Monday, April 14, 2014

NYT: Michael Isikoff Leaves NBC News

It’s a totally amicable departure,” he said. “I had a good ride at NBC, and I’m proud of a lot of what I was able to do there. But it was increasingly clear they were moving in directions in which there were going to be fewer opportunities for my work.”

Michael Isikoff was the first journalist to find out about then president Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinski. Newsweek, the shop Isikoff worked for at the time, spiked it, they pulled the story.
Matt Drudge wound up with the scoop and the rest is, as they say, history.
I believe that incident, that open defiance of the code to first inform the American public, despite of who is in power, spelled the beginning of the end for the Main Stream Media monopoly on what is considered newsworthy. Their bias was revealed for everyone to see.
People now can choose where to get their information. #BundyRanch is but the latest example.


Shouting Thomas said...

Among the major media, Fox News is the only outlet covering every story and letting the chips fall.

I don't watch TV much, and I watch TV news less. I do watch the first 15 minutes of O'Reilly when I can, which is on those nights when I'm not out rehearsing.

Sometimes, the shouting matches between the conservative versus liberal segment are pretty stupid, but at least Fox lets both sides air it out.

O'Reilly and Fox are covering the Benghazi and IRS things. The NY Times has buried both.

deborah said...

"I believe that incident, that open defiance of the code to first inform the American public, despite of who is in power, spelled the beginning of the end for the Main Stream Media monopoly on what is considered newsworthy. Their bias was revealed for everyone to see."

Covering up presidential affairs by the media is nothing new. From FDR, through JFK, up to Clinton.

Unknown said...

The purge continues. Soon, the media will be one gigantic Hillary cheerleading squad.

ricpic said...

Does anyone with half a brain buy a single word uttered by anyone associated with the MSM? In news that is. Weather is another matter.

Unknown said...

While the MSM obsess over "right wing" and Koch brothers and that rich guy in Vegas - they fail to mention the corrupt influence in their own midst. Comcast/NBC/Billions/Democrats.
shhh - I'm sure the collective left can look the other way when it comes to Citizens United in this case.

Don't stop with the fake news. All the major network's prime time comedy shows and dramas are filled with subtle and not so subtle pro-Clinton mutterings. All the shows are pre-fabricated feminist hypocrisy showcasing their adoration for Bill Clinton's antics. So sexy. Then there's the positive spin spin spin throughout the actor's lines. All by design. Helps when the networks and the large corporations are billions in bed with democrats.

deborah said...

"Soon, the media will be one gigantic Hillary cheerleading squad."

It will be a sight to behold.

On the other hand, I think there's a nontrivial chance that the media will turn on her. She's made many enemies, and I can see a grassroots movement, real or engineered, for Chief Liz:

6 minutes: Warren questions why the Fed borrows money at less than .3%, yet charges an incommensurate interest rate for Sallie Mae loans; also asks why Fed govt making massive profit on loans designated as 'subsidized'

nine more clips

William said...

It was always thus. In Bloodlands. Snyder points out that there were only two published reports about the famine in the Ukraine that killed several million people. It was Duranty who won the Pulitzer for his coverage of the issue....... Tom Sgovio was blessed with a father who believed in the Soviet dream. He didn't believe in that crap the Hearst papers were writing about the Soviet Union. He read the Nation and was far better informed about such things. He and his family moved to the Soviet Union. He died in the gulag. His son survived to tell the tale. Don't expect a major motion picture to be made about this tragedy.

Paddy O said...

Well, bye.