Friday, February 21, 2014

Whose That Girl?*

Infamous femme fatale, she dealt in pleasure, pain, and pain relief. Though immortalized in a song, she doled out death.

Whose that girl?*
*A blog post in the style of Trooper York


ricpic said...

Whoever she is she probably pleasured JFK.

Trooper York said...

She looks like Kitty Genovese but that is not her.

Synova said...

I couldn't think of the name but I was thinking Kitty
Genovese, too.

Synova said...

The woman who gave the heroin to John Belushi.

Song by Gordon Lightfoot.

rcocean said...

"Whoever she is she probably pleasured JFK."

Well, that narrows it down to about 1,000.

rcommal said...

Cathy Smith

Shouting Thomas said...

Dolores del Rio?

Rabel said...

OK, who cheated? Fess up.

deborah said...

Adrienne Barbeau.

MamaM said...

Getting lost in her lovin' is your first mistake.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Trooper has done more Barbeau posts than Arod did steroids.

Michael Haz said...

^Lem wins the thread.

Valentine Smith said...

Shese not mine.

MamaM said...

Nay vote on the thread winner nomination, which relies on insider information in order to be considered funny or applicable. Clubby at best.

Getting lost in her lovin' is your first mistake is more comprehensive, honoring of all players and dragon riders involved, and more inclusive!

Trooper York said...

My favorite Adrienne Barbeau photo!

Sorry if it seems blurry....err...there is some sticky stuff on it....err .....that might be TMI.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Bottoms up?

deborah said...

MamaM, yours is good also, but relied, for me, on replies previous to yours. I thought it was well done, though I still don't know the whole Belushi-Lightfoot girlfriend connection. Never heard of it.

From now on we may need to designate Trooperian and non-Trooperian winners for some threads.

MamaM said...

Why bother with "winners" and Trooper non-Trooper designations?

Isn't the point of the post to engage the audience and elicit responses?

As for who knows what and previous replies, the entire thread appears to be built brick by brick like the Tower of Babel, based on a picture presented.

I hold with Getting lost in her lovin' is your first mistake as an awesome, inclusive and broadly applicable rejoinder.

Michael Haz said...

Because I wanted to. That's reason enough.

Amartel said...

Nurse Ratched.

MamaM said...

Sorry if it seems blurry

Put your glasses on and walk into present reality. She's currently 68, gave birth to twins at 51 and still appears to have a sparkle in her eye and a zest for life. The whole package.

Synova said...

I didn't cheat but I asked my friend who was sitting next to me when I read the post.

She didn't remember the name, though.

Known Unknown said...

I don't know who she belongs to.

MamaM said...

Because I wanted to. That's reason enough.

It's reason enough to prompt a yay or a nay response. Which I presume to be the point of this blog.

The point of the post is anyone's guess. I assume it to involve connection and levity. Based on previous experiences with "Whose that Girl?" posts here and elsewhere, landing the correct name often appears secondary to the lead-up hints and follow-up comments in building the thread and holding interest.

Under the category of synchronistic oddities and wiki rumors, she was apparently the reason Bluegrass musicians Bruce and Brian Good, The Good Brothers, who were one of Lightfoot's opening acts during that time, got fired by Lightfoot for "flirting" with her. During his three year relationship with her, Lightfoot also reportedly broke her cheekbone in what was termed an "extramarital tussle... with a one-time girlfriend and serial groupie"...'I was sometimes crazy with jealousy,' he once told an interviewer about that relationship.

Getting lost in her lovin' may have been his first mistake, but it wasn't his last, or second to last as it was for Belushi.

The Dude said...

She broke his heart so he busted her face - if that ain't country, something something something...

XRay said...

She must have looked a lot different when young. Or, it was the hair, she's a lot of that.

MamaM said...

It's not sounding to me as if her looks were as much of a factor as the sexual friction created, and later, the drug hook.

While this story leads off with the line, Cathy Smith's story starts with a blow job the chances are good the foundation was laid years before.

Chip S. said...

Don't you people know that Inga hates having her personal info posted?

chickelit said...

Rcommal got the name first: Cathy Smith.

Here's the song Gordon Lightfoot wrote which she allegedly inspired: Sundown (1974)

chickelit said...

Thank you for the links, MamaM.

I was going to post the song as a clue when I got home but synova already gave the best clue and rcommal provided the name.

I looked for a better photo of her but they are just not out there.

The post was prompted by deborah's Lightfoot post this AM.

chickelit said...

MamaM said...
Nay vote on the thread winner nomination, which relies on insider information in order to be considered funny or applicable. Clubby at best.

I agree in part. The truth is that since Troop went private, he hasn't published a single Adrienne Barbeau photo!

He's published more underwater photos of himself than her. :(

rcommal said...

I'd've sworn, somewhere along the way, that I'd mentioned that my dad, while born in Brooklyn, was transplanted after a few years to Wheaton, IL, where he was raised as were his two brothers, 4-1/2 and 9 years younger, in which town the latter two were also born. Both of my paternal grandparents lived there until their deaths (grandpa in '77 and grandma in ,92). I always took an interest in Wheaton and its lore.

; )

chickelit said...

I don't remember you posting all that bio-info, r,l (maybe before my time?), but I do recall you saying you might be next-of-kin to some of the Meade-folk.

rcommal said...

'91, not '2. I always stumble over that because she died in 12/91 and I met my future husband in 2/92. She always worried I wouldn't meet the right guy, and then I did a couple of months shy of her being able to meet him, whom she would have loved. So it goes, there it is, and that, as they say, is that. Intend to be reminded about all of that in this season of each year.

rcommal said...

Mmmmm, more like some kinfolk who have cross-pathed with some of his kinfolk.

rcommal said...

Mmmmm, more like some kinfolk who have cross-pathed with some of his kinfolk.

rcommal said...

There's a reason why I can only laugh so much at that old Kevin Bacon game. Remember that one? Too darn weirdish, that one, not constantly, not frequently, but oddly oftenish enough to raise an eyebrow, every now and again.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcommal said...

Chickelit, you are quite the provocateur. That's OK. I get it.

chickelit said...

Chickelit, you are quite the provocateur. That's OK. I get it.

Here? How? This post? I Posted it and went to work for 6 hrs.

I thought it was informative. I posted something similar on my blog a year or so ago and Pete was surprised to learn about Smith.

chickelit said...

The kinfolk thing? I misremembered and confused crossing paths with being related. There's a huge difference. I'm sorry.

rcommal said...

At last.

rcommal said...

You share stuff never posted online AND ALSO GOT IT WRONG.

Never did that to you.

Again, OK.

You think I am weak? OK.

I think I am stronger than people think. At a bare minimum, I ought get credit for being strong enough to not pull that sort of shit.

chickelit said...

Oh. OK. My bad. I'm sorry again. Maybe we should never communicate again offline because I muddled the two.

deborah said...

MamaM, it is a habit that may annoy some, but I occasionally post ftw (for the win) in some threads. It's really just a compliment to a poster for an especially good zing. I have no authority to award wins.

rcommal said...


rcommal said...

rcommal said...

rcommal said...

MamaM said...

Not only is the post in the style of Trooper York, the comment section also appears to replicate the "things are not as they seem" randomness that accompanied his posts in the past.

Rest easy, deborah. I didn't imagine for one zingy moment that you had the "authority to award wins". Neither did I think you were seconding MHaz's nomination out of habit. What I submitted was a "nay" vote along with my belief that the line, Getting lost in her lovin' is your first mistake encompassed much, because it does.