Monday, January 22, 2018

AllenS Foto Funnies:


The Dude said...

I have not been able to reduce the size of those pictures so that they would fit the allotted space. Suggestions?

Amartel said...

The truth, it burns.

AllenS said...

Thanks, 60. Don't worry about the size. I got this in an email. Too funny.

I'm Full of Soup said...

That was hilarious AllenS!

AllenS said...

Thanks, AJ, and it was good, but not as good as the video of Trump hitting the golf ball, and Hillary taking the golf ball to the back getting on the airplane and doing a face plant.

edutcher said...

A new oldie, but a very goodie.

As for the pics, about the only way they get reduced might be in a Photoshop-type program. If you could get to the source, you might have a smaller resolution, but you go with what you got.

Chip is the master, so he'll probably know if there's another way.

Chip Ahoy said...

Hilarious. Me likey.

The sizing is in the code. They are coded as background photos. It's using coding from AOL. When you look at the code it's all very weird. So the re-sizing feature here on Blogger doesn't work on them properly and appears to smash them sideways.

I haven't tried, but you might be able to just tell it what size to make them by entering inside the div brackets [width=500px height=400px] or whatever you want them to be.

They can be resized in Photoshop or any other resizing program online such as, photobucket has such a feature. A browser search will get you one quickly. I can do that for you, but these are fine.

I discovered a new way that's sort of a hack. Resize your own browser that you use to view your original. Safari allows you to use your fingers to re-size the screen, while other browsers use + and - keys.

Then take screenshots. The kind of screenshot where you select the area. zip. the photo goes to your desktop. I do this all the time with Twitter messages. Then you can re-size again using Blogger editor, as you attempted to do with these.

The Twitter ones are weird. I resize my screen so they display in small but readable size to display in same size here. Then take a selected screenshot. Then when they display on blogger in original size it displays too large in editing. Much larger than my re-sized screenshot. I use Blogger editing re-sizer to match the size of the fonts in the tweet with the size of fonts of text displaying in editor. Publish. Then check what displays and the font sizes do not match as they showed in editing. I re-edit and re- size again. That's 3 attempts to get the best size. Every. Single. Time.

And using Twitter's code is a mess. That is, to link back to Twitter is way too much coding weirdness and re-sizing is a real circus.

The Dude said...

Not crazy about the results, but by messing around with the code I was able to get the pictures to stay inbounds.

ndspinelli said...

Great laugh.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

LOL! but I had to check drudge to make sure Bader wasn't really dead because - wow that would be good news. I mean - so sad, so sad.

The Dude said...

LOL - yeah, we would have the sadz.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

When Hillary Clinton dies, I'm throwing a YUGE party and all the drinks are on me.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Thanks for tweaking the pics to fit better.