Saturday, January 20, 2018

Government Shut Down. An OPPORTUNITY!

So, the Dimms want to force a government shut down.  I guess we are all supposed to now run around with our hair on fire, wailing and rending garments because the government will not be able to do everything or anything for us.

OMG.  How can we live! We'd better go and stock up on bread and milk ....and scotch. (added because I can't seem to figure out how to make my links be highlighted GRRRR)

On the other hand.  I look at this as a great opportunity.

Trump can shut it all down for a while and then announce that he is doing a reassessment of all government agencies, to look for inefficiencies, redundancies, departments and people who are just plain useless.

After all, if your job has been shut down and we don't miss you.  (how can we miss you if you don't go away)  Then, perhaps we don't need you at all.   What exactly is it that do you do here? and Why are we paying you?

This may be a great opportunity to actually get rid of some of the deadwood.

Who do you choose to trim?


ndspinelli said...

Prisons are funded directly and the military is also funded. WTF else matters? I'll be happy to forgo my SS check if they cut the govt. in half.

Leland said...

WH already announced this shutdown will be different than Obama's. I doubt you'll find supposedly essential park rangers blocking access to open air parks and memorials.

I went out last night to the local watering hole. Not one person was talking about the shutdown. I don't even think most people know about it.

edutcher said...

Just like PATCO, for those who are old enough.

I have a feeling Chuckie and the Dick from IL walked right into his trap.

The Dude said...

Let 'em all go - most of them are retired in place anyway.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My choices for cuts are an across the board 5% to 10% cut in personnel. Not sure how since those lazy asses are protected by their unions. Attrition could be accomplished by moving them to undesirable places to work like Moose Balls North Dakota or some other remote place where us deplorables live.

A 5 to 15 % cut in budgets also. Plus eliminate all those perks like special "training" meetings held in Las Vegas etc. No more remodeling of offices. They can work in the same skanky environments as the rest of us.

There are already too many useless paper pushers, as is obvious, since they have too much time on their hands to be able to dream up subversive things to thwart the administration, conduct sexual affairs with each other, surf the internet, email and tweet like crazy all day long.

BLM can take a huge cut. Give the BLM lands back to the States to do with what they will.

Like Nick. I'm for keeping the military, border security, and agencies that actually keep us safe.

Eliminate Public Sector employee unions!!!

AllenS said...

I would hope that Mueller and his crew is also furloughed for this shutdown.

chickelit said...

@DBQ: To create a highlighted link, can't you just create the word or phrase in whatever font you want and THEN select it to be used as the link?

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Remember when Obama made sure to close all the National Perks and Monuments during his shutdown?

Shutdown watchers are waiting to see how the petulant ones react. My guess is that it will involve certain states whining about not being able to enforce some aspect of immigration law. Getting the new electorate onboard to replace us is baked in and cannot be turned back.

edutcher said...

chick, not sure this is what you're asking, but syntax for a link is (any text you want).

As a f'rinstance, here's a link to the WWW consortium, where is the text in quotes and here's a link is the text you click to get there.

ricpic said...

I heard General Mattis being interviewed about the effects of the shutdown and he said, "Our military spying will be cut back. That costs money you know!" For some reason that struck me as funny.

chickelit said...

@edutcher: Thanks. I was just answering DBQ's unasked question in her post. I hope that we've helped her.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Thanks guys. I'll try a practice post. It seems that the link IS there, it just doesn't highlight or turn blue. At least on my screen. I'll ask my husband to test/look from HIS computer.

edutcher said...

oopsy, remember to close the tag. That /a is important, as are the angle brackets around it.

Here's how the WWW Consortium explains it (and quite well, I think)

A link has two ends -- called anchors -- and a direction. The link starts at the "source" anchor and points to the "destination" anchor, which may be any Web resource (e.g., an image, a video clip, a sound bite, a program, an HTML document, an element within an HTML document, etc.).

12.1.1 Visiting a linked resource
The default behavior associated with a link is the retrieval of another Web resource. This behavior is commonly and implicitly obtained by selecting the link (e.g., by clicking, through keyboard input, etc.).

Visit and do a search on link and you'll see a great example.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

did you read what Kurt Schlichter said?

oh it's good.

Please do it.

