Saturday, January 20, 2018

The conservative establishment is broken.....and will not come back

On the run-up to the election I often said that the Republican establishment of the Bushes, McCains and Grahams were losing their shit because the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom throne would destroy their rice bowl. These phony conservatives would raise money and sell magazines and set up cruises with the mugs who buy into their bullshit. They listed all of these great things that they wanted to do. Confirm Conservative Judges. Cut regulations. Build the Keystone pipeline. Drill the ANWAR reserves. Open up grazing and land use in the Government lands that make up so much of the western states. Get out of the Paris climate accords. Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Destroy ISIS. Cut taxes. Especially corporate taxes so these greedy corps would repatriate monies hidden over seas. Increase investment in American Manufacturing. Standing up for religious freedom and the unborn. But for some reason these so called "conservatives" could not get this done. Unexpectedly. 

I remember how a couple of our posters kept telling me that the God Emperor was really a New York Liberal and he was just lying about what he was going to do. How he would cut deals with Schumer and Pelosi and we would be in the same boat as if we elected Hillary. How did that work out?

The God Emperor has proven all of his critics wrong. He has been by far the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. In fact I think he has been the most conservative since Calvin Coolidge. The phony conservative intelligentsia and consultants still  hate him and undermine him at every turn. They pretend to like what he is doing but deplore his tone. His tweets. His speeches to the crowds of cheering peasants who they would never have in their homes. His hair. His two scoops of ice cream and his ketchup on his steak. Quislings and traitors like Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Lady Graham and George Will all had their rice bowls destroyed. They are laughing stocks. Irrelevant. Jokes.

Two examples leap to mind. 

First the March for Life. President Trump addressed the multitudes. He reaffirmed his support of the Right to Life. He appointed Judges who will eventually reverse or at least modify Roe to take into account science and how viable a baby is in the womb. Other politicians like the Bushes gave lip service to the Right to Life. President Trump has stood firm.  His recent promulgation of regulations that would exempt health care professionals from having to deal with abortion or even the phony sex change bullshit serves as a fierce rebuke to those douches who said there was nothing we could do about it. Who surrender to the liberal politically correct policies without a fight. Morons wonder why a sinner like the God Emperor who has a lot of bad stuff in his past can get the support of the Evangelical community and conservative Catholics like me. Well we remember that Jesus forgave the whores and the tax collectors. It is what you do going forward that counts not what you did in the past. The libs just can't understand this. They are just morons and Philistines. 

Second is the government shut down. The Dems thought that the God Emperor would surrender on immigration and give them everything they want without any border enforcement. Without the Wall. You know the way that faggots like Bush and super faggots like Lady Graham are demanding. To give amnesty to illegals with nothing in return. They thought that the God Emperor would betray the people they way they do as a matter of course. But as another famous faggot said "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise." The God Emperor is holding true to the covenant that he made with his supporters. Even in the face of a government shut down. If that shatters the rice bowls of millions of government drones so much the better. They just can't believe it. They thought he would fold. All the right people in all the right conversations at all the right parties said he would. Not gonna happen assholes.

I just hope that he doesn't just break their rice bowls. I hope he grinds them into dust. Drives them out of the public square. Make an end to them once and for all.

Because they are truly the enemy of the American people. Of the normals like you and me. 

All Hail the Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Dude said...

For whatever reason I have a hankerin' for some rice.

Leland said...

We're making chili over here. Some chili over a bowl of rice sounds great. But the rice bowl is broken. Maybe a frito pie then.

chickelit said...

@Sixty: Brown, white, basmati?

Maybe something wild?

chickelit said...

Cooking a dinner party for three vegetarian Swedes on Monday.


The Dude said...

Royal brand brown Basmati from the foothills of the Himalayas. Best served in a bowl made from deodar cedar.

ampersand said...
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ampersand said...

Cooking a dinner party for three vegetarian Swedes on Monday.

Swedish Pumpkin Pie.

Rabel said...

I'd just turn them loose in the back yard with a basket and a pair of pruning shears while you put a couple of bacon wrapped fillets on the grill for you and the wife. It's an opportunity for a conversion - for their own good.

Leland said...

Be the hunter, not the gatherer.

edutcher said...

Rice, like pasta and potatoes, will always keep you going.

