Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Our pathetic television news

Because of Trump's State of the Union address, very much worth watching, I allowed a few moments of national and local news and they used those few moments to mislead, mischaracterize and misinform. So, off they go back to exile.

Trump wisely avoided mention of the Nunes memo because it contains intelligence that is incredibly damaging to Democrats and using that damage in his speech would interfere with his message of unity which Democrat leaders flatly rejected by their obnoxiously childish behavior during the speech.

Were Trump so impetuous and wildly unpredictable so mentally unstable as he is depicted by our news agencies then he would have lobbed that grenade directly at the Democrats as they sat there grimacing and sulking. But Trump didn't. So people who know the astoundingly damaging intelligence Trump is withholding as he delivers his message of unity that is flatly rejected, know also precisely how restrained and how stable and steady Trump actually is. 

NBC coverage of the speech includes a panel that poisoned Trump's speech before it was delivered by mischaracterizing the Nunes memo twice, that I heard, first a female panelist, then a male panelist hastily getting in his last words before shutting up for the speech.

Local news mentioned the memo twice today that I heard in the moments before shutting them off. They both described it as, "The memo about the Russian investigation." 

No, the memo is about FBI abuse of power. It's about high-level agents wrenching and distorting due process in support of Hillary Clinton and again against candidate Donald Trump and later against President Donald Trump. The memo is about creating a multi-tiered justice, about DOJ corruption about treason and about a failed coup. It's about political party and Fusion, a company that compiled a dossier using Russians against Trump and creating a narrative that's still used and funded by Democrats and by FBI and it's about Fusion paying media to spread this misinformation that news agencies are still doing right now. The news agencies narrative stinks up the whole country. The framing of their reporting discredits them each time they push it.  

And worse, they are too thick to know they're digging the grave for their credibility. Their viewers do not comprehend the Nunes memo lifted the separate elements out of the confinement of its separate compartmented ownership. Each of the four investigative groups does not know what the others possess and cannot know by law. This compartmentalization is what protected the corrupted principals at the FBI and the DOJ. Nunes and his group consolidated the intelligence for a much more complete comprehension. They had to find a way to show it, to make it public. But the memo is only summary. Shocking as the findings are in summation, rattling, shaking, and disturbing as they are such that agents have already been demoted, already reassigned, already retired, and already wild-eyed and trembling in their aggressive rebuttals, it's only the tip of the iceberg. 

When the memo is made public in a few days, process allows time for challenge, then it's out there and tremendous damage will be inflicted upon the Democrat party for behaving so despicably inside and outside of government. Damage will be inflicted upon the reputation of the Obama administration, himself, his departments, and upon Secretary of State. They will challenge along predictable lines. They will claim it is a Republican memo by Republicans for Republicans that omits important exculpatory information, that it exposes intelligence that should be kept secret, and that it outs agents doing important work, that it damages the United States in an effort to damage Democrats. They will project all that they do themselves onto Republicans, not just as psychological tell, rather, they must, it's how they think. They have no other means to process. It's not so much "This is what I would do so this must be what they do" rather, it's the only thing possible, the only thing they can think. It's not possible to think people are behaving honorably. Their neural channels do not flow that way. They don't know how that even goes. They cannot see it. They will claim the memo leaves out "material information" such as a regular prosecutor withholding exculpatory evidence. 

The Nunes memo that our news agency characterize as memo about the investigation into Trump/Russia collusion is only the tip of the iceberg with Democrat party, FBI, DOJ, and all American media the Titanic. 

Allowing Democrats to challenge the Nunes memo, allowing them to discredit the memo, then allows Nunes to offer, to insist, that all the information between various intelligence and investigative groups be made public, and that is the iceberg underneath that doesn't show and that rips them to shreds.

It's too much information to spring at once. The material that Nunes memo recaps is far too much information to spring at once. Too much to read in one sitting. This is nothing short of an actual coup. By our news providers a coup that is still in progress. As the Mueller investigation peters out to nothing, and soon to be discredited entirely, our news providers persist. 

The intelligence had to be freed from its compartmentalization. It had to be lifted out and above its compartments and consolidated. It had to be introduced. It has to be challenged. The media must be forced to face the contents correctly or perish. Citizens must be primed the right way to see the thing correctly, to understand they are being misled, and then the bulk can be revealed.

Recall the Watergate bluebook. I was not politically aware at the time. I had no interest in reading that book, but I understand people more serious than myself did have tremendous interest. I heard segments read over news and on the car radio. Personally, I was sick of hearing about Watergate, I wanted fun things instead, but that publication flew off the shelves. A very thick book of very dry material that held tremendous interest for the whole country except for young goofballs like me. It's where we learned Nixon swore like Andrew Jackson's parrot. None of us understood how base conversations were in the White House. We thought the Oval Office was some kind of temple and Quakers could never use such foul language. We were shocked. Readers wanted to know what was on the White House tapes that had to be torn from the White House as government property and not Nixon's private possession. Nixon had the recorder installed to protect himself and it turned out to be used against him.

