Saturday, August 11, 2018

It must be summer

The sky just prior to sunset. That storm blew over us and when I took that picture it was way east of here.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

run! you were bombed.

The Dude said...

LOL! I know, right? Good thing is the prevailing winds will carry the fallout down to the coast. We are cool here...

ndspinelli said...

I love watching weather. If I were smarter I might have been a meteorologist.

deborah said...

Wow, that is striking.

AllenS said...

Always watch the sky.

The Dude said...

It was a good one - I was working in my shop and, as AllenS suggests, I was keeping an eye out for, well, you know, space aliens, Russian bombers, random lightning bolts and that's what I saw. That's the original picture, I am incapable of using any sort of filter or editing to alter it, so that's what the phone saw.

Hold it - that's like saying "That's what the camera heard." What a world we live in.

ricpic said...

Le Perfection.....C'est Impossible

A giant Jacques Pepin omelette in the sky!
Mais joost une leetle beet too dark....sigh.

The Dude said...

Mmm, sky omelet!