Sunday, June 16, 2019

What if a bunch of butt holes organized over a hundred impeachment rallies across the country and only a few butt holes showed up?

The Gateway Pundit phrased it a bit differently. organized 130 impeach Trump rallies and each attracted only a few paid protestors.

Lots of photos and tweets from around the country. In several instances the counter pro-Trump protestors outnumbered the impeachment protestors.


chickelit said...

Who funds these days?

Chip Ahoy said...

I assumed the guy whose name is a palindrome. Darth Vaderedavhtrad

Who also funds Media Matters and Vox and a few other butt holes.

chickelit said...

The guy Ed calls "the last Nazi." The world will be a much better place when that man passes.

edutcher said...

I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the morning.

The trolls are going to go insane.

(like they're not already)