Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Strzok creates Twitter account and GoFundMe page

And trashes Trump. We elect a guy famous for making "You're Fired" a catchphrase and suddenly anyone and everyone who's been fired has something very important to say.

I didn't even read it. It's over at Gateway Pundit, if you care to learn what Peter Strzok has to say about Trump. There might be something new that he didn't say while conspiring against him, and us, while employed by the FBI, but I doubt it.

And I didn't read the item by Michael Graham at the Boston Herald about Strzok being a D.C. disgrace.

And I didn't read about James Gagliano's feelings as a former FBI agent published on the Washington Examiner.

Because I'm busy right now doing other things like making ginger ale, real ale, I think mine is going to be like beer, and I'd rather draw pictures. Like this. It's a cartoon. See if you can guess what it's about. The subject is deeply concealed in arcane metaphor.


I lied again. 

There's no metaphor. 


edutcher said...

After an early recess Friday, the prosecution in the Manafort case folded yesterday and the defense intends to move for dismissal today.

Suddenly, the fix appears not to be in, after all.

AllenS said...

Please tell me that he also lost his pension.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Smirk worms for Hillary!

XRay said...

AllenS, your plea was likely rhetorical, but, as a former federal civil service person I think he would need to be first convicted of some sort of crime before losing his pension, but I'm not sure of that. Of course there are plenty more who should as well lose their pension. We'll see what happens, I'm guessing they all walk, eventually, after some cursory handslaps. It's just such a huge swamp to clean out, I'm not sure any of us realize just how huge.

deborah said...

The nerve. Shameless. As far as Xray's huge swamp clean out Chip could to a GIF of Trump as the Tidy Bowl captain :)

ricpic said...

That swinging blade immediately conjured up E. A. Poe's The Pit And The Pendulum in my perfervid brain.

ampersand said...

Wonder if his former girlfriend turned on him? Rumor has it she contradicted him in her secret testimony. Now he's got two women pissed at him. He's gonna need a bigger boatload of dough.

MamaM said...

To believe the lie or not? That is the question bubbling up here and else where, or maybe it's which lie to believe? Are we or are we not being invited via word and cartoon to view and consider archaic metaphor, to regard a line of recognizable picture images as story?

OK, up bubbles the first link of note on the symbolism of beheading, from the Archive for Research into Archetypical Symbolism: https://aras.org/concordance/content/beheading-symbolism

Followed by a link to this article that has invited even deeper thought this morning, picked up this morning at a cafe: Complicating the Narratives; What if journalists covered controversial issues differently — based on how humans actually behave when they are polarized and suspicious? By Amanda Ripley / Solutions Journalism Network https://thewholestory.solutionsjournalism.org/complicating-the-narratives-b91ea06ddf63

The lesson for journalists (or anyone) working amidst intractable conflict: complicate the narrative... When people encounter complexity, they become more curious and less closed off to new information. They listen, in other words...

There should be moments of levity and shared history or purpose, too. And ideally food. People still bond when they break bread, just as they always have. These details matter a lot — just as much as the substance of the conversation.

MamaM said...

A swinging pendulum was my thought connect too, as the beheading had not yet taken place in the block beneath the blade.

Leland said...

Wonder if his former girlfriend turned on him?

Well, I don't think the girlfriend would be too happy with the news he's a proud husband, suggesting he's sticking with the wife.

Then again, his wife probably is happy with her proud husband. He's not the only one hoping he keeps his pension.

ndspinelli said...

His wife works for the SEC. When the texts were revealed she got a promotion to mollify her. That's how the Swamp rolls.