Saturday, August 17, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood burns Coptic churches

"Churches burned across Egypt following the security crackdown on pro-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators. Online reports suggest up to 17 churches were burned across Egypt, along with other Christian-owned businesses and schools.

Coptic witnesses and religious leaders said the attacks were carried out by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in areas without police protection. In some areas, the attacks reportedly came amid ongoing fighting between security forces [Egyptian military] and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood."


ndspinelli said...

That guy who made the Mohammed video is the reason for this!! He is a Coptic Christian!!!

ndspinelli said...

Susan Rice is scheduled for all the Sunday talk shows to repeat this TRUTH.

Icepick said...

Just another sign that democracy ain't good for all that ails ya, not by itsownself. 'Cause the MB weren't the good guys even before they got deposed.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Question: Has President Obama expressed any concern about this lately?

He was awfully concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood being deposed from power.

If he has, then I'll say him yea; but he seems rather muted on this subject...

Just like Bush, who presided over the destruction of Iraqi Christianity.

sakredkow said...

This is a very tough situation for the United States - and Israel. Everyone can see the videos of empty handed protestors walking up to army positions and being mowed down. There is no doubt that the Egyptian Army is one brutal force, and reports that they are deliberately stirring up the hornets nest to justify a widespread crackdown don't sound so incredible.

It can't be good to see the United States sidling up to these guys. And of course nobody wants to get close to the Brotherhood either. Very tough situation for us.

edutcher said...

Da Broz are going after somebody who can't fight back, which has always been their thing, since the government is giving them a very hard time.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Question: Has President Obama expressed any concern about this lately?

He was awfully concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood being deposed from power.

If he has, then I'll say him yea; but he seems rather muted on this subject...

Padre, he's on vaca. On Maatha's Vineyard.

You don't expect him to interrupt his golf game (which, we hear, he's as bad at as roundball) for this?

If he didn't want to interrupt it for the bin Laden hit, this certainly is below his radar.

PS Photo looks a little like what the Alamo must have looked like during the battle.

sakredkow said...

If he has, then I'll say him yea; but he seems rather muted on this subject...

Personally, I don't mind him taking a little time here...

Hagar said...

The news out of Egypt seem to be all cut from the same cloth. I think it will be prudent to wait a bit and see how this actually shakes out. Not that I think the results will be good in any case, but I do not like coordinated news reports.

deborah said...

"Just another sign that democracy ain't good for all that ails ya, not by itsownself. 'Cause the MB weren't the good guys even before they got deposed."

The problem with democracy in the ME is that it's seen as a method to win and then establish a Islamic theocracy. Say what anyone will about the Egyptian military, they are protecting non-Islamists from a Sharia state.

Hagar said...

This administration is good at FUBARring any situation in this world and then crying, "But that is not what we intended!"

sakredkow said...

Say what anyone will about the Egyptian military, they are protecting non-Islamists from a Sharia state.

Agreed. I just don't think you want to get into a situation where the Army is on hyperkill to bring that about (they aren't necessarily good friends of the non-Islamists either). We look ugly if we're supporting an ends-justify-the-means regime.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Seems to me this is just God's way of making the Middle East 100% Muslim so we can eventually blow the living shit out of it without killing too many Christians ourselves.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Obama meddled in the Egypt situation, which "allowed" the Brotherhood fanatics to be in control of Egypt. Everything went from bad to worse and the Egyptian people are not amused with either Obama, the United States and actively hate the Brotherhood and what it represents, radical Islamism. The Copts have been able to live rather peacefully in Egypt for thousands of years. The Egyptian Army is planning to outlaw the Brotherhood. This will NOT end well or end easily.

Obama has zero clues about many things like the economy, finances and most especially international relationships. He stumbles around, thinking that he is still a community organizer. The man has been enabled all of his life and everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of destruction, which is massive ego refuses to acknowledge. He will not change his ways. He knows no other way to operate and even if he did.....he wouldn't because he is Teh Won.

Unfortunately, Obama is NOW in power and his bumbling and ineptitude affect the world, not just Chicago.

JAL said...

Makes perfect sense.

Muslim Egyptian Army pursues Muslim Brotherhood so Muslim Brotherhood burns down Christian churches and businesses.

Uh huh.

edutcher said...

It's about the bully mentality.

They can't fight the guys who will fight back, so they find someone relatively defenseless and go after them.

It seems more a feature than a bug of Islam.

