Friday, August 18, 2017

"Fighting Nazis doesn’t make ‘antifa’ the good guys"

"... history is relevant today because of the depressingly idiotic argument about whether it’s OK to equate “antifa” — left-wing radicals — with the neo-Nazi and white supremacist rabble that recently descended on Charlottesville, Va. The president claims there were “very fine people” on both sides of the protest and that the “anti-fascist” radicals are equally blameworthy. He borrowed from Fox News’ Sean Hannity the bogus term “alt-left” to describe the antifa radicals."
The term is bogus because, unlike the alt-right, nobody calls themselves “the alt-left.” That’s too bad. One of the only nice things about the alt-right is that its leaders are honest about the fact that they want nothing to do with traditional American conservatism. Like the original Nazis, they seek to replace the traditional right with their racial hogwash.

The antifa crowd has a very similar agenda with regard to American liberalism. These goons and thugs oppose free speech, celebrate violence, despise dissent and have little use for anything else in the American political tradition. But many liberals, particularly in the media, are victims of the same kind of confusion that vexed so much of American liberalism in the 20th century. Because antifa suddenly has the (alt-)right enemies, they must be the good guys.

They’re not. And that’s why this debate is so toxically stupid. Fine, antifa isn’t as bad as the KKK. Who cares? Since when is being less bad than the Klan a major moral accomplishment?

In these tribal times, the impulse to support anyone who shares your enemies is powerful. But it’s a morally stunted reflex. This is America. You’re free to denounce totalitarians wherever you find them — even if they might hate the right people.
(Link to the entire article)


Trooper York said...

"In these tribal times, the impulse to support anyone who shares your enemies is powerful. But it’s a morally stunted reflex. This is America. You’re free to denounce totalitarians wherever you find them — even if they might hate the right people."

The point is we have passed the time where you are free to denounce totalitarians. You lose you job like the guy at Google. If you are on the wrong side of an issue they dox you like the people who were protesting at the removal of the statutes. You could be against that without being a Nazi even though you will never hear that in the press. The time for mealy mouth wishy washy bullshit is over.

You need to pick your tribe. Actually you can't pick. You already have your uniform. The center did not hold.

Trooper York said...

Hey Lem did you see that the moron owner of the Red Sox wants to remove Tom Yawkey's name from the street outside Fenway because he was a racist?

It is never going to end. You remove one statue they will never stop.

In fact I think soon enough they will go into the churches to demand that they remove the statutes of Saints and martyrs. They are already forcing the removal of crucifixes and the Ten Commandments. Soon they will be coming into your places of worship. Nothing is safe. Not churches. Not graveyards. Not your home.

Trooper York said...

I predict that they will dig up the bodies of Confederate soldiers and desecrate their bodies to "celebrate" diversity and progressive values.

General Nathan Bedford Forrest will be the first. They will go in at the dead of night and dig up his bones and desecrate them.

Rabel said...

Fighting Antifa doesn't make NRO the good guys.

ndspinelli said...

In Madison, Camp Randall, where the Union had a POW prison, had Confederate soldiers die in captivity. As an aside, the Badger football stadium sits on the grounds of Camp Randall. Anyway, these Confederate soldiers were buried in a Madison cemetery w/ modest signs indicating the Confederate laying to rest there. The former Weather Underground mayor, Paul Soglin, had those modest signs removed.

An NPR/Marist poll, taken THIS WEEK, has 62% of Americans wanting statues to REMAIN. That includes a majority of white, Hispanic and BLACK people. This is a winning issue and Trump is pissing on both legs, which seems to be his specialty.

ndspinelli said...

Hey, Yawkey was the last owner to have a black MLB player in 1959. But, he was a real star named Pumpsie Green. A .240 hitter w/ no power.

ndspinelli said...

There is an elephant in the room. Steve Bannon was kicked to the curb. NYC limo liberals and Deep State globalists have won. This is a clusterfuck!

ndspinelli said...

I can't wait to hear Baghdad Ed's spin.

ricpic said...

Read any screed put out by Antifa and you'll be stunned by the total savagery of the plan to ANNIHILATE AMERICA AND YOU.

A plan, by the way, with the complete support of the "respectables" in the MSM and Democrat Party.

Antifa is the shock attack force. Once the country is sufficiently demoralized all liberty will be abolished by THOROUGHLY RESPECTABLE PEOPLE in the name of blah blah blah.

Seem impossible? Talk to the young, who value almost everything above liberty. In fact many of the young hate liberty -- it's so nasty.

AllenS said...

You know what else is way past due being removed? Indian reservations. Think about it, how racist for those white men a long time ago, to create Indian reservations. The problem is, if you tried to do that, Indians would scream bloody murder. It's become a way of life. Big problems with suicide, drug addition, violence against women, and among each other. Too bad that they wouldn't have it any other way.

bagoh20 said...