But for some reason these so called "conservatives" could not get this done.

Reminds me of what Joe Stilwell said of Archie Wavell, "Everything is so damned 'difficult', it's impossible". It's what got Wavell transferred from Egypt to Inja. And then to the Old Soldiers Home.

He has been by far the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. In fact I think he has been the most conservative since Calvin Coolidge.

Reagan never met with the Right To Lifers.

Rabel said...

Going back to Trooper's post - I know hindsight's 20-20 and it's easy to fool yourself about how enlightened and perceptive you were when things go as you expected, but damned if Trump isn't turning out to be almost exactly the person I thought he was and the President I thought he would be.

Chip Ahoy said...

Vegetarians. Tricky. Because that's just the beginning. The term is too broad and these people usually have other restrictions, like no gluten or no added salt, or no dairy, no eggs. And there is no way to know what is left to work with.

But I can say this. Two days ago I quickly fried in avocado oil, a NY strip steak and vegetables. The vegetables were my favorite thing. They were perfect and delicious and alluring and colorful, while the NY strip, although cooked perfectly and sliced before plating was actually somewhat difficult to eat for its tough areas of fat. I didn't like it so much. Here, look.

Zucchini and yellow squash, cut irregularly, roll them while cutting so each piece is a strange angle, a wedge. Then when frying make sure each piece is flat against the pan so one side shows char and burns somewhat. And remove before they become fully soft. As wedge, the thin area will soften while the thick portions cooks less. If you take them out of the pan soon enough.

Red bell pepper the say way. Cut into slices and make sure one side sits on the pan and chars and blisters. This way each piece will turn out with a variety in degree of doneness. Say, a fully cooked area and a half cooked area.

Asparagus the same way. Once in the pan do not turn them. Allow them to burn along a strip while the rest of the stalk simply softens. So each piece will have one good thin char line on it.

The oil that you use to fry them is 1/2 of your dressing. Very sparingly drizzle your favorite vinegar over the whole pile. My favorite is rice vinegar. Balsamic is very nice too. Other people prefer a wine-vinegar.

A very light sprinkling of sugar, say, 1/8 teaspoon, during frying will create an intriguing sweet/sour thing going on. Here at home I can use mirin for that. It steams and disappears, cooking the vegetables and leaving its alcohol depth. It's an amazing ingredient that vegetarians accept.

Then, combine the quickly fried vegetables with uncooked tomato. The brightness of raw tomato with barely cooked but charred vegetables is outstanding.

Chip Ahoy said...

Any alcohol, saki, wine, beer, during cooking will distribute the flavors and add depth.

If they can eat cheese then chunks of feta are nice at the end. If not then, pfffft, it won't be missed.

Miso can be added, on the side on the plate, if you like, say, less than a tablespoonful, It's a remarkable addition that vegetarians will welcome. They can use it as dip for their vegetables and control the amount themselves. Or you can smear it all around and control that yourself.

Of course, tofu. It sounds like a copout, but believe me, it isn't. Fried along with all the rest it is a very appealing ingredient. It's like comfort food. You can intensify its flavor by marinating the chunks beforehand. Or allow it to pick up flavor from the pan. Some vegetarians marinate tofu for days. Look on the internet for sauce to marinate the tofu. It's simple as mixing soy sauce with toasted sesame seed oil and water. Possibly chile flakes. And you can use that to drop by the tablespoon onto the hot pan to control the steam on the frying vegetables and tofu. And all that vegetable frying and steaming goes in a few minutes. It's much easier and faster than it sounds. It goes faster than writing this.

Napa cabbage cut into chunks is awesome in this mixture. It's becoming one of my favorite ingredients. It accepts every flavor you give it. And the thick white bits that do not cook through are awesome when they burst in your mouth and explode with flavored water.

Hummus, obviously. And making your own is easy as eating pie. It's stupidly simple. And if you buy tahini (toasted sesame paste) for your hummus, you'll be surprised how close the taste is to peanut butter. I've made hummus with peanut butter and couldn't tell the difference. But maybe other people can. I also made my own tahini by frying sesame seeds until they turned light brown then processed in a mini bender until they turn to sludge. I had to keep adding water because the mixture becomes incredibly thick. I made it twice, with hulled seeds and non-hulled seeds. And both experiments were MUCH better than the tahini that I bought from the stores.

