Sunday, May 17, 2015

George Stephanopoulos addresses donation scandal on ‘This Week’



bagoh20 said...

"It turns out that Stephanopoulos was involved with the CGI in more personal ways than just writing them a few big checks. He was hands on, and Schweizer has been assembling the track record. It includes:

In 2006 he was a featured attendee and panel moderator at the annual CGI meeting.

In 2007 he was listed as a featured attendee at the CGI meeting alongside Clinton Foundation donors Lucas Lundin, Frank Giustra, Frank Holmes, and Carlos Slim.

He was a 2008 panelist at the annual meeting.

In 2009 he was a panel moderator at the CGI annual meeting."

He's not a journalist!

He's a political hack and operative.

AllenS said...

He's a mouthpiece for the Democratic party.

ndspinelli said...

Weasel apology.

ndspinelli said...


Leland said...

Whatever happens, remember this when anyone ever brings up the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine was created to censor opposing viewpoints in the media. It is bad enough that the media ignores obvious conflicts of interest, but give them the power to claim having a Democrat and Republican rep moderated by an "objective journalist" as fair, the LIV will never know.

chickelit said...

I agree that Stephanopolyps should be disqualified as a debate moderator along with Candy Crowley. They're both toxic partisans. But they have their gigs on TV and anybody who can't deal with that should just change channels.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Repubs should boycott ABC until he is removed from the Sunday show. Of course, I saw his first guest today was Mitch McConnell so the boycott won't happen.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You see him and you just think - Hey look - hack.

If that is what ABC wants to project and protect, that is really pathetic.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

mitch should have cancelled. What an idiot.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Our Beltway Poobahs obviously don't care what we think.

Trooper York said...

This is where the Republican Party goes off the rails like an Amtrack choo choo.

Mitch the bitch needs to be knocked out of the leadership if anything can get done for the people. He needs to be knocked out of the Senate.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Mitch should have cancelled.
Everyone should cancel. Leave The Hack to discuss matters with his own party.
Let ABC turn into MSDNC.

William said...

A lot of Republicans have come forward to say that they felt he seemed likable and fair in his questioning of them. Perhaps so, but that's more a comment on the partisanship of the other Sunday hacks than on George's innate decency. I thought David Gregory was accusatory and flagrantly biased in his questioning. And Schieffer is an old gas bag who fragrantly exudes the rotten egg smell of Democratic talking points. And Fareed only plagiarizes from Democratic sources........The irony is that the fairest newscaster turns out to be a Democratic shill. In a way it's a good thing. George has been unmasked. The partisanship of the others remains a tad more hidden.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Repubs should be asking the voters and the MSM interrogators why the Dems seem to need so much insider help from the "refs" like Halperin, NYT, Scheiffer, Wapo, Stephanoupolus, etc. in the game of politics.

bagoh20 said...

AJ, that would be an excellent meme to get started. All the pols on the right should constantly be asking "if politics is a battle of ideas, why does one side need so much help from the refs?"

People should be asking now before the debates, why is it that debate questioners are mostly liberals, and that they are constantly shown to be unfair and biassed. They write glowing books about the candidates, they donate money to them. They take sides in the debate and confuse the public. This is not fair treatment, and it's obvious.

Trooper York said...

If I were a Republican candidate I would never agree to a debate moderated by a main stream journalist from any of the networks or PBS. They need to open it up to people who have some different worldly experiences.

I understand that Hugh Hewitt is going to moderate one debate. I would open it up to other influential and intelligent bloggers such as Glenn Reynolds, Prof. Jacobson, Victor David Hansen and Professor Volokh.

And of course Lem.

Methadras said...

awww, it's all so much better now isn't it? He's apologized and we should all just forgive his transgressions in being spokesmouth for one of the most corrupt couple of individuals to grace the planet earth.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The whole moderated debate thing is a one-way street to aid democrats, and the democrats know it. It's crutch town for the D.

Democrats would never agree to a debate outside of the protected hack media cocoon.

The gop are charlie brown and the dem media is that bitch lucy.

