Monday, November 27, 2017

MSNBC guest: Republicans are domestic terror group and should be locked up

MSNBC. Pffft.

You know, it's like when you quit smoking that world of cigarettes dies to you and then someone torches up right in front of you and it's like seeing the dead come alive. Apparently, MSNBC is still a thing. Apparently people still watch it. Because I've see this item at least a dozen times. And I still haven't bothered watching the video.

Why invite aggravation?

See it for yourself, if you like. Here at Newsbusters, or virtually anywhere.

The guest opining so stupidly, trolling actually, is Katon Dawson a Democrat pollster and that right there explains so much about why Democrats and media are constantly so sorely misled and mal-informed. The man is not measuring opinion he's desperate to shape it.

The example he uses against Republicans is CHIP. He says ...

Forget it

Read his words yourself if you feel like it. They're stupid. I could say why they're stupid, but who cares?


Leland said...

Read his words yourself if you feel like it. They're stupid. I could say why they're stupid, but who cares?

Drudge cares, because theses stupid headlines gets him page views.

You know who may be a domestic terrorist? That guy who shot up the concert in Las Vegas. I realize he's dead, so he's not going to be locked up. The guy who shot up the Orlando gay club isn't going to be locked up either, but his wife should be, and maybe his dad. We know the wife helped purchase the firearms, and the dad did incite the violence. We don't know much about the Las Vegas shooter, because no headlines. No interest. Nobody seems to care anymore about it.

Leland said...

I'm a Core Threat! What about you?

edutcher said...

It really isn't a river in Egypt, is it?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are corrupt liars, commies and want to remove your freedom for the common good.