Wednesday, December 25, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things...

plaid flannel pajamas
apricot jelly
the scent of lilacs

What are some of yours?


Mumpsimus said...

Drinking hot chocolate

Talking about health insurance

deborah said...

What are you wearing when you do these things?

sakredkow said...

Pink panties. What are you wearing?

deborah said...

I would tell you, but you'd blow a gasket.

bagoh20 said...

through the air,
through the day,
through my time here,
and catching the unseen, unexpected thermals that can lift you, overpower your control, and take you away where you never expected to go.

I'm not sure if you fall in love, or that's riding a thermal, but you are certainly out of control.

john said...

Deborah's got the hots for Pajamaboy?

deborah said...

Did the date go well, bags :)

John, oh hell no. Yuk.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It's a terrible economy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

How about drinking shots of Fireball and swearing about Obamacare?

I am trying to get into the spirit of things.

bagoh20 said...

I guess so, Deb, because I'm entirely helpless right now. I don't know what hit me, and I can hear the ref counting me out.

deborah said...

Wow, bags, this is big!

Rage at the night, Evi :)

bagoh20 said...

Hey, Crack gave me post! I'm like a famous racist or something now, and all you need is fame to make it big time, so I'm "moving on up, to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyy"

deborah said...

Lem? Why say you that?

bagoh20 said...
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Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

Being happy that I'm in a household where Barack Obama's childhood, gay marriage, feminism and anti-religious drivel is not part of Christmas Day.

Being at last night's family party and demonstrating that a 60-is man who has had too much wine can still do calculus in his head faster than relatives who are sophomores attending pricey universities.

Having fire in the fireplace, figuratively, literally and metaphorically

bagoh20 said...

One of my favorite things is poor spelling, but I'm kind of byassed.

deborah said...

" but I'm kind of byassed."

There's surgery for that now.

Glad to hear, Michael :)

Aridog said...

... the smell of napalm [in the morning]...

virgil xenophon said...

Whew, I'm glad it's you, Deb, for at first horrifying superficial glance I thought it was Lem transmogrifying into Pajama-Boy..

The Dude said...

I love the generosity and kindness I find in real life and among those who gather here - that is real wealth.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I had 10 am Mass (and Midnight before that) and no one has bothered me since.

edutcher said...

Whatever happened to raindrops on roses?

john said...

Deborah's got the hots for Pajamaboy?

Maybe she means on her.

PS Is that one of those TOP bottomless blogging things?

sakredkow said...

Okay, who is Pajamaboy?

edutcher said...

The real Barack Obama.

MamaM said...

Among my Favorite Things:


Unknown said...

PHX - We are all pajamaboy.. hot cocoa and chains excluded.

deborah said...

When I typed plaid flannel pajamas (for me to wear), I promise you that Pajamaboy didn't cross my mind :)

So true, ricpic.

deborah said...

MamaM, do you mean the kind you look out of, or the computer kind?

Unknown said...

We're all wearing pink panties, right?

Favorite things:
Simple acts of kindness
Cuticle scissors

ot: XM radio has the worst comedy. All the black comedians repeat "nigger" over and over as if it's its own punch line. Then they mock and laugh at crimes and their lack of education.(thanks government schools! nice job! Really funny!) Many other comedians spew embarrassing lowculture/ideocracy type foulness. I'd be embarrassed to listen with my parents or a child in the car.

(yes I know I drop F bombs occasionally and I'm working on it, ok. Sorry.)

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Good conversation.
A hot mug of Earl Grey tea with Half & Half and sugar.
At this time of year, I confess, the Vince Guaraldi "Peanuts Christmas" soundtrack or the George Winston version.

bagoh20 said...

I like carbohydrates.

deborah said...

Once you lower your expectations, Christmases become pleasantly low key and tolerable.

bagoh20 said...

I hear ya, April, about the satellite radio comedy. 80% of the jokes are really just setups to use insulting language. Of course that's long been part of comedy, but just a seasoning in it, not the entire dish. For some comedians, it is all they really do: say words you never hear in public. OK fine, but that's really just one joke. What else you got?

deborah said...

Yes, Peanuts music by Guaraldi is quintessential holiday music.

Now the half and half and sugar with Earl Grey sounds very unusual. I'll have to try that.

Bags, carbs are my downfall.

deborah said...

April, no wonder phx stalks you, you little tease.

Unknown said...

yep. George Carlin used to use a lot of profanity, but the guy was funny. His concepts and topics were funny.
This stuff on XM that I heard was just gross.

Unknown said...

I stalk him. He's the one in pink panties.

In any case - This is pleasing.

I love to listen to the Nutcracker every Christmas. Didn't this year. :(

Unknown said...

