Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Did someone say watermelon?

I was working yesterday, looked up and saw:

After reading Chip's post I now have a hook upon which to hang this photo.

What is the link, you ask? Ha!

Okay, that didn't work? How about this one:

Enter this contest to win fabulous prizes!

What my dogs do when I am not looking.


ricpic said...

Of course I have no idea what the answer is but from the guilty look on black dog's face I'd say he's been messin' with Massa's wood! Wait a minute, that sounds.....strange.

The Dude said...

A sad Border Collie combined with a watermelon? A melon collie.

Yeah, I know...

ndspinelli said...

Border collies are the mensa club of the dog word. Golden retrievers are the retards. I like both.

MamaM said...

They pick and grin?

MamaM said...

Or maybe: They look for ways to entertain themselves if not others?

I'm unclear whether the contest involves identifying what SixtyG's dogs do when he's not looking, or to figure out the ChipA link or hook on which this post hangs?

If it's the latter, there's too many fingers in that pie for a clear read, with living in liberty appearing to be what fills the bowl.

AllenS said...

First pic: why are you taking my picture?

Second pic: be useful. Carve a nice dog toy for me.

The Dude said...

AllenS is correct on the first picture.

The second picture is captioned "My bark is worse than my bite".

The music makes me laugh - goin' for that levity angle again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That is the best video... ever.

The Dude said...

It certainly made me laugh, out loud, even, DB@H.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The looks on the dogs faces... it's perfect.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You've created a new obsession.

The Dude said...

That is funny as hell, and speaking of hell, how the hell did they train the dogs not to eat the food when it was set on the table, then eat off a fork? Someone sure knows a thing or two about dog training!