Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Snowden's work 'made world more stable than it was five years ago'

Video of President Obama's Address to the UN earlier today.

Obama: World More Stable Than Five Years Ago


Icepick said...

I wonder how much of what he said was stuff inserted at the last minute, with no reflection, just so that he could look good. You know, like the HC stuff, and the Syria stuff, and the corpsemen stuff, and so on.

The Dude said...

He is truly insane.

Icepick said...

Define insane. He's getting pretty much everything he wants in life, and doesn't even have to give a shit about working hard or thinking things through.

Chip Ahoy said...

They all are insane.

I couldn't resist studying His majestic majesty on mute, how the makeup applied made his mouth appear as it moved like a ventriloquist's duxxxxxx prop.

In this U.N. video, not as severe as that. Sometimes very bad. Unlike the healthy smiling campaigner.

And then I thought the Irani guy's face looks haggard, patchy and raw compared to him and wondered what those other rougher guys though of him, but then I notice his beard gloriously luxuriant and immaculately precisely trimmed so that your impulse is to draw closer and say enthusiastically, "Oh, Hassan Rouhani, your beard is so fluffy puffy and soft and beautiful and gorgeous I must run my fingers through it as if running naked through a wild overgrown forest and all the while thinking, how masterfully controlled, please allow me to indulge my impulses for I find I cannot resist the magnetism of your beard while singing praises to Allah for such bounty. And wiggle my fingers toward his beard as if drawn magnetically.

And all of them are weird that way or another. Very weird.

chickelit said...

He must be pandering to the Swedes to get them to consider nominating Snowden for the Peace Prize to undermine Putin's nomination.

Methadras said...

incompetence on display. He's a joke of monumental proportions.

Icepick said...

Rouhani uses the same stuff Troy Polamalu uses, to the same affect.

sakredkow said...

He is truly insane.

You're really given to over-the-top characterizations. Yesterday you said I was a "lock-step communist" as I recall.

Wouldn't you like people to take your statements against Obama seriously? Who knows, maybe you'd have something actually worth arguing if you curbed all those emotions.

bagoh20 said...

Well, he has a point, since 5 years ago we were in the bottom of a recession, but even if Obama was never born - now calm down, I said "if", even then and no matter who was President since then, it would be better now. It's always better after the recession ends. It's just that this time it's much less better than ever before after 5 years. He's special that way.

Insane? I doubt it. Just stupid in the way your highly credentialed financial advisor blew your entire life savings one time. Hey, shit happens, and those credentials are still good.

The Dude said...

I know - I'll take the time to present a well reasoned comment about how Obama is destroying this country.

That'll make phx change its mind.

Who am I kidding - phx will always love Obama.

So fuck off, bitch. You voted for that communist bastard, enjoy the decline.

Rabel said...

Lip bite at the very end. Not as good as Clinton's. Needs more practice.

bagoh20 said...

Report: Obama offered to meet with Iranian president at UN — and was rejected.


Yep, pretty stable with Iran. Things just keep humming along there - nuclear smooth, baby!

Amartel said...

So, the NSA spying program makes world more stable than it was 5 years ago.

What does this even mean? How is "more stable" measured? It's one of those true-if-you-want-to- believe-it's-true-and-don't-think-too-deeply-about-it statements. The world seems more stable since foreign upset is less reported + Obama NSA spying program has been going on for past five years. These two knowns coexist so there must be a connection of some kind.

He's talking about his extension of the NSA spying program not the NSA spying program as it was under Boooosh?

Virtually unlimited snooping power makes world more stable? How?
By rooting out thoughtcrime?
[UN general assembly bursts into applause. Yay thoughtcrime prosecution. Deathpenalty for bad thoughts about government. Yay.]

That's really what he's talking about, no?

Amartel said...

Turned down by Iran.
Schooled by the enemy.
Carter-level embarrassing.

bagoh20 said...

Amartel, I think it's racist to point that stuff out. Let me check my notes. Ummmm, yes, yes, uhuh.........

Yep, unless you ad that he is normally brilliant, and that possibly these apparent failures might be part of a very smart plan that will make itself clear in the future. You still have time to add that, and get out of trouble here.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Doesn't anyone think it a tad over-the-top for him to say the world has been safer for exactly as long as he has been in office? No more, no less? Especially after his little Syrian saber rattling.

The chizzputz of the man.

William said...

A common mistake, but the smell of horseshit doesn't mean you're close to the stable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nice misquote there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's just that this time it's much less better than ever before after 5 years.

Hmmm. Gee. I wonder why...

Lydia said...

At least he didn't send a big cheer to Mohammed like "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” in last year's UN speech.

Incidentally, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is scheduled for release from federal custody on Thursday.

bagoh20 said...

Finally someone can tell us what happened in Benghazi. Someone central to the issue and responsible for the events of that night. Nakoula, tell us why you gave that stand down order.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The democrat's Benghazi scapegoat is being released? But he's the worst person on the planet - a hardened killer according to the corruptocrat liars who run our lives.

It was the vid-e-oooooooh.

Icepick said...

How is "more stable" measured?

By the stability of all the governments in the world. You know Libya and Syria and Egypt are just SOOOO much more stable now.