Chip Ahoy said...

Hummus is one of those things with the perfect balance of flavors. The lemon that goes into it, and the olive oil form a standard dressing. Any fresh herb that you add to it can change the whole thing very brightly. Recipes do not call for basil, but if you did add fresh basil the taste would be outstanding. Tarragon is another remarkably aromatic herb. And these allow you to avoid cilantro that quite a lot of people cannot stand. Roasted peppers (charred and blistered) and left to recognizable chunks contribute significant deep rounded flavor. And the amazing thing is you don't have to use chickpeas. You can use any kind of bean that you want. I made it with white beans, black beans, navy beans, red beans, dry beans soaked and cooked, tinned beans. Everything I tried works very well. All you use is a blender.

You can blow their minds by making your own crackers. And you'll be amazed how simple this is. How cracker production became separated from households is just another of those mass marketing industrial coups. They've taken something insanely easy and over time present their products as industrial magic that's impossible for people at home. There is simply nothing like your own crackers dipped into your own mixture whatever you decide that mixture to be. Your own guacamole is better than anything that you can buy. So long as you're not dumb and add a cup of lime juice from a jar like that one lady did.

I went to the Krishna temple a few times for lunch and for dinner. Each time the homemade cafeteria offerings were trays of sludge. Everything is a different shade of tan and dark yellow of different flavored sludge. Nothing ever so extreme to challenge any butterfly's delicate stomach. It's scooped up with nan. You can easily improve all of that by 2,000% by using fresh vegetables and treating everything lightly. Quick-fry things on high heat, spin things in a blender, roll out dough thinly and bake until crisp just 10 minutes. Fry naan bread in a pan for mere seconds. It sounds difficult, but consider vegetarians lazy cooks and that goes a very long way in getting to some amazingly delicious and tempting and satisfying food. Real food. And so delicious, so impressive, so easy, and so easy to eat that you risk turning to vegetarian yourself.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Chick - is it a casual cook-out with a grill involved? oooo if so try these. I love em!

Make sure to marinade for 24 hours and a good flip 1/2 way thru.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The marinade is dee-lish and when you add all the yummy fixin's, they are a interesting surprise.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


and - I made 6 for the marinade. 4 is not enough. do at least 6. They are light and scarffable.

Fr Martin Fox said...


I am one who had deep reservations about Mr. Trump, so maybe I am in one of the groups you wrote about. I won't rehash it all, but those of us who didn't trust him had ample reason not to, based on record and his behavior. Speaking for myself, I was not one who condemned anyone for choosing Trump in a defensive move; I just refused to preteend his problems weren't and aren't real. You have to take my word for it, but all the way back to Reagan, I have always tried to play it straight, D or R: credit where due, and hold them accountable when wrong. I am happy to be wrong about how his policy has turned out so far. We will see where we are in another year. If the Dems take Congress, we may see yet a new version of Donald Trump.

That said...while I still don't have the crystal ball others seem to have, I think the conditions are very favorable for the 2018 congressional elections. And here, I must give Mr. Trump credit on this one. He is the first GOP president, perhaps ever, to understand the need to polarize things in order to mobilize and win.

The Senate is the main thing. Getting to 60 will be tough, especially after the Roy Moore fiasco, but it isn't out of the question. (But if the GOP gets to 58 or 59, even Doug Jones may vote surprisingly conservatively, as he's up in 2020.) In that happy scenario, THEN we will really begin to have conservative governance. Not to denigrate President Trump, or to argue with you, but what we've had this first year is only a breather, as a result of working the margins.

Trooper York said...

Father we are not in disagreement. Trump is Trump. But I am sure that in your experience the convert is often more zealous than the life long adherent of a religion.

Trump is nothing more and nothing less than a New York Conservative Democrat in the vein of John Rooney or Hugh Carey. Pro defense. Worried about American workers. It is just that in todays political climate that makes him a radical conservative.

On the other hand so called conservatives have been exposed as frauds who would rather have Hillary as President because a boorish deplorable offends their delicate elitist sensibilities.

A man dying of thirst will take solace from an imperfect vessel even if it has cracks and fissures and an ad for Stormy Daniels appearance at Flashdancers.