Monday, September 25, 2017

They once were Giants.......

All murdered by members of "Black Lives Matter." To support this organization Colin Capernick decided to kneel during the National Anthem. On 911, He decided to wear socks calling cops pigs. Shouted with his compatriots "Pigs in a Blanket Fry Pigs  Fry."This is what the kneeling and the arm linking and the solidarity of the NFL players is supporting. 

What they are saying is more important than honoring our Flag. Honoring our soldiers, sailors and Marines. Who are in Harms way. In Afghanistan. Iraq. Korea. Our first responders. Police. Firemen. Paramedics. True heroes not overpaid roided up illiterate thugs.

This is what Terry Bradshaw and LeBron James and Michael Bennet and Roger Goodell and the NFL Owners are saying we should celebrate Colin Capernick's protest. Every commentator and sportswriter and pundit who says that Donald Trump should shut up is supporting the cop killers and criminals that are the heart of the kneeling protests of these ignorant fools.

It is a shame that the men who built the NFL are all gone. Curly Lambeau. George Halas. Wellington Mara. Art Rooney. Carroll Rosenblum. Sonny Werblin.  VInce Lombardi. Tom Landry. Al Davis. Pete Rozelle. What would they have done?

There used to be giants in this game. Now there are only pygmies. Moral pygmies.

I am bitterly ashamed of the New York Giants. Three of their players knelled on Sunday according to Press Reports. The rest of the team locked arms in a misguided attempt at "unity." Instead of standing with their hands over their hearts  I like to think that if Wellington Mara were alive he would have cut them the next day. That he would have fined and suspended anyone who did not simply stand with their hand over their hearts to honor America. The Flag. Our people.

The NFL is at a crossroads. As it has been for some time. If it continues the way it is going it will end as a viable sport. When they dismiss the fans who pay for the tickets and the TV packages in favor of the people who mug them in the parking lot they will have signed their death warrant. It is beyond belief that there is not one person who would stand up against this suicide pact.

Anyone who watches the NFL now is both a fool and a knave. The choice before you is clear.

You make the call.  


edutcher said...

Nicely put.

If, indeed, Black Lives Matter, one would think they would be more concerned that the leading cause of death among young black males is young black males and that a prime cause of that is an unstable family unit.

If there is a family unit at all.

The Left pushes violence, ignorance, abortion, and sexual exploitation of women politically, ecclesiastically, economically, and scholastically, as well as in the media. This is to keep blacks poor, uneducated, frustrated, and angry. Then the Democrat party claims to take their side, but does nothing to better their lot once it has their votes.

It would appear Black Lives Do not Matter, but Black Votes Do.

PS The Steelers organization (Rooney must be spinning) is mad at no one but Ranger Lt Alejandro Villanueva because he was the only one to come out of the locker room and stand for the National Anthem.

And guess what? His sports gear is going through the roof.

PPS Whether they feel ashamed or just realize how gutless they look, the Steelers will be on the field next week.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Excellent post, Troop.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's easy to give up the NFL. It bores me.
Life is tediously repetitious - that includes holidays and sports. bor-ring!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Instead of sitting down for a game, go out for a long walk.

Methadras said...

I made the call when the Chargers decided to leave San Diego and go to LA. Everyone knew they were going to leave because the city couldn't come to grips with spending hundreds of millions in cash to give a billionaire owner to build a stadium downtown next to the convention center. So the ownership showed its true colors, said fuck you and left. Done.

That and the fact that Roger Goodell has shown himself to be the political assassin that this game has suffered through.

chickelit said...

@Meth: The Chargers leaving was a signal to the NFL and NFL owners on what not to do. I'm actually cheered when I hear about the half-filled stadia. The people of San Diego just said no to the owner's attempted extortion. There are lots and lots of irreparably hurt feelings.

What still needs to happen in this whole saga is for one of the brain-dead kneelers to double down on brain damage and call the fans racist and stupid. It would be like a stage actor cursing his audience and calling them stupid. Jim Morrison tried that and look how he ended up.