Trooper York said...

Obama has supported the Muslim Brotherhood in all of their attempts to take over various countries in the Middle East. That is why he was "concerned" about what was happening in Egypt. His side was losing.

Trooper York said...

I bet when he comes back from vacation he will try to cut monies to Egypt until the Army backs down and lets his Muslim Brotherhood bros take over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary was a disaster, John Kerry is a useless joke. Obama, - what DBQ said.

Chip Ahoy said...

It goes like this.

One Party over time develops into a catch basin for fanatics. It is the Party that best suits them. Because of their deeply held political socio-economic views, for whatever they're worth, they are nothing if not organized.

Whereas the other people are not.

The regular people have a more balanced attitude toward life and politics and religion and social intercourse and taxes and the proper activities for government, they have a milder sense of what to expect from government, their attitude is they hired someone to take care of those mundane matters of governance, now leave them alone to get on with business and on with building a life.

But the catch basin fanatics are ready. They are the only ones who are ready for democracy, the power grab that it offers. They have no intention to affect democracy, rather use democracy to gain power then close down the shop.

So they are already campaigning hard when everybody else is working on productive things, and they are writing the referenda when others are at work, and they are organizing caucuses when others are tending their farms, and they are organizing poll watchers and voter transportation when others are feeding their children, they are fanatics and everybody else is normal so they take over then it's done.

This story is about Egypt!

Egypt is my all-time favorite sign. It refers to the aureus, a snake on the forehead, tap.

Icepick said...

Seems to me this is just God's way of making the Middle East 100% Muslim so we can eventually blow the living shit out of it without killing too many Christians ourselves.

FInally, someone talking sense! Mitchell the Bat for President!

Icepick said...

Muslim Egyptian Army pursues Muslim Brotherhood so Muslim Brotherhood burns down Christian churches and businesses.

Uh huh.

Okay, so their towels are on too tight. What else is new?

Cody Jarrett said...

Personally, I don't mind him taking a little time here...


virgil xenophon said...


Yes, at least we have at least ONE CONSTANT in the universe--phx is as predictable as the sunrise in the East. :)

Fr Martin Fox said...


The crazies in Egypt didn't just start burning churches yesterday. It's been going on awhile.

What did someone say about justice delayed?

Lydia said...

Things are a complicated mess there -- you've got the Muslim Brotherhood doing the attacking and the military not doing the protecting:

"On Wednesday, 16 Egyptian human rights organisations denounced the government's failure to protect Copts, and said Muslim Brotherhood leaders were using hate speech to make political gains.

The groups said that the traditional method of stopping violent attacks by using mediation was not working.

They have called for an independent investigation into why Christians and their property are not being adequately protected by the security forces."

JAL said...

My understanding is that Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood had no intention of honoring the Camp David accord -- or whatever the treaty with Israel is called.

The Egyptian Army leadership (Sisi? Not sure) apparently does want to keep the peace treaty with Israel.

That in itself is significant.

And prior to it hitting the fan, the Muslim Brotherhood was out targeting all those not on board. And it wasn't with empty hands.

There was a video a few weeks back (before the Army got involved) of Islamist Mulsim Bortherhood hoods destroying Christian and Jewish gravestones.

That works for democracy and tolerance, right?

JAL said...

And why can't BHO say something like -- "It's wrong to burn the churches?"


He has to wait on something like that but he can give some kind of inane press conference which just makes America look more idiotic?

Icepick said...

He has to wait on something like that but he can give some kind of inane press conference which just makes America look more idiotic?

It's all about priorities, JAL.

Lydia said...

As far as I can tell, the government of Canada is the only one thus far to have spoken out explicitly about the attacks on Christian churches in Egypt:

“We are concerned by recent attacks on religious institutions in Egypt, in particular the unconscionable attacks on Coptic Orthodox, and Anglican churches, and on Baptist and Franciscan institutions,” the statement reads.

“Attacks on places of worship are unacceptable. Canada calls on Egyptian authorities to protect worshippers and religious sites from violence and intimidation.”

Everyone else seems in the wait-and-see mode.

sakredkow said...

The crazies in Egypt didn't just start burning churches yesterday. It's been going on awhile.

What did someone say about justice delayed?

I know this may trouble you Father, but it's not only about churches being burnt down.

sakredkow said...

And why can't BHO say something like -- "It's wrong to burn the churches?"

Were you one of the ones calling for Obama to say it's okay for radio clowns to mock the President?

