Monday, September 30, 2013

"Carlos Danger Got Two Votes For New York City Mayor"

The official New York City Democratic mayoral primary vote count is in. And two people wrote in Anthony Weiner's alter-ego.

According to the New York City Board of Elections, two write-in votes for mayor went to "Carlos Danger," the online name that Anthony Weiner used for explicitly sexual conversations with a woman after he had resigned from Congress.

For some context: Bill Clinton also received two write-in votes for mayor. Former New York City Mayor David Dinkins received one vote. So did Noam Chomsky and former mayor and airport-namesake Fiorello Henry LaGuardia, who has been dead since 1947.

National Journal


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So we know how Bill and Hillary voted.

ricpic said...

There really are no human beings anymore in the traditional bourgeois sense of human being. LaGuardia was one of the last of the breed and was therefore beloved by the millions of his fellow actual human beings who then walked the streets of New York. The beginning of the end? Probably the Beats, those precursors of the horror that has completely enveloped us and overthrown good guyism everywhere.

bagoh20 said...

I can't believe that out of all those millions of New York voters that only two voted for Mr. Danger. I thought they were cooler than that, but they hired Bloomberg, so lame is pretty widespread, but really, only 2? It would have been awesome if he got more votes than "Weiner". That would be a New York of old, with a sense of humor and some mischievousness. A lot more probably thought of it, but were afraid to, because they might get in trouble A Bloomberg imposed time out or something.