As I understand it, the teams who opt to stay in their locker rooms during the pledge are in technical violation of NFL rules. Of course the league is not going to fine the teams. They are going to allow them to flout the rules - just like they let the spoiled players flout every other rule.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There is a broader issue here. There is limited time in life. Spend that valuable time on things that matter to you.

Trooper York said...

I love it when it is so subtle that no one gets it.

edutcher said...

Can somebody figure this out?

The Dallas players all kneeled with owner Jerry Jones and his family before a giant American flag was unfurled, drawing some boos from the Cardinals fans. They rose arm-in-arm just before the singing of the anthem.

The Cardinals gathered on the goal line as a team, some of them locking arms, during the anthem. Cardinals owner Michael Bidwell and his family and general manager Steve Keim joined them.

Sounds like Jerry wanted to make a statement about a time and place to do one's protesting.

I think.

Trooper York said...

This was just Jerry Jones trying to out smart everyone and failing miserably.

If only one of these owners had the balls to stand up to these overpaid thugs then they could save their sport.

The NFL and its owners have taken a side in the culture war. And it is not the fans side.

So they should suffer the consequences of their betrayal.

AllenS said...

Just one more aspect to the list of why our civilization is coming to an end. It was a nice run, though.

Trooper York said...

I thought the Packers were run by their town? That they were the shareholders.

So they think this is appropriate?

I am shocked.

I mean I am not a Packers fan but I thought better of them.

The Dude said...

They are going to need a lot more Parisian bathtubs from the sound of it.

Troop, was the subtle part where you wrote "knelled"? As in death?

Or is the call supposed to be "Out of bounds, five trillion dollar fine"?

edutcher said...

AllenS said...

Just one more aspect to the list of why our civilization is coming to an end. It was a nice run, though.

I tend to go along with Insty on this and think it's the decline of the Left, as opposed to the decline of the West. In the old days, the Lefties were usually able to get people on their side. They've gone from the Gang Who Shot Everybody to the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. Donald Trump, who would have been marginalized 50 years ago, is making them look like the fools they are.

Trooper York said...

I thought the Packers were run by their town? That they were the shareholders.

The Pack is owned by the city of Green Bay, but I figure you'd have to get city council together to make a decision.

OTOH we are talking Wisconsolate here.

edutcher said...

PS and FWIW The NFL had lost 200M this years and it's only week 3.

ndspinelli said...

The Packers are owned by shareholders, my bride and I are one. It was a gift. That would be a good ball bust, buy Trooper a share.

Trooper York said...

No that's not it Sixty.

It is quite subtle. So much so that I don't expect anyone to get it.

ricpic said...

I tend to disagree with dutch that the Left is losing. It is successfully (from its standpoint) demoralizing normal America. I don't happen to share the quasi-religious attachment to football that many normals have, but I understand the importance of the Sunday ritual to them. The Left (using blacks as its battering ram) has punched a hole in that ritual, that glue.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is almost like they pissed on their fans.

m9777 said...

Time to end all government subsidies to professional sports!

edutcher said...

The story I heard was on one of the schmaltz pieces run when CBS did all the NFL stuff. The guy who did own the team wanted to move it and the city stepped in and bought it. That's why Lambert Field (as Lurch called it) is still the team's home.

If they sell shares, it's a wrinkle since I watched fooshball (80s).

ricpic said...

I tend to disagree with dutch that the Left is losing. It is successfully (from its standpoint) demoralizing normal America

You'd be right if normal America was "demoralized". It's not, it getting fed up. Witness E:

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is almost like they pissed on their fans.

If normal America was "demoralized", we would all be hanging our heads meekly in hopeless resignation or, as the Euros do, trying to convince ourselves our betters know what's best for us.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I was also referring to a certain 'Giants' end zone demonstration.

Donny Genaro said...

Troop, could it your spelling of Kaepernick? Capernick as in a caper = illicit or foolish activity?

I'm generally way off in all of your puzzles and probably missed it this time too.

The Dude said...

If you start trying to make sense of Troop's spelling you automatically get CTE.