Sunday, April 26, 2015

Baltimore under martial law while White House celebrates journalism

Yes, this is too on-the-nose for fiction. Our inbred journalist and political classes award themselves, congratulate themselves, speechify to themselves, stroke themselves, roast themselves, tweet themselves, update themselves, selfie themselves, autofellate, boo FOX, everybody claps, boo Republicans, everybody claps, as trained seals clap for a fish, while thirty miles north the people who voted properly are tossing chairs through store windows hard as they can, a protest, yet another of its type gone violent so that attendees at a nearby game cannot be let out and flow out of the stadium to their homes as they would on a normal night, they're all cooped up in the stadium, but that cannot be covered. Because ... journalism.

You can all just go to hell. And you will.  

Here is your hell: being stuck in that White House Correspondents Dinner with your inbred type. Being forced to endure your own inbred jokes funny to inbred mongs. The pathetic spectacle of representatives given power, actually all wanna be entertainers at heart, in the land known as Hollywood for Ugly People play acting their real dreams of celebrity with the peoples' time and money and doing so poorly. Nobody sensible watches, and when they do, only to ridicule, yet our representatives and their watchers, droll entertainers and their inbred mong groupies imagine themselves recreating the Oscars, another such spectacle. Drawing your finger over your embossed invitation, yes, yes, how fine, you made it, this is your second one! Finally, the High School cool kid's table and that is all that you care about. Your hell is the same hell as spectators at Camden Yard, both unable to move, locked up with their teams and their tribes.


chickelit said...

The protests were sparked by the arrest and death of a one Freddie Gray. Six officers were suspended. Balmer police identified the officers suspended with pay as Lieutenant Brian Rice, 41, Sergeant Alicia White, 30, Officer William Porter, 25, Officer Garrett Miller, 26, Officer Edward Nero, 29, and Officer Caesar Goodson, 45.

That sounds like diverse gender & ethnic mix. And at least one of the suspended officers was black according to the Latin.

chickelit said...

You do have your pulse on the finger of America, Chip.

edutcher said...

Stalin made non-persons one at a time.

The Choom Gang makes them by the thousand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our inbred journalist and political classes award themselves, congratulate themselves, speechify to themselves, stroke themselves, roast themselves, tweet themselves, update themselves, selfie themselves, autofellate, boo FOX, everybody claps, boo Republicans, everybody claps, as trained seals clap for a fish...

Perfectly described. Dead on.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I mean to say - "the inbred media"
-- I'm so stealing that.

ricpic said...

Anything short of being strung up on a lamppost is not hell.

Trooper York said...

What is the explanation for the outrage of the racialists? The mayor is black. The city council is black. The police chief is black. The majority of the arresting officers were black or some other minorities.

Why do they have to riot and destroy stuff and steal?

Trooper York said...

One thing this can do is destroy baseball in Baltimore. In quite a few other places where the stadiums are in the inner city.

Baseball has become a sport where white people watch Hispanics play ball in a black neighborhood.

That doesn't sound like a successful business model to me. Just sayn'