If i had no choice but to debate a pro-democrat hack "journalist" I would come prepared. I would throw it all back. Abortion questions - throw it back. What does Hillary think of late term abortion? etc... What do YOU, pro-democrat hack fake "journalist", think of late term abortion? Do YOU want to take away all the tampons and birth control pills? When will you stop beating your wife?

How many times was Romney caught off guard by the hack media? Too many times to count. That right there needs to stop.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Repubs really need to learn how to start memes. Today, almost all memes benefit Dems...they bang the drum for more infrastructure money minutes after a train crash, they want more money for urban poverty after a riot in Baltimore.

Repubs are always flatfooted and on the defensive. Repubs need to go on offense. They should demand positive change and say what kind of change is needed.

I'm Full of Soup said...

For instance, in the last month, we in Pennsylvania learn a retired president of Penn State University gets a pension of $39,000 a month! That should serve as a Repub example to start a full throated meme that the cost of govt employees is outrageous and must be fixed now not later. But to date I don't see any sign the Repubs are using this to their advantage.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...



Obviously the most important thing is to get the most uncritical shill to lob softballs for the party faithful's candidates. Hard questions are unfair. It's also imperative that the moderator agree with all the practiced positions that each candidate has rehearsed, and ideally be a registered Republican. These things are supposed to be pageants, anyway.

Think "Toddlers in Tiaras" for political drama queens. That's pretty much the direction the Republican Party "vetting process" needs to go, and has been going.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Repubs really need to learn how to start memes. ...They should demand positive change and say what kind of change is needed.

Surely no one will ever realize what a bunch of phonies they are when their rank-and-file has advice as generic and artificial to offer as that!

Michael Haz said...

He never left the war room. And he's unable to see that. He believes that America's best interests are exactly his best interests are exactly the Clintons' best interests. And that's called diversity.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing. He is Sean Hannity posing as a journalist. He is not a journalist. As long as they post a graphic under his face saying "Democratic Operative" then there is no problem.

It is like listening to the ball game with the other teams announcers. I don't want to listen to the Red Sox announcers. They are homers. Also homos.

Because Boston Sucks.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Here is a conservative meme I could support:

No govt worker should get a pension benefit that is better than that of an army sergeant with 25 years service.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No govt worker should get a pension benefit that is better than that of an army sergeant with 25 years service.

And given how horribly Republicans been treating vets lately, I'm not surprised that both standards would be low enough to meet your approval.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The democrat party has collectively abandoned and taken a royal dump on our vets. Democrats don't give a rats ass about vets. But they do like to, as balls points out, use them as shields.

The democrats OWN the VA scandal.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"The launch of the Affordable Care Act and the worsening of conditions at the Veterans Affairs Department are emblematic of Obama’s inattention to the hard work of governing. He is slow to fire poor-serving Cabinet members and quick to dismiss controversies as “phony scandals.” To the Obama administration, transparency is a mere talking point. The great irony of his progressive presidency: Democrats privately admit that Obama has done as much to undermine the public’s faith in government as his GOP predecessor. The Green Lantern Theory is an excuse for failure."

--Ron Fournier (D)

Funny how nothing is ever Obama's fault.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Republicans are treating vets horribly?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tell me what Republicans have been doing for Vets lately? The VA? PTSD? The number of consecutive redeployments? Please go ahead and let me know what they've done over the last ten years for them.

bagoh20 said...

The last Republican Presdent stopped golfing while sending them to fight and die. A small act to be sure, but still too big a sacrifice for a Democrat.

chickelit said...

AJ Lynch said...

Republicans are treating vets horribly?

No, they're not.

Instead, this is the ugly face of the Dem party.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...

The last Republican Presdent stopped golfing while sending them to fight and die. A small act to be sure, but still too big a sacrifice for a Democrat.

I was just thinking about what will happen to the Presidential golf game if Hillary is elected. It would an insult to Americans if Bill usurped the role of GiC.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Tell me what Republicans have been doing for Vets lately? The VA? PTSD? The number of consecutive redeployments? Please go ahead and let me know what they've done over the last ten years for them.

In the context of this discussion, this is completely straw man.

Amartel said...

He's got nothing, he's just trying to stir up shit. The lame insult filler is a giveaway.