Saturday, June 29, 2024

On Toast & Wooden Puppets



MamaM said...

Lots of spin coming out on how Trump supposedly told more lies than Biden, which is curious to me. What I heard coming from him sounded like more of the exaggerations and generalizations he's been delivering all along about how beautiful, wonderful, good or awful something was or is. What the Doddering One was dishing out came through as more of the straight up lying he's been doing all along. The accusation of "liar" that Trump landed fitting my perspective.

Today's laughable turn around involves Biden truthfully declaring how difficult it is to debate a liar, while BO also dips into truth to school the Ordinary Folks on The Choice set before them.

"Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November."

MamaM said...

On Spectacular Dishonesty, from John Sexton, at Hot Air:

"If they're sticking with Biden then the big lie, i.e. that he's mostly fine, will have to be upheld...It's already started. The whole framing of this as a bad night is spectacularly dishonest. The issue isn't that Joe Biden was off his game for one night. The issue is that Joe Biden has permanently lost a step he will never recover and we saw that live last night. Plus we know that things will with absolute certainty get worst over time. That's not a bad night it's a bad future.

But Democrats are already starting to fall in line, heeding Obama's call."

MamaM said...

Spectacularly dishonest. Stunningly so.

A discription that fits the entire scheme from the 2020 campaign and election to the ruse of a functional president foisted upon the nation and world and presented to the American public through the media.

Waiting to see what the Great Machine churns out next, with deeply invested power groups fitting for control of the lever.

edutcher said...

If you're familiar with Greek tragedy (and I know you are), you remember Hubris → Atis(Ate) → Nemesis → Tisis.

We've seen hubris in '20, atis during the lockdown and since, nemesis (wrath of the gods (in our case, the people)) is now upon us. Tisis (destruction) has yet to unfold, but stay tuned, batfans, it looks like the Democrat party is devolving into chaos. Another Greek element.