Who is worse and who is better?

I don't care much what people say - I care about actions. That's why I can accept and even support Trump, despite a lot of Trump words I don't agree with. I don't care what NAZIs or the KKK say, or what groups like Antifa or BLM say. I care what they all do. Based on actions, the KKK and the NAZIs are not only less dangerous to our nation, they almost don't exist. They affect no policy. They have no power. They have nobody's support, and it's gonna stay that way. I wish I could say the same about the groups on the left who are quite dangerous becuase of what they do and the support they have. The media, the Democrats, and the GOPe have all proven that threat now, while simultaneously demonstrating why the KKK and the NAZIs are no danger to us at all.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Indians are most poverty stricken today becuase tribes and reservations are set up as communist governments with no private property and plenty of corruption. Indians that have adopted private property laws are far outperforming their communist brothers. In some cases you can see the difference from satellite photos, like the line between North and South Korea or at our southern border.

John Stossel: "Why Are Indians Poor?"

edutcher said...

Considering I was right while nd was egging the former April on last year in her Trumpist thug frenzy, he's hardly in a position to say who's won or lost. After all, the Libertarians' biggest electoral success was Jesse Ventura.

As for Bannon, there seems top be a lot of confusion out there, much of it driven by "reliable sources"; Gateway, for example, is speculating Trump may change his mind. My attitude is, for the moment, "Believe it when you see it".

On know-it-all's Henry Gibson front, one of Trump's lawyers is looking for Mueller to be out of gas by Thanksgiving. This comes a day after NPR voiced similar sentiments. So the idea that letting Mueller do his worst and end up looking like the Lefty fool he is, may be vindicated.

As to the subject of this post, just remember Uncle Joe and Chairman Mao fought the bad guys in WWII. Lessee, Hitler murdered about 14 mil and the Nips 30. Stalin did in 53 mil and Mao holds the heavyweight champeenship at 66 mil.


PS Gateway is also speculating Bannon goes back to Breitbart to put it a bit more on track. May be the plan. I'd say The Donald has shown he knows his own mind.

If you're into 37 dimensional virtual stealth ninja chess, having an attack dog in the media may be more valuable than having him in the White House.

We shall see (which is something the self centered, know-it-all "I tell the truth" teller also says quite often in addition to YMMV and if wrong, I will happily stand corrected).

Rabel said...

"one of Trump's lawyers is looking for Mueller to be out of gas by Thanksgiving."

Spikes up!

ndspinelli said...

Baghdad Ed is morphing into Professor Irwin Corey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like John Stossel. Why can't we have someone like John Stossel as president?

ndspinelli said...

My bride had a lotta dealing w/ Indians. Since reservations, or "The Rez" as they call it, is under Federal jurisdiction, she would deal w/ all sorts of petty crimes. As a Federal PO, they usually deal w/ significant cases, not petty theft, DUI, etc.

Allen described reservations in a nutshell. Back in the 80's, before Pabst became hipster, it was just a cheap beer that Indians loved. A retired homicide detective I hired was an expert on suicide. The reservations would ask him in to check out their many suicides. We stopped for a beer one time after work and I ordered a shot of whiskey and a Pabst. He chuckled and said, "I didn't know you drank Indian beer" which is what many LEO's call it. That was the first I heard the term. Actually, knowing it is, or was, the beer Indians drank, would move it up even further for hipsters.

ndspinelli said...

Dick, He would need to shave that porn mustache.

Trooper York said...

I am away from my computer but I will have a Bannn post soon.

Trooper York said...

I will say that Trumps Presidency is over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How much of our tax dollars are paying for the bogus Trump and poot investigation?

No money for Seth RicH?

Trooper York said...

Bannon was let go because he was standing firm against more neocon wars. When he told the truth about Korea he had to go.

Amartel said...

If it's any consolation, the Nazi thing has run out of steam everywhere except in DC, punditland and the outer feverswamps. Even here in blumerica it's not the big deal turning point they hoped for. Don't get too wrapped up in the media bullshit because that's all it is.
Enjoy the weekend!

edutcher said...

Amartel, NPR did a poll that has Trump at 62% on this, so the country seems to get the issues.

The Trump Presidency is hardly over. Bannon gave a statement saying, He's going to war for Donald Trump. Not only does that jibe with my earlier guess, but he's already back at Breitbart saying he's going to war against Trump's opponents — on capitol hill, in the media, and in corporate America.

Sounds like he sat down with The donald and worked all of this out.

PS nd is morphing into Jerry Lewis.

Trooper York said...

That is face saving bullshit Ed.

Bannon is out and the globalists have won.

We will not get out of Afghanistan.

We will not repudiate the Iran deal.

We will have a war with North Korea in one form or another.

We will not have detente with Russia.

We will remain meddling in Syria.

We will not slap tariffs on China to help our manufacturing.

