risks, the directions are straightforward, and there’s no risk of overdose. Practically speaking, the prescription requirement keeps women beholden to their gynecologist, forcing them to submit to intrusive and uncomfortable once-a-year doctor’s visits in exchange for a pink slip for the pill. But while pelvic exams and Pap smears can help physicians detect everything from sexually transmitted diseases to cervical cancer, these procedures tell them basically nothing about whether a woman can safely take birth control. Authorities as prestigious as the World Health Organization and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have confirmed that doctors can safely prescribe the pill without a full examination. Just as with other low-risk drugs, women are perfectly capable of reading the warning label and self-screening for safety...

Making birth control over-the-counter would also vastly expand access, resulting in fewer unplanned pregnancies and abortions. In fact, unwanted pregnancies could decline as much as 25 percent, according to a new study released in February by the University of California–San Francisco, and nonprofit Ibis Reproductive Health.

“Women who are currently using methods that are less effective than the pill — mainly condoms or nothing — would use it,” the study’s author concluded. “Particularly low-income women.” 


AllenS said...

Follow the money. Or, follow who will lose money if the pill is something you can get over the counter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


control over our money and their precious bullshit stephanoplois memes.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What caught my attention was that over the counter could reduce unwanted pregnancies, abortions.

You would think everybody could be for that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left prefer abortions. Late term are the best.

AllenS said...

Planned Parenthood is anti women's rights.

Methadras said...

No, they see that if women don't go to the baby murder stations that are subsidized by government and tax payer money, they see that over time, they will no longer be needed and they will start shutting down their death centers. They aren't only fighting choice, they are fighting women and their reproductive rights. This is their language, this is their death. You are substituting institutionalized in-utero death centers for individualized in-utero death centers instead. They can't celebrate it when it starts to pull the knittings of their death sweaters.

Leland said...

Planned Parent has to tell women when to have children. If birth control was available OTC for women, as it currently is for men; then women might decide for themselves. Ritmo would have to invent more unicorns to continue his hate. He likes his current unicorn and even though it is dead, he'll continue to beat it until it lives again and we all too can see it like he does.

edutcher said...

Sandra Fluck, you're on in 5, 4, 3...

AllenS said...

Planned Parenthood is anti women's rights.

PP is anti-people.