Sunday, September 24, 2017

"Hillary Clinton: Women Who Support Trump Are ‘Publicly Disrespecting Themselves’"

Via Drudge:  "When I see women doing that (supporting Trump), I think why are they publicly disrespecting themselves? Why are they opening the door to have someone say that about them in their workplace? In a community setting? Do they not see the connection there?" Clinton said in an interview on AM Joy.

She added that the fight against sexism is ongoing, even for women. She also pointed out that, while more women voted for her, she lost white women's vote. However, she said progress was still made because she won more votes from white women than former President Barack Obama did.

"We had such a public and still an ongoing movement to expand civil rights. Again, I'm proud of the progress, but we still have a lot of problems we have to confront," Clinton told Joy Reid during the interview.

(Link to more)


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Every American who voted for Hillary should hang their head in shame. Shame on you!

edutcher said...

She, of course, wasn't doing anything of the kind when she stayed with the serial rapist and crooked politician.

I don't doubt she expects Steiner and 12th Army to break through and revoke the election for her.

AllenS said...



A question, and an answer

bagoh20 said...

Hillary has said far worse things about women than Trump ever did, and it's not even close.
Beside the quote in this post which is pretty insulting to women she doesn't even know, she also attacked rape and sexual assault victims including a teen rape victim and multiple adult victims of her husband, and she did so with lies. I never heard Trump do anything near that bad. The worst he did is tell the truth by saying celebrity-struck women he new personally are easy. Who argues with that?

bagoh20 said...

Democrat presidential candidates win or lose just can't shut up and go away when they are through. They continue to debase themselves. Why is that so overwhelmingly a sickness of Democrats rather than Republicans? Where are the Republican candidates or or ex-presidents vigorously hocking their faces all over the place like C-list celelbrities? The Clintons, Gore, Obama, Carter. They just keep milking the system, playing professional politician, and racking in dough from their "service" till they die.

It's like Democrats run for President just for the money they can make afterward.

Chip Ahoy said...

That's right, Bagoh, but try telling that to a Democrat. They'll respond instantly with the last time they noticed a Republican ex-president deliver a speech or appear on a show, or hawk a book or show their paintings because the pure irritation of seeing them again got on their nerves irritatingly. Just seeing them again is painful. Without knowing, far less accepting, by pinpointing those outlying incidents they're proving the point where the exceptions prove the rule.

For Democrats political office is life itself. For Obama it was clawing his way upward to celebrity status. Rap artists, no matter their content, Hollywood actors, millionairesandbillionaires, sports athletes. Yay! Now he's one of them.

Where as with Trump the presidency is a step down. He was sports club owner himself. He knows actresses to be gold diggers. He actually doesn't have the awestruck respect nor the upwardly mobile ambitions that public office affords. All that is behind him, somewhat below him. He's dismissive with "sons of bitches" to him that's what athletes are.

Some late night show interviewed a big ugly arrogant old white dude who said guys come up to him and brag about their big ugly white old dude sparkling opulent Rolodex watch and the guy stretches his arm to reveal a subtle inconspicuous watch and says, my watch is worth a dozen Rolodexes. Or something to that affect. Basically doing what they did. Trump is a bit like that. The attention, fame, influence and wealth that people like Obama and Hillary Clinton take as their goal in life in perpetuity, while for Trump and for other Republicans all that is behind them.

Kissinger is a notable exception. His continued existence just flat pisses off Democrats.

bagoh20 said...

I'm so cool I don't even own a wrist watch - not a single one of any type. I do have a $10 clock on the kitchen wall which I could hang around my neck, but that's been done already by a diminutive rapper who proves just how true Trump's point about celebrity groupies was.

You did what with Flava Flav? Damn, that's disgusting, and why are telling people?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Women who throw other women under the bus because it might interfere with their personal political power are especially contemptible.

chickelit said...

Hillary is not going away, folks. She is full of fury and wants reparations.

rcommal said...

Oh, puke. Puke on H&B Clinton. Also, puke on D.J. Trump.

They all make me puke, those of kinds for whom I've never had use and still do not unto this very day.

Amartel said...

On top of everything else that is wrong with her she's really quite an idiot. I don't think it's all due to lack of empathy and self-absorption and entitlement. She's just not that bright.

Leland said...

Oh and Hillary's BFF husband, whom Hillary supported for public office, just got 21 months for asking and watching an underage girl fondle herself.

Tell us more Hillary about this public disrespect?

Amartel said...

21 months without an internet connection. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

MamaM said...

Public disrespect, like not showing up as the appointed leader of her party on election night, to acknowledge the thousands of supporters who voted for her and thank them for their support, is a behavior Hillary knows like the back of her hand and adeptly delivers. She may not be all that bright, but she's masterful at projecting.