Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Jim Carrey art class

Like it? We used the teacher as subject. I got an A. He's all, Dude, you totally captured my spirit.

If by small chance you're wondering what this is about. 


edutcher said...

We all knew he was as weird as the roles he played.

All he did was prove it.

AllenS said...

What's that brown stuff on the end of his nose?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Artists are only capable of capturing what "they" think the person or scene or apple on the table looks like or means to "them". Sometimes we agree with their vision. Sometimes we hate their vision. Other times we can't even fathom what they are seeing. But....that's art. In the eye of the beholder and in the eye of the artist. Not always in congruence.

A good portrait artist (meaning one who's paintings the subject likes and pays for) is probably more able to capture what the SUBJECT thinks about themselves and not what the artist actually sees. The artist may be actually painting what to him is a lie. That's why his/her paintings sell.

So.....Carrey captured what HE thinks is the essence of Sara Saunders. That doesn't make it wrong. It just tells us more about Carrey than the subject of the piece.

You get an A because the teacher agrees with your vision. I bet if you had painted something that contradicted his vision of himself you would have flunked :-) The teacher isn't grading your art. He is grading it on how it reflects upon himself.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Edit: I know it wasn't a real art class with Carrey as the subject ;-)

Amartel said...

Another crazy self-important has-been who craves attention ... gets it. Our media, left and right, thrives on crazy people doing crazy things so they can point and commentate. I don't have a solution but I do know it only serves to encourage the crazy people.

ampersand said...

What's that brown stuff on the end of his nose?

The end of Obama.

chickelit said...

Lol, Chip. Best comment I’ve seen yet on Jim Carrey.