Sunday, October 28, 2018

U.S. troops drink nearly all the beer in Iceland

The story on the Daily Caller is a a mess.

The Americans are part of a vast NATO exercise that includes allies, Sweden and Finland are mentioned while NATO consists of twenty-nine nations. The bar owners say the Americans wiped them out. They also say they had to hustle more beer from suppliers and had to borrow extra supplies from surrounding bars.

That doesn't even make sense. A picture is painted of all bars being overwhelmed at once and all beer being wiped out.

Comments to the article are even worse. One wonders, maybe we shouldn't be reading this site.

I have a better story than that.

An acquaintance told me this. It happened some twenty-five years ago.

The cruise operations opened their business to specialty cruises, a regular cruise booked for a specific group of people. The gays organized a nationally advertised cruise. These dudes travel a lot and it was right up their alley ocean current. A trip that began in Florida, stopped in New Orleans then through the Caribbean including Cancún, Tulum and a few other ports.

The operation never serviced gays before and they vastly underestimated how much they drink. They used up all the alcohol on the ship loaded up for the entire trip on the first night.


And they tip very well besides.

The ship restocked in New Orleans to something like 10X the usual amount. For the ship operators the trip  turned out a success beyond expectations and the group has re-booked every year since. Now it's a regular thing. The service people like doing this trip because they make much more money in tips than they do from families. All on account of gays drinking so much.

I told the guy who told me this, "What a bunch of f'k'n lushes."

He goes, "Yeah."

See, the NATO guys can and do drink a lot but they are still working, the gays are not.


chickelit said...

Iceland only makes one kind of beer: Einstock. But there are oodles of schnapps like Brennevin.

edutcher said...

And the Army keeps rolling along...

AllenS said...

They're lucky that the Wisconsin Badger football fans didn't show up.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Aren't beers $10+ in Iceland? And those stadium prices are at some regular place. It only goes up from there.