Wednesday, November 22, 2017

On the five-year anniversary of Colorado pot legalization

By James Arlandson at American Thinker.

I'll tell you what James Arlandson says.

Visitors remark they smell the growing warehouses alongside the highways and entire neighborhoods in Colorado Springs smell like pot.

[Really? I haven't notice that. Although I told you that one day Pure smelled like a skunk. I went in and told there is a skunk hanging around and they laughed. Then gave me a tour. They're such pleasant people, easily given to good humor.]

Homelessness rate has grown and ranks among the highest in the country. Directors of homeless shelters and people who live on the streets tell (someone) that subsance abusers migrate here for easy access to pot.

[Not just homeless. And not just across the country. People have flocked here from around the world to experience what liberty is like. I saw a world map in a medical marijuana shop on Lincoln and 10th where guests put a pin on the place where they came from just to buy pot legally. That's glorious and tragically sad at the same time.]

In the five years there's been a doubling of drivers involved in fatal crashes who tested positive for marijuana.

There's been more marijuana in schools than teachers and administrators ever feared.

Colorado is a cautionary tale for the 60% of American voters who are favorable toward legislation.

Ingesting a chemically laced plant with carcinogens and brain cell-destroyers is bad for the body. An Australian study shows cannabis [and other illicit substances] is associated with early onset of psychosis.

Well, when you say it like that.

When you concentrate solely on all the possible bad things. Come on. Can't you be fair?

No. You cannot. Your American Thoughts would be balanced if you did.

Where do I even start with you? Where do I go with you? Why even bother when everything positive I can manage comes pre-rejected? What would be the point of even engaging? Your mind is made up. Like a brick.

A brick with American Thoughts.

Mr. American Opining Person, I meant to say Thinker just now. I must be high. Have you even ever met a pot smoker or someone who ingests pot? Because it sounds like you live in isolation back there in 1930.

You didn't mention anything about freedom and liberty in your American Thinking opinion. And that's strange because that's the main thing about this issue and that's also the main thing about being American and being a Thinker.

You didn't bother covering increased Colorado tax intake in your American Thinking opinion, and increased tax revenue is significant.

It didn't fix Colorado budget because Colorado is run by Democrats and they're maniacs with spending.

See, there's two very important aspects right there that you ignored. Your Thinker piece is all about dodgy studies done by anti-liberty, pro-legislation, worn out fuddy duddy, prohibitionist  research by no-fun having antisocial nerds. Who probably drink their asses off until their speech is slurred.

Not one goddamn word about its actual medical benefits. Even if that rubric is abused for recreational use. You cannot deny very real patients who get very real help with marijuana, yet you do deny them. To you they don't count.

You don't mention anything about people locked in jails for simply pursuing their own happiness because you're too locked in your own jail of anachronistic prohibitionist conceit.

You are a joke. A man dressed in drag and displaying yourself comically as a cranky old woman so convincingly people think you're real.

I'm tired of being subjected to your time-worn threadbare lame ass arguments that rely so heavily on the opinions of others. I'm worn out from hearing all the craptastic data you drag out to support your losing opinion. 

No mention in your American Thinky-Thoughts of the real beauty of living free in a free state, free of oppression of legalized constrictions on personal behavior that's none of anyone else's business, in a state that is towering beacon of light to the rest of the nation for rational thinking men and women for citizens stuck in their miserable oppression in states that apply government oppression with the heavy overbearing sledgehammer of  law. Stopping people as they drive across the border on the chance they might be bringing in a fucking weed. 

You have no idea how stupid and miserable you sound to people living free. 

I've lived here for decades and I nor any of my friends even smoke pot [tried it and it does me no good at all] while all of us agree legalization of something that should never have been illegal in the first place is not so much the way to go, it's the way to be. American, thinking and free. And we understood that at age twelve when we learned about prohibition while also learning about the uselessness of prohibition, the ridiculous conceit of prohibition, the waste of prohibition, the damage of prohibition all so much greater than the reason for prohibition. And here you are doing all that all over again. 

Here. Let's not be cross with each other. Let's be chums and watch a movie together. It's only an hour. An old one from 1936, because you are so very much like them with your creaky old outdated American Opinion sorely in need of an updating. We can torch up a ... cook up a pot of popcorn and munch it together. Hold my hand. 

Okay I'm done with that.

Two months ago I went to the bank. US Bank. They're American Thinkers too. They moved from their classy digs on the corner of Broadway and Mississippi to crummy little dump in what should be a antique shop on Broadway and with very limited parking. It's awful. Temporary until their new building is finished.