Here’s the thing – most of Trump supporters aren’t takers – they’re makers. They’re the people the government flunkies come to with their palms up whenever some bureaucrat wants to spend a zillion bucks studying LGBT issues among Antarctic penguins or funding the NPR’s X-rated reenactments of the Nativity. How sad are Trump’s supporters going to be if the deal is, “We don’t hand over citizenship to a bunch of people who shouldn’t be here and everyone they’re related to down to their 29th cousin three times removed, and in return, we make the government stop spending money.”

There is literally no Trump voter who will say, “Why, that’s a terrible deal! If that happens, we don’t give amnesty and we don’t spend money!”

Not one.

To the extent that a shut-down hurts some of the government’s few useful employees, like the members of our military, I eagerly look forward to Chuck n’ Nancy and the other circus freaks who make up the Democrat Capitol Crew explaining to the American people why they chose to make our men and women in uniform suffer so the Democrats can import some new ballot stuffers. “Support the troops unless we need to screw them over so we can ship in foreigners to vote for future Maryland Senator Chelsea Manning” seems like a flawed message, which is why I heartily encourage the Dems to try it out.

ricpic said...

Kurt's the greatest. But the GOP has neither his wit nor his guts. It's a safe bet to say the GOP WILL NOT drive a truck through the tremendous hole in the line the Democrats are offering them.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Agreed, Ricpic. The beltway Gop - they wilt like unwatered flowers every dang time.

chickelit said...

"Kurt's the greatest. But the GOP has neither his wit nor his guts. It's a safe bet to say the GOP WILL NOT drive a truck through the tremendous hole in the line the Democrats are offering them."

The situation is a bit like the Western Front in 1918. The Germans could punch holes in the British and French lines but they could never follow through. Because supply lines. The defense was fed by railways; the offensive wasn't. In our case, the press pundits resupply the defenders of Sir Hillary and eventually erase any gains. That's 21st century trenchant warfare.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

It's a safe bet to say the GOP WILL NOT drive a truck through the tremendous hole in the line the Democrats are offering them.

Maybe not, but Trump will.

Somebody, I think over at Insta, made the point the race in November will not be Demos vs Rs, it will be Deplorables vs Whigs. The idea being that Demos in safe seats may be OK (maybe), but any other contest and the Lefties have made such idiots of themselves the last 2 years, they're nothing more than a punchline.

I think Trump will make a big push to get people he likes elected.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

In our case, the press pundits resupply the defenders of Sir Hillary and eventually erase any gains. That's 21st century trenchant warfare.

True, as late as 20 years ago, but Trump runs rings around the media today because he goes over their heads directly to the people. McConnell may or may not get that, but Trump does.

He will also have the wind of a booming economy at his back.

Fun Fact: the markets haven't done so well since Franklin Roosevelt's first year. And that's without a world war fueling the economy.

Trooper York said...

Heres the thing.

The longer the shut down lasts the better.

Pass emergency funding to pay the military and first responders. But let everyone else rot.

Trump is doing that in many of the agencies like the EPA and the State Department. He is just refusing to fill sinecures. Guess what? The earth keeps on turning.

They should fear that people will realize that we can get along just fine without them.

chickelit said...

But Troop, what about rice bowels?

chickelit said...

"Chuck n’ Nancy and the other circus freaks who make up the Democrat Capitol Crew explaining to the American people why they chose to make our men and women in uniform suffer so the Democrats can import some new ballot stuffers."

Schlichter needs to keep in mind that a lot of republicans supported that importation on the grounds of cheaper labor, whether or not they wanted to give them voting rights. The link between Chambers of Commerce and the GOPe is still pretty strong and those parties are not exactly Trump friendly.

The Dems erred by abandoning their traditional base but they don't seem to care.

Trooper York said...

Smashing rice bowls is exactly why the hatred and vitriol is so strong.

If you recall during the campaign I said that the God Emperor would smash their rice bowls.

Just as he has done.

The Dude said...

I am okay with a government shut down, the problem is those bastards will start it back up again.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The Republicans should be shouting this from the rooftops and on every media outlet that they can get on. Should. But will they?

The Dimms care more about the welfare of ILLEGAL Aliens than they do the American Citizens. They would rather hold all of the rest of us hostage for political points, use the American Citizens as pawns, for the benefit people who are not even citizens.

Shutting down the government,with some exceptions (military and other safety issues) is really not that big of a deal. Half of the people working for the US Government in all of the zillions of departments could disappear from the face of the Earth and their presence in those jobs would not be missed.

The longer the government is "shut down" the more evident it will become, that the massive waste and fraud of the Federal Government, has been robbing us blind for decades.