Thursday, July 27, 2017

"Wasserman Schultz kept paying tech expert suspected of stealing House computers"

Via InstapunditWhen a computer expert who worked for congressional Democrats was accused of stealing computers and data systems in February, members of Congress cut him loose within days, leaving Imran Awan with no supporters five months later.

Except for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The Weston Democrat has not explained in detail why she continued to employ Awan until Tuesday when she fired him — after he was arrested on bank-fraud charges at Dulles International Airport in Virginia attempting to board a flight to Pakistan.

And she has not elaborated on what work Awan did for her after he lost access to the House computer network.

She declined to answer questions about Awan in Washington on Wednesday, and her spokesman, David Damron, accompanied her to the House floor while instructing a reporter that Wasserman Schultz would not take questions about her former employee.

(Link to more)


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Democrats have a corruption problem. Media not interested.

chickelit said...

A Trump penectomy is more important to the DNC hack press.

Methadras said...

She kept him on and paid him so she could keep him close the vest because he knew where the bones are buried and most likely they worked out a deal where that funnel of hush money could still flow.

edutcher said...

You get the feeling Lefty DC is sweating even in the AC.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The little nothing scandal that's threatening to unravel the DNC shenanigans.

Btw did you know the federal attorney in charge of this investigation is none other than Debbie Waserman brother?

Something stinks here and the media don't even want to look.

Chip Ahoy said...

I don't understand this at all. But then nobody does. So then, given everything that we do know we're forced to assume corruption, and knowing the bizarre machinations of this woman's brain we must assume corruption so entangled that it takes a planet of forensic psychological crime investigators to sort. Then again it could so simple as Waterman Black spying on her own compatriots by their computers. I wish that I was smart enough to go into another country and ingratiate myself to weirdly mangled politicians and get paid twice for doing the same thing. But my mind is sillier than that.

I tire of seeing the same things wherever I go. I wonder why I follow politics so closely. It gives me nothing but grief. It does not elevate me among my peers. There is no joy in telling them, "Jesus Christ, you're fucking stupid." They just keep right on arguing their low information stupid shit. Observers delight in a genuine fight but nobody learns anything. I certainly don't, not from those discussions. And lately the practice makes people so upset they get so worked up nervously it affects them physically, their blood pressure blows and they actually shut down. They tell me this directly. Everyone that I know actually cannot speak to me on these subjects that I know. It's worse than if I would cram Egyptian hieroglyphics into their ears because there is no immediate hazard in that to their delicate mental structures.

Although I'm enjoying all the social disruption tremendously.

Chip Ahoy said...

For example, observing the reaction to trans in military, all the very real and pure hatred expressed noisily makes me laugh instead of making me anxious. The predictability of celebrity reaction floods me with amusement and glee. George Takei's entire fierce political mental structure built up around stupid little dick makes me laugh. Gaga going on offense using suicide statistics as her basis for argument just flat cracks me up. It makes me enjoy the little dumb asses even more. It's more entertaining than their actual entertainment oeuvre that is already tremendous.

I must enjoy it in private.

Because the joy that come to me outside politics comes by way of a thousand little things extended outside of myself. It comes by way of tiny brief conversations extended to strangers that bridge psychic gaps.

Would you like to see something awful?

Just awful. Breitbart selected the worst picture they could find for Waterman Black that they could find. And there are some dreadful photographs of her out there too. Somebody showed her how to apply eyeliner way back when she was twelve and she hasn't changed since. But this photo does not show that dreadful application. This one is different. It's the type of closeup where the light comes in from the upper side so that every line on the face is displayed by its shadow. The visage is sternly resolute while protective and suspicious, and her hair is shown old and completely dry and terribly abused by hot curling. She has attained the age where her hair is best worn cut short but instead it’s retained and treated as if it is still young and healthy when it is not. Those type of curls are for Shirley Temple, and not for an aging Representative. But she cannot make a break with her earlier style. Man, that camera is cruel. To be so honest as this. (Blogger wouldn't accept HTML)

(And speaking of planets, I can't stop thinking about this, yesterday on Bones a character discovers he has a brother who was institutionalized before he was born. He goes there to meet his brother. His brother is way out there with science and technology and reading. They read the same things. He says, "Titan, a moon of Neptune" and I'm all, "f'k'n what?" Come on! I read a book about that one time when I was like ten, Sirens of Titan, the Bones writers have this guy saying the wrong planet. And everyone's supposed to be smart on that show.)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip, there is always kitten stuff on the internet to amuse you. Ace had a video of a puppy who wanted to play with a ball but did not know how to do it.

I hope that helps.

ndspinelli said...

In my lifetime, the 2 sleaziest, and sleaziest looking, politicians are Jewish Democrats; Bob Filner and this bimbo. They are caricatures of Jews.

ndspinelli said...

Filner was a member of the House before greasing up the San Diego Mayor's office.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing. She always has to pay for sex so she is just used to paying everyone for everything. Just sayn'

Amartel said...

nd, I know we're focused on Debbie Downer (wah wah) today but what about:
Any and all Clintons?
Harry Reid (aka Senator Pat Geary)?
Maxine Waters (aka Mad Max)?
Rod Blagoevich?
John Edwards (ick, nast, feh)?
Robert Menendez?
Alan Grayson?
I could go on ... and on and on

Amartel said...

Those IT guys were blackmailing her and probably a lot of other congress critters and they were passing U.S. secrets to Pakistan. This is yoooge.

Rabel said...

Not to be a know it all, but...

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, Your list is a good sleazeball list w/ all looking the part. I just think Debbie and Filner actually look like serpents. The first time my bride saw Filner on TV, before any of his sexual shit came to light, she literally recoiled at the sight of him.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

she literally recoiled at the sight of him.

She wasn't the only one. When you see repugnant evil staring back at you, it will give you that reaction.