The teller behind the counter was 20-something, nicely dressed, but he looked like he grew up on a farm. Big. Clear skin, short hair. Clean-cut, quiet type, and staid. I made some kind of minor banking error. And that created a problem. I had no good excuse. I told they guy, "I must have been high." He was NOT expecting that from someone who looks like a military officer. He was tickled with that careless humor. And he ended up giving me a cashier's check for free, and upgrading my banking service, and a coupon for an unrelated free service. He helped me out more than he had to just because he enjoyed the acknowledgement of very real palpable, tangible, American Thinking freedom and very real liberty.

I hope for you that your state can become so advanced as ours. So full of gracious people living in liberty. Whether or not you'd like it to. All is well. Your studies are bogus. Live free, and be of good cheer.


Chip Ahoy said...

Man, I've had to fix a lot of typos. First my J was sticking, now my K and L are sticking.

It's been 5 years, I think, and I never vacuumed this keyboard. And I've GOT to stop this habit of picking buggers and typing.

AllenS said...

Lots of food particles in my keyboard. And beer, did I mention beer? Too bad about Colorado, but this does not surprise me. Colorado has been trending anything goes for quite a while. Follow the voting patterns.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hate it.
Not that I'm against legalization. On balance, I'm for it. Sadly, people want to get high and drink. If you can drink, you should be able to get high.

1) Our roads are clogged with asshole potheads from other states.
2) Our roads are clogged with asshole potheads from other states.
3) Our roads are clogged with asshole potheads from other states.
4) Real estate prices are insane

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We've attracted Mass-Holes, and CA-progs with no brains. It's really horrid.

ndspinelli said...

Dixkin, CALI goes legal in 2018, that will become the mecca for cannabis people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's true about the homeless boom. Transients, who are here for pot, set up camp in the woods, often on private land, set fires, make and leave a total mess then wander off leaving destruction and sometimes even death behind them.

ND - please please please... CO sucks! go to California, oh potheads.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, freedom includes the right to do things other people think are self-destructive.

Freedom is also being free from sanctimonious moral scolds and improvers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I agree with medical pot use and have no problem with people who use it for that or for fun. Whatever. There are negatives, just like the even bigger negatives with alcohol. Prohibition was a disaster, and the drug war too, as we all know.
The problem is the it's still illegal in most places, so CO has too many pot heads.

The Dude said...

Hey, there's Shouting Thomas - how are things in Woodstock?

But what I really want to ask you is, did you ever get to meet Levon or attend his barn shows? What a great musician that guy was.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's the thing about marijuana. Some people can handle it, some cannot. Some people thrive off the chemistry, some people are destroyed by it.
Same with alcohol.

I still agree with liberty above all else which is why I'm for legalization. There's no going back now and the anti-legalization people better be careful because it's a losing proposition.
Still, it's not a panacea. It's not all roses. There are negatives in all scenarios.

Shouting Thomas said...

I sold my house in Woodstock and bought a house near Kingston with my daughter and son-in-law.

I'm at that stage of life. In-law apartment downstairs. Grandkids upstairs. They're great.

Did a number of opening act gigs for The Band, so I knew Levon Helm. Worked in Rick Danko's solo trio act.

Wonder when Althouse will get around to the atmosphere of "sexual harassment" around Dylan and The Band? Her heroes used up groupies by the hundreds.

The Dude said...

I am glad to hear that you are doing well - being close to family is worth more than gold.

As for Althouse, how about never? Does never sound about right?

edutcher said...

Thank you for this.

There's also a huge spike in child and pet (pet!) overdoses (I wonder if these are the same people who want their kids to tell them if there are guns in their friends' houses).

And there's always a going-back from a bad idea. Remember 55 mph and no death penalty?

PS Hey, Shout. Glad you're back.

ricpic said...

Potheads indoctrinate the credulous young into the belief that getting high is where it's at. And by doing so ruin god knows how many young innocent lives. And for that I hate them. Let them spend their whole idiot lives in a dreamy fog. That's fine. But they can't stop there. They HAVE TO proselytize.

Methadras said...

Saying I told you so is getting tiresome. When people don't listen because they think they know better, at this level, they are affecting whole societies, not just their immediate individual selves. Now, what is Colorado going to do? Answer: Nothing because the money is too good.

Now you have the state literally sacrificing their citizens for cash on the altar of illicit drug use because getting a weed high vs. cocaine high is so much nicer man...

Methadras said...

ricpic said...
Potheads indoctrinate the credulous young into the belief that getting high is where it's at. And by doing so ruin god knows how many young innocent lives. And for that I hate them. Let them spend their whole idiot lives in a dreamy fog. That's fine. But they can't stop there. They HAVE TO proselytize.

Just like atheists, just like abortionists, just like any other leftist indoctrination scheme aimed solely at corrupting the young for its nefarious purposes which leads back to turning them into mindless drones who are easy to control.