Thursday, September 21, 2017

Reason 666 why gay marriage is a great idea

Lesbian Couple Who Abused Son So Badly He’s Had Two Strokes Gets 20 Years in Jail

Breitbart News by Warner Todd Hudson September 21, 2017

A lesbian couple arrested and convicted of beating and torturing their five-year-old boy so badly that he had two strokes from years of beatings has been sentenced to 20 years in jail.

Police in Muskogee, OK, arrested the boy’s mother, Rachel Stevens, 28, and his “stepmother,” Kayla Jones, 25, last year for what doctors said appeared to be months of vicious child abuse.
Police became involved after the child was transferred from a Muskogee, Oklahoma, clinic to St. John Medical Center in Tulsa because of lesions on his face and after a series of seizures. But when he got to Tulsa, doctors became suspicious over his injuries and determined that he was abused and not just suffering some sort of ailment as claimed by the lesbian couple.
The women even had the gall to create a GoFundMe page to raise money to help them pay for the child’s medical care.

After doctors suggested the child was abused, police arrested the pair and charged them with child abuse.
Court documents revealed that the child told police that he was repeatedly tied up, confined with duct tape, locked in a small room for extended periods of time and that both women would periodically beat him sometimes with a belt. He said his own mother once smashed his hand with a hammer and his “stepmom” repeatedly kicked him in the groin hard enough to cause bleeding.
Stevens and Jones pleaded no contest last Friday to child abuse and child neglect charges. As part of a plea deal, they were sentenced to 20 years in prison, according tothe Daily Mail.


Leland said...

Only 20 years?

I don't know what level abuse it takes to cause that many clots in a 5 year old, and if either stroke caused any permanent brain damage on top of the long term psychological damage done to this child. The child will suffer far longer than 20 years, or be in so much agony that he hopes to die early.

edutcher said...

We're beginning to see how homosexual adoption is child abuse. The media tries desperately to cover it up. Most of these people are truly mentally ill and they want the kid(s) to conform their preferences.

PS Fascinating this had to come from the London Daily Mail, one of the best sources for campaign news last year.

PPS Reason 666 was inspired. Kudos, Troop.

Trooper York said...

These are the stories the main stream media buries along with illegal alien criminals victimizing Americans, Muslims practicing honor killings and ritual clitoral mutilation and abortion abuses in Planned Parenthood Clinics.

As Iwohawk puts it best....The main stream media can be trusted to cover the story...with a pillow....until it stops breathing.

Methadras said...

Give me 2 seconds with these two sub-humans. a pair of .45's to the forehead each will spare this child of ever knowing that these two demons will ever hurt him again.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

OK F> I'm not sure it's a good idea to let lesbians adopt.
I've heard other horror stories.

The break up always comes. I feel sorry for the kids who end up as bargaining chips and started off and "oh look how cool we are, we're same sex couple with kids." As if the kids are just an accessory.
yeah - hetero relationships are 50/50 - I'd say 90% of homosexual relationships end in breakup.

Anyone who can hurt a child belongs in a special place in hell. The place where they play Hillary Clinton reading her own book while a fat guy sits on your spleen for eternity.

chickelit said...

Putting them in orange just means they're going to munch their way through jail time cell mates -- prolly having the time of their lives. Any remorse on their part or will they just blame tha patriarchy?

William said...

I'm sure it's possible for a lesbian couple to successfully raise a child, but, if I were playing the percentages, I'd guess the kid would have a bunch of challenges not faced by other kids. I wouldn't want to grow up with Rosie O'Donnell advising me on how to negotiate life's pitfalls.. Well, she's rich. That would help.

MamaM said...

Authorities charge that since the two women became involved 18 months ago, the boy’s abuse has been constant. Doctors say that he has multiple broken bones in various stages of healing and was malnourished when police took him from the pair.

At the heart of the matter this isn't about lesbian behavior or the reason why gay marriage is or isn't a good idea. The story centers around a mother allowing someone with whom she "became involved 18 months ago" to join her in horrifically abusing her son. Thankfully, they were both found guilty.

The number of children who've suffered abuse at the hands of a male sex partner, husband, priest, or uncle their mother became "involve with", endorsed, welcomed into their home, gave free rein to, overlooked, or joined forces with to allow or perpetrate further abuse, is legion.

AllenS said...

If Rosie O'Donnell was your father or mother or whatever, you'd never learn to ride a bicycle.

chickelit said...

At the heart of the matter this isn't about lesbian behavior or the reason why gay marriage is or isn't a good idea.

Of course! But I recall hearing that somehow women were and gentler. The notion of homosexual child abuse is a stereotypically male one. This story -- like ones about female teacher/male student sexual relations -- breaks the concrete floor for female behavior.

chickelit said...

AllenS said...
If Rosie O'Donnell was your father or mother or whatever, you'd never learn to ride a bicycle.

That same child might learn to fish -- for insults!

Trooper York said...

Heres the thing. Lesbian couples are uniformly bad. They should not be raising children. Nor should many hetero couples. But we should not be indulge perverted and psychotic behavior with the approval and sanction of the state. It has been this way for thousands of years. There is no reason to change now.

You are seeing the aftereffects of the abdication of traditional values. I bet there a lot of stories like this that are covered up. Maybe not as severe. But still very bad.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There are a lot of same sex couples who are bat shit crazy. Not all are (just like not all hetero couples are good for kids) but there is a lot of crazy in the gay community.

MamaM said...

Those who carry unprocessed abuse and trauma from childhood will act out their rage on others or hold it inside under the cover of any number of addictive and self destructive behaviors that numb, comfort, distract or redirect.

Lesbianism and gay marriage are the side issues in this story. While it's possible the abuse in this pair's backgrounds may have contributed to their sexual preferences and proclivities as adults, the root of their penchant to hurt, punish, rage against or destroy a defenseless child in their care and lie about it to protect themselves extends beyond their current day sexual inclinations.