Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton appointed Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith to rep.ace Al Franken in Senate

Smith will finish Franken's term which will end in 2020.
Smith is a former General Mills executive who in the 1990 started her own marketing and political consulting firm. She eventually managed Walter Mondale’s unsuccessful 2002 Senate run and Mondale’s son Ted Mondale’s failed 1998 bid for governor.

More information about Tina Smith at Legal Insurrection, including her age. How rude! Along with more about the situation surrounding the whole debacle.


AllenS said...

I live close to the Twin Cities MN, and Dayton has had some mental health issues over the years. The fact that Alfranken hasn't resigned yet hasn't entered Dayton's little brain. We'll see.

Trooper York said...

Frankenstein will not resign.

Trooper York said...

The Democrats will not turn on one of their own. They never do.

It is only the cuck GOPe that turn on one of their own.

Trooper York said...

Al will find a way to explain it all away. It was a joke. The people voted him in to do a job and he can not turn his back on them. He will stand for reelection and let the people decide.

Watch and see.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Franken served the dem's long game purpose. He stole the seat so that O-care could pass.

Never forget that.

Leland said...

Moore lost. Franken has to go now. That's why the announcement. If Moore had won, we would not hear about a replacement. The new game will be Franken resigning early, demanding Smith get seating immediately, and then "why isn't Jones being seated immediately?"

Trooper York said...

I will believe it when I see it.

Franken cares about Franken.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Leland is correct.

edutcher said...

Didn't Smalley make his exit conditional?

Troop is right, believe it when you see it.

AllenS said...

What if Dayton appointed Tina Smith, and Alfranken said NO! Then, Alfranken challenged Smith to a fist fight. How cool would that be?

Methadras said...

Has the Senate set a date for Franken's ethics committee meetings on his ethics violations?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Wikipedia says Tina Smith was a Planned Parenthood exec in MINN, SD and ND for more than a few years. This is my shocked face.

Leland said...

Alfranken challenged Smith to a fist fight. How cool would that be?

I'd pay to watch her slap him. I'd pay to watch anybody slap him. He still needs to go.

ndspinelli said...

Franken will be gone. He is despised by everyone including those in his own party.

William said...

That's not such an impressive resume. She sounds like a place holder. Maybe Franken can work as an unpaid volunteer at a PP abortion clinic. I know it's a big if, but if he doesn't fondle any of the sedated women, maybe the feminists would consider that adequate penance forgive him and allow him to run for his old seat.

Methadras said...

What is it about Minnesotans that makes them so nakedly Marxist? Is it because Marx is a German and they are mainly of German ancestry?

ndspinelli said...

William, When Mondale became VP in 1976, the Dem governor here fucked up the replacement, stacking the deck so the replacement would win next election. They ended up w/ a Republican Senator for a few cycles after that. So, it's believed this woman has agreed to not run in 2018. But, making a woman step down in this climate may also backfire.

ndspinelli said...

Meth, There certainly are some Germans here but the main immigrants were Norwegians. They are socialists.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Meth- I think they need more diversity there to show them how f-ed up it can get.

ndspinelli said...

Addendum: Just saw on local news Tina Smith has spoken w/ Franken and he is going to help her w/ transition. She also said she will run for the seat in 2018.

Dad Bones said...

Have the women who say they've been harassed and abused by Trump got enough players yet to field a team? Seems like it's inevitable. I suspect coach Obama and others have been recruiting victims and helping them work on their stories.

Methadras said...

Thanks Nick. I wasn't sure if it was the germans or the norwegians. Either way, still socialist/marxist garbage.

chickelit said...

Methadras asked: What is it about Minnesotans that makes them so nakedly Marxist? Is it because Marx is a German and they are mainly of German ancestry?

Historical legacy of the DFL. No, it's not a league of kneelers -- it's a regional political party. If Synova were here she could give more detail.

AllenS said...

Historical legacy of the DFL

Bingo! I used to live in MN.

AllenS said...

Here's the latest from the St Paul (MN) Pioneer Press --

“Tina Smith will make an excellent United States Senator. She is a dedicated public servant who’s worked tirelessly on behalf of Minnesotans, and Governor Dayton couldn’t have made a better choice for this job. Her record of accomplishment as Lieutenant Governor demonstrates that she’ll be an effective senator who knows how to work across party lines to get things done for Minnesota. I look forward to working with her on ensuring a speedy and seamless transition.”

So, it looks like he will resign.

Leland said...

Or make her his sock puppet, which will be great for him, because he can put his and up her skirt and manipulate her body parts to get her to respond as he likes.

Methadras said...

chickelit said...
Methadras asked: What is it about Minnesotans that makes them so nakedly Marxist? Is it because Marx is a German and they are mainly of German ancestry?

Historical legacy of the DFL. No, it's not a league of kneelers -- it's a regional political party. If Synova were here she could give more detail.

Chick, went to the link, read the header of the acronym of DFL, didn't need to go any further. Explains it all.

Methadras said...

" Her record of accomplishment as Lieutenant Governor demonstrates that she’ll be an effective senator who knows how to work across party lines to get things done for Minnesota."

Is this a boilerplate thing to say? Because I went hunting down her record of accomplishments and all I was able to find was her traveling the width and breadth of Minnesota to showcase the governor's administration and his policies? A town crying lapdog.