Monday, October 21, 2019

New Poll: Who is the worst woman on Television?

Hey Lem doesn't allow us to set up polls on the site since he only likes to take a pole in the stalls at Fenway.....errr...sorry too much information.

No seriously we have to add the poll feature on the sidebar.  Lets get on that.

Anyhoo just put your answers in the comments.

Who is the worst woman in TV these days:

Kelly Dodd bimbo extraordinaire of the Real Housewives of Orange County. Accused of cocaine abuse and pulling a train with eight guys she is a real piece of work.

Well technically she is a woman right? Doyen of the Hate Trump network CNN she lies non-stop as she proffers fake news.

Joy Behar. No one on earth is more misnamed than this harridan. Head talker of "The View" she is a scabrous pustule on the butt of America.

Tamra Judge the head shit stirrer on the Real Housewives of Orange County. I only used that franchise as that is what is on now.

So there you are. Two from news and two from entertainment

Who is the worst. Youse guys make the call.


Known Unknown said...

Behar. She's the ugliest (on the inside, too!)

The Dude said...

You said "scabrous pustule" - don't hold back, Troops!

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha ha ha. Trick question.

4 things you wouldn't watch with a ten-foot remote with poo on the far end of it.

ndspinelli said...

Coke head and train whore should put in the "best" competition.

Dad Bones said...

I'll say Behar for the sake of participating in a poll for the first time in years though I've been able to avoid seeing any of them on TV.

ricpic said...

I assume those Orange County housewives are all upstanding Republicans with respectable cloth coats. I mean it's Orange County after all. Or does that date me?

The Dude said...

That only dates you if you have a dog named Checkers. Otherwise, you're good.

chickelit said...

ricpic said...I assume those Orange County housewives are all upstanding Republicans with respectable cloth coats. I mean it's Orange County after all. Or does that date me?

Yeah, it dates you. There's talk now of renaming John Wayne Airport to....? If it reverts back the Santa Ana Airport (still fossilized in its aviation code SNA), that would please the PC folks. That or Ceasar Chavez airport. Wayne's surving children will fight it.

chickelit said...

Nixon's "Western White House" was in San Clemente which is practically San Diego County.

chickelit said...

Chip is right, those are four lousy choices. I think the two rom "Real House Wives Of OC" are the most dangerous because I believe that Troop actually pollutes his head with that stuff.

chickelit said...

There's a statue of Wayne at his namesake airport which has to come down according to leftists. They liken it to a Confederate stain.

chickelit said...

Behar is the only one who looks like she has real boobs (Maddow of course had hers lopped off long ago).

AllenS said...

Real Silicone Cones of Orange County.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Maddow - the over-paid 14 year old boy - really is a pencil necked fraud.

Known Unknown said...

That last lady has some nice fake bazooms but that turkey neck ain't foolin' anyone.

Get out of the sun!

I chaperoned a zoo trip for my daughter's class. I was paired with a nice lady who was a former pharma sales rep -- and you could tell. She was very attractive and had the big blonde hair necessary for that kind of work. She was probably a former cheerleader, too. I would say she was mid-to-late 40s but looked a bit older in the face due to sun damage. My wife who is a similar age and who takes care of her skin and avoids the sun on it too much looks about 10-12 years younger than this woman did.

ndspinelli said...

Known, Big Pharma also hires good looking men. A kid I coached baseball went on to work for Astra Zeneca. He was movie star handsome.

Trooper York said...

Joy Behar wins going away.

How about that sports fans!

chickelit said...

Known Unknown said...That last lady has some nice fake bazooms but that turkey neck ain't foolin' anyone.

There is something masculine about that last one. Are we sure she qualifies? I guess she would as long as she identifies as female.

Methadras said...

I would bang Tamara Judge if I had the chance. My ex-wife a couple of years back sent me a picture of her with Judge where all the yentas somehow intersected in the desert. It's a thing here in SoCal.