Thursday, April 30, 2015

"Prisoner in van..."

"said Freddie Gray was ‘trying to injure himself,’ document says"
A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety...

The van driver stopped three times while transporting Gray to a booking center, the first to put him in leg irons. Batts said the officer driving the van described Gray as “irate.” The search warrant application says Gray “continued to be combative in the police wagon.”

The driver made a second stop, five minutes later, and asked an officer to help check on Gray. At that stop, police have said the van driver found Gray on the floor of the van and put him back on the seat, still without restraints. Police said Gray asked for medical help at that point.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's important that the Blue Media give us misleading, incorrect and incomplete information so there is a rush to judgement.

Obey the Blue Media and their narrative. oh and - "hands up don't shoot."

Leland said...

I've seen many people reporting this story, but I rather wait for the autopsy. There are bad cops, such as the nitwit in SC shooting the guy in the back. I have seen nothing that suggest the Baltimore cops did anything wrong. Yet I'm wary of putting a lot of stock in a detainee.

The right thing to do is follow the full investigation. The report could be authentic, but the detainees story completely fabricated. If found to be false, it will be used to validate robbing and destroying CVS. I rather stick with robbing and destroying CVS to show your contempt of cops as being wrong. And if the autopsy comes back confirming injuries were self inflicted then compare with the similarities of the detainee's report.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Maybe the guy was beating himself up because of his guilty conscience.

Leland said...

Wow... Just walked by the company TV always tuned to CNN (I think the only way they get viewership). The story... ATF just arrived to investigate the arson fire in Baltimore.

That fire was set and burned over 36 hours ago. The video shows a large tour bus arriving decorated in ATF branding. I guess they travelled a long way from... DC. I remember the Governor noting how long it took the Mayor to ask for Guard units, and people recalled the issues during Katrina. Obama can't even move his assets 40 miles north within a day.

And of course the only reason for the riots and ATF being there is to suggest local crime has gone beyond the ability of local governments. Ive already seen suggestion of a federalized police force (as if we didn't already have them, but then they really mean all existing forces reporting only to the federal government, and no more local jurisdiction). The old saying was "when seconds count, the police are minutes away", but some want to extend that to "days away".

bagoh20 said...

That certainly seems plausible. It's very common for an arrested person (especially if they are high) to try and harm themselves inside the squad car, the holding cell, and later in prison. It's one of the most common reactions to arrest. Even if you just watch TV shows about real prison or police work you see it in every episode. Despite us all having seen this over and over, watch how some people will pretend it's inconceivable.

I don't know what happened, but this is at least as likely as the cops beating him, and to me, statistically much more likely, not that reason, or logic, or fact will have any bearing on rioters or the left. I can accept either scenario, but many have only one possible story, and nothing will change their mind. Leftism is mental retardation on a massive scale combined with unassailable moral clarity.

Trooper York said...

It has been suggested that he suffered a seizure. He had asthma and as such would be prone to seizures under stress. So it is quite possible that his spine was already at risk because of the prior trauma and the seizure was enough to sever his spinal cord.

That is not to say that the cops were not negligent. Just that they are not the brutal evil torturers that the left is portraying them to be in order to encourage civil unrest.

Trooper York said...

I was in the emergency room lat month and they had a suspect in handcuffs. He had three cops watching him. That is a lot. Of manpower and money being spent. It would have been a lot easier to just throw him in the Paddy Wagon and just take him to Rikers Island. I bet that is what the Baltimore Cpos did. They just didn't give a crap and it blows up in their face.

Rabel said...

"The van driver stopped three times while transporting Gray to a booking center, the first to put him in leg irons."

Looks like 4:

"Davis said Thursday that police discovered a new stop the van made with Gray in it, but they did not say what happened. Davis said the stop was found through footage from a privately owned camera."

ricpic said...

Sounds like the worst you can say about the cops is that they didn't follow the book on how to protect the perp from himself.

Amartel said...

I'm stunned and amazed, surprised and outraged. Not. Will not be surprised either way this goes. Either a government enforcer was behaving badly or a government crony's enforcer was behaving badly. Probably both. I doubt we'll ever know for sure. Result: a solid week of rioting, whining and excuse-making, most of which carefully avoids the obvious: Baltimore is Exhibit B in the Why You Should Not Vote For Big Government enthusiasts.
(Detroit is Exhibit A.) How many more exhibits do we need? Aren't there other more pressing issues that need attention?

(1) overentitled and underbrained executives elected because they look a certain way and/or promised everyone free shit, not because their policies are wise or will actually change anything (for the better);
(2) their enforcers who can't be fired (much less investigated);
(3) poverty and/or race pimps gone wild;
(4) actual ever increasing poverty and hopelessness because no one with half a brain would actually want to live there much less visit or set up a business;
(5) No accountability, no transparency and a media that plays along and perpetuates all of the above.

"History shows" (to quote super-genius Shep Smith) again and again (prefer to quote BOC); the blue state model does not work. Big government is bad for people.

edutcher said...

At the risk of being a wet blanket or something, where's the damned autopsy?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only thing apparently that's allowed to be said about this story, is that a black mayor, whose black chief of police had a policy in place not to use seat belts on black drug pushers while in transit following their being apprehended, were racist for following their own city's incompetent policy.

Unless you believe its everyone else's fault for their failures, then you're apparently a raciss.