"Once you lower your expectations, Christmases become pleasantly low key and tolerable."

That was beautiful Deborah.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Once you lower your expectations, Christmases become pleasantly low key and tolerable.

It depends.

A Christmas based on the people who are important in one's life, an understanding that all the loot in the world won't make you happy, and the realization that the holiday is about the most important human being who ever walked the earth and the revolutionary idea He brought can make any Christmas a joy.

The Blonde and I spent Christmas alone together and I can say we had a very good time.

deborah said...

I couldn't find my Christmas CDs, which I keep in a separate CD album, but I love the Peanuts album and I have a highlights of Handel's Messiah I love. Plus lots of others.

April, just be gentle with him when it goes down.

deborah said...

Nicely said, Ed. Yes, I can imagine you two snugglebirds having a cozy Christmas :) Please give her my warm regards.

Unknown said...

ooo I don't like onessies. That's a turn off. Thanks for saving me, Bagoh. That was close.

Michael Haz said...

Well the roof is now all shiny and clean. I'm starting to wind down a bit and am sipping some good bourbon.

Fr. Fox, I can only imagine what your Christmas season work schedule must be like! Having some quiet time after Mass today must be very welcome.

Anonymous said...

Comedy has always had its rude and crude, but these days the R&C drowns much of the rest out.

I've been fond of Maria Bamford for ten years now. She's smart, weird, versatile and never R&C. Her comedy is based on characters and stories backed up by her fabulous vocal mimicry.

I've wondered why she never broke through to the front ranks, but she truly is weird and just-the-teensiest-bit mentally ill.

Here's a quick Bamford sampler:

She's another of my favorite things.

bagoh20 said...

I've liked Bamford for a long time too. She's the poster girl for quirky, and in a good way. It doesn't hurt that she's very cute too.

Michael Haz said...

It's 364 days until next Christmas and people have their decorations up already.


deborah said...

Yeah, pretty tacky...I assume you took yours down when you were clearing the roof :)

Michael Haz said...

Yes. The Old Testament requires that all Christmas decorations be taken down by sunset on Christmas Day. You can look it up.

deborah said...

:) You are a godly man.

Anonymous said...

bagoh20: Geez. What a weird interaction with Crack. True, you did tell him to pull up his socks, so I guess you got what you deserved.

I don't imagine race relations will improve in the next few decades. Mostly likely they will worsen. Sad.

ndspinelli said...

Doing something unexpectedly nice or generous, the feeling both the recipient and I get. I do it year round but the Christmas spirit brings it out. I gave a real nice cab driver in Italy a ten euro tip, and he got teary w/ the "Prego." Hopefully it made up for a few ugly Americans.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Obviously no one in trailer parks read the Old Testament.

Fr Martin Fox said...



Actually, my schedule wasn't too bad; other priests had it worse. But I had Midnight Mass, and I'm always keyed up until past 2 am; this time, till 3 am.

I was with family on Christmas Eve; so being left alone on Christmas Day was rather nice. I was invited to an event, and was planning to go; but it was a 3-hour round trip and I was a little too weary for it.

Today I feel great!

Unknown said...

What is up with Crack? Did I miss something? Why the crack-pot cheap-shot racist attack on Bagoh?

sakredkow said...

Bleg-free blogs.

sakredkow said...

Anything that's advert free.

Anonymous said...

Crack posted a topic the other night titled:

What's More Important Than Racism To Conservatives?

Lem's Comment Home led off Crack's Christmas list of naughty conservatives on account of the "Caramel vs Toffee" topic. Sounds nuts to me.

Apparently conservatives are allowed no other use of our time and attention until racism is dealt with to Crack's satisfaction.

Bagoh took Crack to task here.

Crack's post is an example of why I don't care anymore about blacks' special pleading about racism. There's no end to it. As far as I'm concerned, it weakens blacks and weakens America when such pleading is catered to. If this means Crack or anyone else will call me a racist, so be it.

Not one of my favorite things.

deborah said...

Crack, you don't want to talk about race, you want to howl in rage. You have yet to answer my two questions:

Why did act, all that time, as if you didn't mind racist jokes at Trooper's?

Are you racist?

Unknown said...

Thanks, Creeley.
When it needs to be said, Bagoh does it right.

"Crack's post is an example of why I don't care anymore about blacks' special pleading about racism. There's no end to it. As far as I'm concerned, it weakens blacks and weakens America when such pleading is catered to."

After reading how the eternal grievance race-bating hate-mongering fraud of man, Jesse Jackson, is once again blowing context out of proportion to mobilized the angry mob... I was thinking exactly that. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done more to destroy the black family and the black man than any other person or group in modern history.

