Thursday, April 16, 2015

How does Hillary get her family immigration history wrong?

"Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show"
“All my grandparents, you know, came over here and you know my grandfather went to work in lace mill in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and worked there until he retired at 65. He started there when he was a teenager and just kept going,” Clinton said.
The problem with that is (according to BuzzFeed) Census Records conflict with that Hillary 'all my grandparents were immigrants' narrative. (video at this link)

Hanna Jones Rodham, Clinton’s paternal grandmother (the wife of Hugh Rodham Sr.) was born in Pennsylvania in 1882, according to the 1910 census. (Hugh Rodham Sr. was born in England and immigrated with his parents as a child according to records.)

An article in the Irish-America by an ancestry researcher sent to BuzzFeed News by the Clinton campaign also noted Hannah Jones was born in Scranton.

All of the Clinton’s grandparents were born in the United States, “with the exception of Hugh,” Megan Smolenyak, the article’s researcher said. Smolenyak noted seven of Clinton’s eight great-grandparents were immigrants.

Clinton’s maternal grandmother, Della Howell (previously Murray) was born in Illinois in 1902 according to records. She married Edwin Howell (born 1887 in Illinois) in 1918 according to records.
Why would Hillary lie about something that could be easily checked?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Reporters are saying Hillary "Misstated" her story.

Isn't that nice?

If a member of the GOP or a Libertarian or any non-leftist made that kind of mistake it would be branded a "lie."

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

That's more bullshitting than lying, IMHO.

Lots of people have a hazy or inaccurate understanding of their family history. Lots of people don't go to the bother to do any serious research. Lots of people nevertheless relate their family history to others.

The truth or falsity of those sorts of claims are seldom of any practical consequence.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

She wants to president. She should have some command of her own history.

AllenS said...

Why does she lie? Because she always lies. She could care less if people catch her telling a lie. If you're willing to listen to her, you probably don't care if she lies.

Just what is the difference between bullshitting and lying?

bagoh20 said...

Brian Williams said he was actually the captain on the boat that brought her grandparents across the ocean. He recalls the epic journey was fraught with danger. He even remembers the boat was named "Titanic".

bagoh20 said...

When they landed in the new world, they were greeted by the hostile native grandparents of Elizabeth Warren, who were primitive yet still respected gay rights and flew a rainbow flag. They were all about to be killed when Hillary's grandparents negotiated a treaty where they only killed some guy who made a youtube video. They smoked a peace pipe, but Hillary's grandparents didn't inhale. Nobody had sex with Monica Lewinsky's grandparents.

It all sounds hard to believe unless you know what the meaning of "is" is.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

She's pulling an Elizabeth Warren.

Remember, she said she was part native American.

Amartel said...

Progressives are trained to believe that their magical thinking is really the truth so it's not a "lie" to them, or to their steno pool and other support staff (voters). Which doesn't mean that people who actually encounter reality with more objectivity should shy away from calling it a lie.

virgil xenophon said...

Sociopaths come to serial pathological lying like the proverbial ducks take to water..

Aridog said...

Hillary is 100% amoral...she will say or do anything that promotes her personal hubris cause(s) without a moment of thought about what is really happening. She is the what does "is" mean girl, without any reservation.

If she somehow manages to get elected POTUS, I will never vote again. Why bother?

ampersand said...

If she hadn't of sucked down the cyanide, Eva Braun was just as qualified to have been the next fuhrer.

Aridog said...

Hullary said ...

“All my grandparents, you know, came over here and you know my grandfather went to work in lace mill in Scranton

The "tell" is the use of the words "you know"...a technique that asserts purported facts that you are not to question...e.g., why would you bother (dare?) because you already know it.

It is a form of "testifying" for others who aren't asked if they knew anything. Shallow as a paper plate is an insult to paper plates in her case.