You have to realize that the movement has been betrayed.

Trooper York said...

Trump has the right instincts but Bannon and Miller are the only ones who reinforced him.

Miller will be the next target.

Trump got rolled by the Generals and the Deep State.

The Dude said...

Let me be the first to say that Nick is beloved in France. Beloved, I'm tellin' ya!

And in at least one small portion of the South.

edutcher said...

No, Troop's been listening to much to the alt-right crowd.

This is no different than the idea Darth Cheney pulled Dubya's strings.

BTW It wouldn't be another war with Korea. We've had the same one for 65 years.

Trooper York said...

Ed I am listening to the facts.

The Nationalists have been purged.

Obama holdovers and the Deep State Generals are in charge.

Where is the Wall?

Where are the Tariffs?

Where is the repeal and replacement of Obamacare?

If we remain in Afghanistan and increase troop levels then that is all she wrote.

The Deep State and the Swamp has won.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...
There is an elephant in the room. Steve Bannon was kicked to the curb. NYC limo liberals and Deep State globalists have won. This is a clusterfuck!

Not so much. Bannon can now work outside the DC clusterfuck and still advise Trump, just not in an official capacity, but as a private citizen. That may hold more cache and sweat equity. This isn't over by a long shot.

Trooper York said...

Korea is a rathole and a drain on our blood and treasure for seventy years. When will ever end?

Do we need to send the Marines to rescue Charlton Heston and Eva Gardner in the Embassy at Pieking. At some point wars need to end.

Trooper York said...

Oh and Ed. I am not listen g to the alt-right.

I am the alt-right.

Trooper York said...

I am also Spatacus.

Trooper York said...

I want to throw off the bonds of slavery to the patrician elite.

edutcher said...

Last I looked, some of that stuff has to go through Congress and The Donald is working on overthrowing the Whigs, witness AZ and AL.

The Wall is proceeding and, last I looked, Kim blinked.

PS Meth, nd is making the defeatist noises all Libertarians make.

PPS Troop, you may not be Spartacus (he just wanted to go home), but you're starting to sound like Stephen Colbert.

Trooper York said...

Ed I have to respect you stolid immobility. The fact is the Wall is not proceeding. The drumbeat for wars in Korea, Afghanistan and Syria continues. The Generals and the Deep State have taken the reigns of power.

The only way Trump can get things through Congress is if they are afraid of him and the base. Well he betrayed the base by firing Bannon and the nationalists. They won the election for him. Have no doubt about that.

Bannon had different ideas than the normal Republican tax cut protection for the rich. He was worried about the working class. About jobs for the unemployed whites in places like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Not endless wars. Not the bullshit that the Democrats on his staff are lining up for him.

This is not what I voted for. Sorry.

Trooper York said...

Trump broadened the base of the Republican party when he brought the working class into the fold. They want jobs. Infrastructure. The Wall. Repealing Obamacare. The things he promised.

Not wars with Korea. Ramping up the war in Afghanistan.

President Trump had to go to war with the Congress. To force them to be afraid of the base and produce. Or be primaried by a new party. A Trump party. A Nationalist America First party. Not the same old Washington Generals failure theatre bullshit.

Trooper York said...

Sparatacus was in fact a Roman Soldier. He was from Thrace but he basically wanted to live the life of the rich. He became a leader by accident. By forces beyond his control.

Much like Trump.

The only thing is that Spartacus did not crucify his own troops. It was the Neocons...err the Romans.

edutcher said...

Not really, Spartacus was a deserter who was caught and enslaved.

Korea has cooled down, not heated up, and the man Trump hired to spearhead a new foreign policy was Sessions, not Bannon.

As of now, what military action that's going on is very low-key. That's not what Songbird McCain and Miss Lindsey want.

And jobs are booming right now. I always said don't expect everything, but you'll get most of what you want.We'll see.

FWIW That business of "Trump's Presidency is over" is Bannon's rap. I think he forgot who's the boss, maybe it's the real reason he had to go. I also think you're listening to Bannon's propaganda a bit too much.

chickelit said...

Are we riven yet?

Polarize, attack, depolarize.

Leland said...

Korea has cooled down

US and South Korea War Games start next week despite international calls to cancel it this year or at least keep it low key.

the man Trump hired to spearhead a new foreign policy was Sessions, not Bannon.

This is the reason I typically don't respond to you, Ed. What the hell is that line supposed to mean? There's nothing about it that makes a lick of sense. Neither Bannon, and especially Sessions, roles have anything to do with foreign policy. The suggestion that Trump hired these two, put them in their roles, and expected them to spearhead foreign policy suggests that Trump really is an idiot and doesn't have a clue about how the US government works. Yet you put that statement out there in defense of Trump.

It leaves me speechless, because how does one refute the self-refutable? How do you ridicule something that does a good job on its own.