Of course the hack media are all too happy to assist.

Trooper York said...

Crack has fallen into a deep well of madness and despair. I feel very sorry for him and wish him well.

I just don't have the strength to deal with such craziness anymore. I have my own problems that need my attention.

I am trying to get the craziness out of my life. Crack and his rants are like TOP and the people who infest it. Something I want to leave alone and let them leave me alone.

Trooper York said...

Nothing good will come out of engaging it. It is best left alone.

YMMV of course.

But that is what I am going to try to do from now on going into the new year.

Trooper York said...

I just want to congratulate Lem and thank him for creating a non-toxic place where we can all gather to talk and swap recipes and gripe without the tsuris that you find in other places.

This blog has become an underappreciated gem and I am very grateful for it.

Michael Haz said...

How can anyone read Crack's blog? It's such a mess that getting to the bottom of the point he's trying to make is not worth the effort.

And the point is always the same.

We all have been given free will, and using our free will can make our lives better or worse. It's a choice. Crack has made his choice.

Unknown said...

(Mobilized = mobilize.)

Haz -
It is a crippling disease. The Jesse Jackson rainbow PUSH shake-down brigade maintain their high paying jobs by keeping everyone angry and sufficiently race-obsessed.

bagoh20 said...

Crack does find some amazing graphics somehow. I used to really respect his courage, and exceptional viewpoint, but now he has just slowed back into the fat part of the peloton, into the mediocrity of so many Blacks who steal the honor of people who suffered long ago and who they share little with other than skin color.

You have no right to the respect others have earned through their suffering and toil just because their skin looks like yours, or they share a genetic link ever so slightly more close than others. You have no right to use that to hide behind, or to foul it with your cheap need to justify your own failings.

My failures are mine alone. While you can benefit from the work of of your ancestors or appreciate the struggles they endured, you only embarrass yourself by trying to claim theirs for your own as either accomplishment or excuse. Worst of all is that the practice weakens those being challenged now, and diminishes their own ability to add to the world. A cruel, selfish theft.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I consider Crack a friend, but do not sign on to his latest stuff at all. He has his problems and I prefer not to be drawn into it.

bagoh20 said...

It's not just Crack I'm talking about, but the whole genre of Black victimology. It's embarrassing, and not to White people at this point. I mostly feel anger at the cost of it to Blacks now and as long into the future as it is used as a crutch.

deborah said...

I consider Crack a friend, but wonder now if he reciprocates the feeling. I just wish he would drop by here and shoot the breeze. Leave the heavy stuff back at his blog.

Trooper York said...

Well said bags.

Unfortunately it will only serve to have you branded as a racist.

Sometimes it is best to stop playing the game. Life is too short to be drawn into insanity.

Anonymous said...

Crack and I were at loggerheads from the word go. But even though he was often nasty to me, I could never take it seriously. I took it as his persona -- like Hunter S. Thompson exclaiming he wanted to rip my lungs out.

I thought Crack was an intelligent guy who had developed a strong, distinct voice combined with a great graphic flair on his website, while underneath lay much heart and woundedness. Lately he seems to have become darker.

Whatever he's going through, I doubt I can help. I feel an odd affection for him, though if I were in the same room, I must say I would not turn my back on him.

Unknown said...

If your skin happens to be dark, you can heap on the insults without consequence.
Listening to the black comedians on XM radio was yet another eye opener to this fact. They can abuse each other and anyone they want... because.... victim.

Unknown said...

Excellently stated Bagoh.

sakredkow said...

"My Republican app doesn't understand me."

bagoh20 said...

"Unfortunately it will only serve to have you branded as a racist."

If you haven't been called a racist, you aren't trying hard enough, or asking the tough questions, or challenging the unexamined position. It's rarely an insult in the modern world of ideas. Today it mostly resembles when a loser calls the better opponent a "cheater", because he can't face the truth, and doesn't want to play it out.

chickelit said...

Crack's post is an example of why I don't care anymore about blacks' special pleading about racism. There's no end to it. As far as I'm concerned, it weakens blacks and weakens America when such pleading is catered to. If this means Crack or anyone else will call me a racist, so be it.

The alternative to bitching nonstop about reparations is to actually work which can suck.

Anonymous said...

If your skin happens to be dark, you can heap on the insults without consequence.

I can see April's point. I'm sure I gave Crack extra slack because he was black.

OTOH yesterday on an Insta-link I ended up at Althouse and found the "splooge stooge" mistress threading a delicate needle between supporting free speech and decrying homophobia. Apparently if "homophobes" express themselves crudely they deserve to become pariahs.