Talk about a group that wants a nanny state.

sakredkow said...

Why doesn't Obama just come out and say it's wrong to allow Rodriguez to continue to play baseball while it's under appeal?

Why doesn't Obama come out and say it was wrong to kidnap that teenage girl and take her into the mountains?

Why doesn't Obama come out and say it was wrong of Putin's government to deny Pussy Riot parole?

The evidence of what a terrible person he is keeps piling up. We'll get a Republican nanny next time for sure.

ken in tx said...

Americans and other westerners think freedom and democracy go together automatically. They don’t.

I have lived overseas three times. All three times the governments there were under military or authoritarian type dictatorships. However, the people there had more walking around freedom than most Americans have. They could go where they wanted to, do what they wanted to, and smoke what and where they wanted to, and party hardy without restraint. What they could not do was criticise the government or try to change it.

When they did, the country devolved into chaos. Under so-called democratic reform, everybody voted to take away everyone else’s rights until no one had any rights, and they were right back under a dictatorship. This is a cycle that has been seen over and over again in the third world.

In my opinion, a stable, benign dictatorship provides the most happiness for the most people for most of the world.

vza said...

I despise the Muslim Brotherhood, but I would not discount the possibility of provocateurs from the military involved in these attacks to add to their justification for cracking down on the Brotherhood.
The Christians have always been used as political bait. The Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak regimes all used attacks on Copts to deflect, incite, and justify.
Our silence is a shameful state of affairs, and just as we did not lift a finger to aid the persecuted Christians in Iraq we will do nothing for the Copts in Egypt or the Christians in Syria.

Fr Martin Fox said...

phx said...

I know this may trouble you Father, but it's not only about churches being burnt down.


Why doesn't Obama just come out and say it's wrong to allow Rodriguez to continue to play baseball while it's under appeal?

Why doesn't Obama come out and say it was wrong to kidnap that teenage girl and take her into the mountains?

Why doesn't Obama come out and say it was wrong of Putin's government to deny Pussy Riot parole?

Yes, I know it's about more than churches. Thanks for the condescension.

And thanks for trivializing the Muslim Brotherhood's crimes by comparing them to Alex Rodriguez' doping.

If I recall correctly, this Administration did comment on the Pussy Riot situation.

What inference do we draw from the White House's policy of tilting toward the Muslim Brotherhood?

Fr Martin Fox said...

Trooper York said...

Father Fox said...
What inference do we draw from the White House's policy of tilting toward the Muslim Brotherhood?

The inference I have always drawn is that Obama is in fact a Muslim and is secretly or not so secretly in sympathy with the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood. His formative years in Indonesia were those in which he lived as a Muslim. As the Jesuits say:
"Give me a child for his first seven years and I'll give you the man"

Trooper York said...

Also it is only important if it is black churches that are being burned down. Even if it is total fiction it is something the media and the Democratic party would be upset about and cause a big commotion.

Christians deserve what they get.

Trooper York said...

Barack Obama is a bitter enemy of the Catholic church in particular and all Christian churches in general.

He is a truly evil man.

Trooper York said...

Todays gospel says it all:

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 12:49-53:
Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!
There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished!
Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.

The divisions are here. You have to decide what side you are on. The side of the Christians and Western society or the Muslim and Word of the Prophet.

Obama told us in his own words where he stands:
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

A movie that slanders the Prophet demands that the film maker be incarcerated and apologies and groveling commence for all. The murder of Christians and the burning of churches require that you get back out on the golf course and work on your handicap.

Trooper York said...

He shows you what he is all about every day. But most ignore it because he rests in the cocoon of the liberal main stream media that would never call him to account. For anything. Ever.

Trooper York said...

I only hope and pray that he will step down when his term is over. Or will he pull a Bloomberg and try and change the law. Or just ignore it as he has done with so many laws that the courts had to call him on it.

Can we be sure that he will step down when his term is over?

Trooper York said...

You say "Hey Trooper that's crazy talk."

You would never see that day.

I thought I would never see the day where every email and telephone calls would be monitored by the government.

I thought I would never see the day
where American Citizens would be murdered by drones without a trial or any judicial review.

I thought I would never see the day when the IRS would be used against the political opponents of the Administration.

I thought I would never see the day where America would run scared and close our embassies and consulates and
run in fear from our adversaries.

Those days are here. Who is to say that the day will not come when a President who thinks he is above the law will not step down when his term is over.