Thursday, September 28, 2017

"Michelle Obama: Women who didn't vote for Clinton “voted against their own voice”"

Via CBS News:  Former first lady Michelle Obama criticized female voters who cast their ballots for President Trump while speaking at a marketing and professional development conference in Boston on Wednesday, reported.

"Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice," Obama said, while maintaining that she and her husband, former president Barack Obama, still hope for Mr. Trump's success.

"We want him to be successful," she said of Mr. Trump. "He was elected."

The former first lady, who referred to herself as a former "first spouse," engaged in a question-and-answer session with author Roxane Gay, during which she discussed her time in the White House and her husband's presidential legacy.

"Part of our legacy is leaving with grace, is being humble and diplomatic," she said, according to "The Affordable Care Act isn't Barack's legacy, it's the country's legacy." Obama also said that her role as first lady "was like being shot out of a cannon…with a blindfold and the spotlight on you." While she doesn't miss being in the White House, she is grateful for the "people and the work" she encountered there.



AllenS said...

I'll bet Michelle didn't feel that way when Hillary was trying to beat Barry for the Dem nomination.

Leland said...

See you women, you can't speak for yourself individually. You need a spokesperson, a woman, a spokeswoman to speak for you. And you were too stupid to realize this. - Paraphrasing Michelle Obama, because she didn't have Hillary speak for her.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I don't think Hillary and Michelle understand how their insulting comments push women away even more.

Go on Michelle - you want some of that Clinton Foundation action, don't you.

Chip Ahoy said...

Think of what it takes to comport with this sympathetically. You have to block out so much. You have to ignore more than you accept just to align empathetically. You have to ignore that she's talking about all women, not just Democrat women. You have to accept she believes all women must logically be Democrats as she decided for herself. And must always vote straight Democrat down the line as she does herself. You have to block out that Hillary is perfectly abominable person, far less abominable candidate, for a whole stack of profoundly sick reasons. You have to ignore all of that just to align yourself psychically, to harmonize, for a simple conversation. There are so many impossible assumptions behind a statement glib as this that just to continue talking you have to dismiss 100x more than you accept. You have to pinch yourself to finely narrow filament of discussion, just to continue talking and listening. As with a retard. A hardened resolute retard. 100x more is not permitted in your discussion or else conversation ends. And that's why conversation never begins. It's too pinched. And not just regular pinched as you do for normal conversation everyday. No. It must be seriously and impossibly pinched. Every Latino must automatically vote Democrat in Michelle's pinched worldview. Every poor person must vote Democrat in Michelle's attenuated worldview. It's axiomatic, all gays must logically vote Democrat in Michelle's achingly tightly pinched worldview. All people of all races other than white must logically and automatically reflexively vote Democrat in Michelle's worldview. All transexuals are automatic Democrats or else they vote against their own interests because being transexual, being minority, being gay, being female, being poor means only those one-dimensional things. If you are female than that's all you are is female, you have only one dimension, and that dimension is female, and it's Democrats who define what it means to be female, so logically you must vote Democrat or else you're voting against your single dimension. That's how Michelle actually thinks. It's not possible to be female and be conservative. In Michelle's worldview your values are predetermined by your DNA as hers are. Or else you don't make sense.

So if you happen to black and female, and poor and lesbian, then for Christ's sake you're Democrat and should the Democrat candidate be Satan himself, then you automatically vote for Satan, without even having to think.

Chip Ahoy said...

(Man, I am so sick of this 4,096 characters thing.)

And a whole lot of people think just like Michelle does. Her interviewer for example who can bear to talk to her. When you break through and get down to direct heart to heart conversations, that's what you get. Shallow as a thin layer of water, not even a puddle, left by an afternoon Denver rain shower. That's as deep as you'll ever get. It's not low information because they know so very much, and it's not shallow emotion because they're fiercely emotional, rather, it's non-existent connectivity between emotion and knowledge management. Its simply easier to leave emotion unchecked as emotion decides which bits of political knowledge to embrace and which bits to bat away. Michelle bats away all the best bits and large important chunks and embraces all the tiny malevolent unhelpful crap that aligns with her predominating emotional state. Therefore all women who don't automatically vote Democrat whoever the candidate for whenever the office do not vote in their own self interests. She's emotionally and intellectually too pinched to even talk to. And the people who do talk to her successfully are the same way. Or else the conversation would short circuit almost immediately.

That's my way of saying I really don't care for this woman.

But I'm busy right now not caring for the way women are depicted in Manhunt. It's about the unibomber. The story is puffed up with writers depicting the women surrounding the chief FBI profiler very poorly. The wife nags him and separates at the critical moment, a newspaper helper wants public recognition through him, a co-profiler want to jump his bones thinking he left his wife. The unibomber's own mother only cared about him being a smart kid and going to Harvard, etc., etc. It's enough to make me turn on Batkid just to see women depicted as they really are. Michelle Obama would make a good Netflix writer, she's got the female one-dimensionality depiction down pat. Don't these people even know any real women?

MamaM said...

Voted against their own voice???

Says Michelle O, who according the article, divulged that Beyoncé's "Love Drought" on her album "Lemonade" is the track she plays "over and over." Which involves a 53 year old woman listening over and over to the voice of a 36 year old woman delivering the following words "so wack" I'm not sure "wassup? (see lyrics below)

Ten times out of nine, I know you‘re lying
But nine times out of ten, I know you're trying
So I'm trying to be fair
And you're trying to be there and to care
And you're caught up in your permanent emotions
All the loving I've been giving goes unnoticed
It's just floating in the air, lookie there
Are you aware you're my lifeline, are you tryna kill me?
If I wasn't me, would you still feel me?
Like on my worst day? Or am I not thirsty, enough?
I don't care about the lights or the beams
Spend my life in the dark for the sake of you and me
Only way to go is up, skin thick, too tough

Cause you, you, you, you and me could move a mountain
You, you, you, you and me could calm a war down
You, you, you, you and me could make it rain now
You, you, you, you and me could stop this love drought

[Verse 2]
Nine times out of ten, I'm in my feelings
But ten times out of nine, I'm only human
Tell me, what did I do wrong?
Feel like that question has been posed
I'm movin' on
I'll always be committed, I been focused
I always paid attention, been devoted
Tell me, what did I do wrong?
Oh, already asked that, my bad
But you my lifeline, think you tryna kill me?
If I wasn't B, would you still feel me?
Like on my worst day? Or am I not thirsty, enough?
I don't care about the lights or the beams
Spend my life in the dark for the sake of you and me
Only way to go is up, them old bitches so wack
I'm so tough, wassup?

Cause you, you, you, you and me could move a mountain
You, you, you, you and me could calm a war down
You, you, you, you and me could make it rain now
You, you, you, you and me would stop this love drought

You and me would stop this love drought

Amartel said...

Presumptuous overbearing sexist pig.

ricpic said...

"Part of our legacy is leaving with grace....."

Like deliberately not looking at the incoming President and the incoming First Lady on Inauguration Day? Like the permanent scowl on your sullen mug throughout the entire ceremony? The verdict is in on you and your legacy, Michael.

edutcher said...

To be honest, she had that scowl on her sullen mug when she told us electing her "husband" would be the first time she could be proud of being American.

But, to the matter at hand, apparently Mike thinks Conservative women need to be told by their husbands, but Lefty women being told by some celebrity airhead who sexually abused her sister when she was a kid that voting for a Lefty is like losing one's virginity (or maybe just having a climax) is different.