Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Susan Rice pipes up about chickenshit Netanyahu.

Says Rice of the recent leak of some unnamed White House advisor, "The relationship is not in crisis. In many respects the relationship is stronger than it's ever been."

Ricespeak is easy to translate. She speaks in reverse.

Translation: U.S. Israeli relations is in crisis, it's never been worse.


KCFleming said...

Standard Hollywood PR-speak just prior to the bitter divorce.

bagoh20 said...

There has got to be a convenient YouTube video we can blame. Arrest somebody, would you please!

bagoh20 said...

Our best and brightest top to bottom, proven so by university credentials.

JAL said...

In many respects the relationship is stronger than it's ever been.

And what might those respects be, Ambassador Rice?

I can think of one that's it's not.

You don't call a guy like Bibi Netanyahu who deals (effectively) with rockets falling from the sky by the thousands on his country and people trying to blow his people up on an almost daily basis a chickenshit and a coward.

Not only disrespectful, it's just plain ignorant.

edutcher said...

Sigmund must be lighting up a big one somewhere.

Talk about vindication.

virgil xenophon said...

The WH is behind Bibi 1000% don't you worry..

virgil xenophon said...

PS: I just realized there may be readers here who are too young to remember the history behind the "1000%" bit. During the 1968 Presidential campaign the Donkey nominee, George McGovern, chose as his running mate a Senator from Missouri named George Eagleton. It then was established that the Senator suffered from severe depression and had not only been hospitalized several times for the malady, but had had electro-shock therapy. You can imagine the furor this caused--both among non-partisans who worried about having someone whose mental judgment (this was at the height of the Cold War) might be questioned if he were thrust into the Oval office for some reason--let alone Republicans who joked about him "being hooked up to jumper cables" (Lee Atwood, iirc?) McGovern swore to defend his choice and said that he "stood by Eagleton 1000%"--just before he dumped him, LOL!