The material that backs up the Nunes memo is much worse than that. And our news reporters behave as the thing in front of their nose is all that there is, that the memo is an extension of their year-long narrative that they have so much invested. Their credibility is on the line and they refuse to face it. They're not smart enough to see they are in danger by their own distorted narrative. When they are forced to acknowledge, as Nunes is forcing them to do, then their viewers will wonder why they trusted them the whole time before they were forced to perform a one-eighty. Their viewers will not be so vapidly flexible. 

And then, maybe they will be that flexible. After all, they've stuck with receiving news from them this far. Maybe their viewers are vapidly flexible as media will be forced into. I quit the Democrat party because I cannot be so skateboard-y flexible with ethical and moral values. I'm not that emotionally / intellectually / morally gymnastic. Maybe network news viewers, late-night comedian viewers are that flexible. 

The Nunes memo and bulk of intelligence behind it are only one tip and iceberg imperiling Washington establishment. Sally Yates, a lawyer for DOJ (also for FBI) did her best to prevent FBI and DOJ from being audited. Imagine that, "You cannot audit us." The stop was challenged in court and she lost. The departments were audited. Inspector General Horowitz's report on his findings is well over a million pages. This report is scheduled for release, the date keeps being moved back due its bulk and the difficulty of synthesis. You cannot just plunk 1,200, 000 pages on Congressmen and women's desks and expect their staffs to read it. It has to be organized. It was supposed to have been delivered January 15 but the date is moved back into February. 

And these two icebergs are only part of the investigations running currently. House and Senate have their own commissions and their own investigations into various aspects of nefarious activity. These investigations are exposing the coup against candidate and president Trump. They're exposing the illegal protection provided Hillary Clinton. They're looking at how Democrat party distorted government functioning, within government and by private companies, to wreck our political system and to benefit Democrat Party, to shield Hillary Clinton from due process and deny due process to Donald Trump, to lead to a one-party system where government departments call the shots and where elections are made useless, and this is the very real news story that our news agencies refuse to acknowledge and report. This is what Nunes is working with to get these depressing facts out to the public.


red 3215 said...

Having worked in the business for over 30 years let me explain a few things for you. The “Memo” is actually a form of summary of an investigation (SOI) it connects the dots and shows what the investigators found. It is based on what the FBI gave them.

Congress has lawful, constitutional oversight responsibilities over the Executive branch agencies like the FBI and DOJ, so the refusal to cooperate by these agencies is a serious problem that needs fixing. Perhaps some full metal jacket fixing. Or using the power of the purse strings, de-fund the DOJ and FBI until they decide to cooperate.

{At this point go look up the Church Committee from back in the 1970’s and the reason why there is an EO 12333 and a FISA court to begin with. It wasn’t pretty}
The House Intel people were working with what the FBI grudgingly provided, after months of teeth-pulling effort to get it. If the FBI now says there are gaps in it, they are holding back the info that would fill those gaps, so its’ on them.

Based on the reporting seen so far, it appears some senior FBI and DOJ people had decided to violate the Hatch act and conduct political activities from their office, using their government provided phones and computers.

They decided to violate 12333 and the FISA rules by using a falsified affidavit to get their FISA Surveillance authorization (its not a “warrantless” surveillance; the FISA court grants a warrant good for 90 days at a time; look it up, this is not classified). How falsified? The unverified Dossier was quoted and the agents signed off under oath on their affidavit that it gave them probable cause to do surveillance on their targets. That constitutes perjury and deceiving a Federal Judge.

They also practiced targeting a foreign person, and then when one of their American targets was on the line got the names unmasked so they could track what the Trump transition team was doing. In other words, spying on Americans without proper FISA authorization to do so.
No one working in the IC since 1975 would not realize these were violations and crimes. You have to get training on it annually and sign off that you took and understood the training. Apparently, many senior DOJ and FBI official s have decided that the training is more of a “guideline”; Like the Pirate’s Code.

And if Felonia von Pantsuit had won, none of this would have ever come out. And a lot of us dumb citizen’s would be on our way to re-education camps right now.
We need heads on pikes along the 14th street bridge as a signal to the rest.

edutcher said...

Trump, besides being smart, showed he was the better man by not bringing this up.

Imagine Zippy, Willie, Lurch, or Biden, much less the Beast, in a similar position.
They would have ground the other side into the dirt on national TV.

In thinking about this, I got a little flash that Somebody who guided this nation in equally perilous times may have sent him to us.

YMMV, but red's final comment got me wondering.

Maybe we're worth saving, after all.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

We don't have an honest press. We have democrat operatives with bylines.